Ex. 9. Replace the underlined words with a single word. 1. I’ve heard a lot about you so I’m very pleased and happy to meet you at last


1. I’ve heard a lot about you so I’m very pleased and happy to meet you at last.

2. If you want to do something difficult, try walking in the Arctic – it’s a real difficult task that could test your strength and abilities.

3. We need another source of earning money if we are planning to have a big family.

4. Africa isn’t a country, it’s a large mass of land surrounded by sea.

5. They didn’t have a relationship for a very long time, it was only very short.

6. Ross was an Arctic explorer and popular man whom many people admired.

7. We had an awful travelling from one place to another – there was heavy snow and the car broke down.

8. The train was full of people, and we had to stand.

9. Trying not to look down, Alan began to move up.

10. The man went after her home to find out where she lived.



Ex. 10. TranslateintoEnglish.


1. У Джуди – три работы, поэтому у нее высокий доход.

2. Очень часто школьники следуют по стопам своих родителей или дедушек и бабушек, когда выбирают профессию.

3. Мы ремонтируем свою квартиру уже больше года, но так и не закончили еще. На это есть несколько причин.

4. Всегда есть люди, которые мечтают об исследовании морей, океанов, гор, северного и южного полюсов. Им приходится усиленно тренироваться. Преподаватели по физической подготовке помогают им быть хорошо подготовленными к длительному и трудному путешествию.

5. В нашем городе пенсионеры не платят за доставку продуктов из супермаркетов.

6. Во время экономического кризиса многие люди теряют работу, дома, семьи и становятся бездомными. Одни из них начинают пить, принимать наркотики, воровать. Другие же зарабатывают деньги, продавая на улицах газеты и журналы.

7. Сейчас лето, и дети проводят много времени, играя в игры на открытом воздухе. Им нужен свежий воздух и здоровая еда.

8. Родители Кима переехали в деревню. Они не могли привыкнуть к шуму транспорта. Им надоели переполненные автобусы.

9. Мальчики устали. Их лица раскраснелись, их одежда и руки грязные, потому что они три часа играли в футбол.

10. Игорь разрешает своим детям играть в компьютерные игры только по 20 минут два раза в неделю. Они не согласны.

11. Имя юной путешественницы, которая исследовала остров в океане, было занесено в книгу рекордов. Один экземпляр этой книги стоит на полке в ее комнате. Он напоминает исследователю о тех днях, когда она преодолела пешком по острову маршрут в 300 миль.

12. Знаменитости иногда маскируются (изменяют внешность) перед тем, как выйти на улицу.

13. Болельщики были восхищены прекрасной игрой своей любимой команды.

14. – Ты победитель! Мои поздравления!
– Но я проиграл!

– Тогда извини. Как жаль! Но не принимай близко к сердцу, ты добьешься успеха в следующий раз.

15. Честно говоря, я не сочувствую студенту, который только что провалил экзамен. Он не посещал занятия в течение всего семестра.



Followup.Write about people doing unusual/dangerous things.




Unit I


advice n

agony aunt n

adventure n

blind date n

casual adj

comfortable adj

couple n

course n

designer n

downtown (US) n

foreign adj

funny adj

good fun adj

good looking adj

graduate v

grow up v

hard (=difficult) adj

information n

kid (child) n

leave v

medicine n

outgoing adj

poor adj

problem n

relationship adj

retired adj

separate adj

share v

single adj

sometimes adv

star sign n

successful adj

twin n

wonderful adj



Unit II


abroad adv

accent n

accident n

at least adv

awful adv

celeb (celebrity) n

clear up v

communication n

competition n

disadvantage n

distance n

divide v

divorced adj

do overtime v

dormitory n

employ v

essential adj

exhausting adj

flat adj

glamorous adj

hairdresser n

have something in common

(=to share interests or


impossible adj

keep (us) busy v

landscape n

lifestyle n

lonely adj

lucky adj

mess n

miss v

practise v

rent v

situated pp

social life n

strange adj

technology n

That’s really kind of you.

tiring adj

trendy adj

uniform n

useful adj

view n

view of n

wage n

wonderful adj

Unit III


amazed adj

angry (with sb) adj

apartment n

assassin n

big spender n

break into v

breathe v

burglar n

capture v

creep v

crime n

curse v

curtain n

describe v

destroy v

downstairs adv

dream (about sth) v

fortunately adv

ghost n

golden adj

guiltily adv

haunt v

heavily adv

hide v

hit man n

hungry adj

invitation n

joke n

knock on the door v

lead v

let out v

lock v

lorry n

lose v

marks n (get good marks

in an exam)

mend v

message n

midnight n

mystery n

peacefully adv

point (straight at sth/sb) v

prison n

quietly adv

relief n

run out of v

secret agent n

spending spree n

steal v

straight adv

suddenly adv

switch off v

thief n

translation n

turn on v

unfortunately adv

unlock v

urgently adv

went off (a gun=fired) v

whisper v

worry v

worth adj



Unit IV


adult n

allergic adj

amazing adj

ancient adj

antique n

aromatic adj

backpack n

baker’s (shop) n

bargain (for sth) v

be packed with

bored adj

brands n

bunch (of) n

busy adj

cashier n

certainly adv

change n

changing room n

chemist’s n

choose v

clever idea n

collect v

colourful adj

cooker n

cost n

count (money) v

covered (with sth) adj

create v

customer n

delicious adj

desert n

doughnut n

dozen n

endless adj

everything pron

fascinating adj

fine (=good quality) adj

float v

for goodness sake!

for sale

forget v

furniture n

global adj

greengrocer’s n

grocer’s (shop) n

grown (grown locally) pp

herb n

huge adj

jewellery n

loaf (of) n

luxurious adj

market n

narrow adj

newsagent’s n

noisy adj

peaceful adj

product n

seller n

shopping list n

size n

sore throat

spectacular adj

spice n

stalls npl

tissue n

traditional adj

wooden adj


Unit V


affect v

ambition n

annoyed adj

annoying adj

argue (with sb) v

average adj

be pleased for sb

be responsible v

behaviour n

blame v

body piercing n

bored adj

boring adj

brat n

bullying n

cheating n

confused adj

confusing adj

depressed adj

depressing adj

desperate adj

disappointed adj

disappointing adj

divorced adj

end up v

experience n

fault n

fed up with

feel sorry for v

frightened adj

frightening adj

get married v

give up (=stop doing sth) v

grade n

hike n

hope n

horrible (to sb) adj

hurt adj

incredible adj

innocence n

instruction n

intelligent adj

invite v

lend v

lie n

look forward to (doing sth) v

occupation n

orders (follow orders) npl

out of control

play truant (=not to go to school)

promise v

rebel (against sb or sth) v

remarried adj

save money

seriously adv

shocked adj

shocking adj

steal v

swearing n

take drugs v

tired of adj

tough adj

troubled adj

trust n, v



Unit VI


absolutely adv

advantage n

afford v

amazing adj

angry adj

backpack n

be accepted v

birthplace n

book (a room) v

booking fee n

break up v

brilliant adj

building n

check in v

client n

community n

contemporary adj

cosmopolitan adj

diverse adj

earn v

fashionable adj

fed up adj

fluency n

foreigner n

friendliest adj

general knowledge n

generous adj

get better

get on well v

guide n

historical adj

homeland n

host v

impolite adj

in particular

in the beginning

independence n

industrial adj

lonely adj

mean adj

messy adj

miserable adj

modern adj

neighbour n

owner n

passion n

pleasure n

polite adj

population n

principle n

receptionist n

rude adj

science fiction n

separate adj

shocking adj

sights npl

sightseeing tour n

spicy adj

stare v

stick together (=stay together) v

sunset n

talented adj

terrible adj

test n

thriller n

untidy adj

vibrant adj

vitality n

Unit VII


accident n

accountant n

advertise v

advertisement n

album n

alive adj

ambitious adj

artist n

attend v

bad-tempered adj

band n

bodyguard n

calm adj

chef n

courage n

danger n

decide v

decision n

difference n

disaster n

disastrous adj

drama queen n

drum n

easy-going adj

employ v

employer n

employment n

explain v

explanation n

fame n

famous adj

fire (from a job) v

flopped (=been unsuccessful) pp

founder member n

friendly adj

guitar n

havoc (play havoc with sth) n

hire v

imagination n

including prep

influenced (by sb/sth) pp

interpreter n

invitation n

journalist n

kind adj

librarian n

member n

misfortunes n pl

model v

moody adj

musician n

nervous breakdown n

noisy adj

paparazzi n pl

patient adj

patient n

performance n

personal trainer n

photographer n

politician n

private jet n

reception n

refer to v

related adj

sack n

saxophone n

selfish adj

spoilt adj

temperamental adj

thoughtful adj

tragedy n

tragic adj

trumpet n

upset adj





ability n

ache v

ankle n

apologize v

apply v

application n

architect n

assistance n

be on call

behave v

bill n

blow your nose

builder n

bully n

career n

chat v

childcare n

coward n

detective n

development n

enquire v

equal opportunities n

fall in love

feed v

fire fighter n

food poisoning n

gender n

gender gap n

glands n pl

hairdresser n

ignore v

inform v

interview n, v

liquid n

mechanic n

message n

nanny n

nappy n

necessary adj

night shift n

non-traditional adj

obligation n

opinion n

plumber n

prejudice n

prescribe v

prescription n

profession n

psychology n

racism n

reassure v

regret (to inform you) v

ruin v

satisfaction n

sexism n

signature n

sneeze v

sore throat

stay calm

stomach-ache n

surgery n

swallow v

swollen pp

take care of v

taxi-driver n

tough adj

traditionally adv

twist v

unsocial adj

Unit IX


addict n

answerphone n

army n

as soon as

atmosphere n

awful adj

be bothered

be determined to do sth

be in control (of a situation)

carefree adj

consultant n

crowded adj

debt n

delayed adj

desire n

destination n

distance n

door to door

earn v

environment n

escape v

favour n

firework n

fluent adj

flight n

fortune (=a lot of money) n

freedom n

gap year n

chase v

get on well (with sb) v

harmed by (=damaged by) pp

I can’t see the point. coll

It’s your turn. coll

join v

mess n

message n

money worries

normal adj

path n

pollute v

pros and cons

put sb off sth (=stop sb liking sth)

readjust v

refer to v

retired adj

routine n

ruin v

run away v

sailor n

salary n

save v

stressful adj

tablet n

Take care!

traffic jam n

unwillingness n

wild adj

without doubt

wood n


Unit X


accurate adj

annoy v

award v

be broke (=have no money) v coll

be related to (sb) v

borrow v

cell n

century n

certain adj

climb v

commit (a crime) v

complain v

complaint n

contain v

criminal n

cure n

develop n

discover v

discovery n

disease n


domestic adj

dream v

dream of v

electricity n

experiment n

fault n

guilty adj

heartbroken adj

homesick adj

hopeless adj

illegal adj

immediately adv

invention n

item n

keep a secret v

lie n

lift (give sb a lift) n

litter n

luggage n

make a complaint v

miracle n

novel (=book) n

operation n

passenger n

poet n

popularity n

produce v

publish v

rarely adv

recently adv

science fiction

search engine n

successful adj

suspect n

technology n

the truth n

unique adj

Unit XI


accept v

active adj

afterwards adv

agree v

ambition n

ambitious adj

ash n

at the last minute

ban v

be made redundant

can’t stand

block v

break down v

certain adj

chatter v

cloud n

contaminated adj

crazy adj

crops n pl

crossroads n pl

currently adv

decision n

do well (=be successful) v

dream of sth v

erupt v

eventually adv

expression n

extinct adj

fail v

famine n

freeze v

frightening adj

global adj

greenhouse n

have a row (=argument) v

huge adj

impressed adj

junk n

leader n

look for v

Look out!

look up v

ordinary adj

pick up v

possibility n

put off v

recycle v

run (a company) v

run out of v

shanty town n

shock n

stranger n

sunlight n

take off v

throw away v

try on v

turn off v

unlikely adv

volcano n



Unit XII


autobiography n

break (a record) v

brief adj

challenge n

climb v


continent n

crowded adj

decorate (a house) v

delighted adj

delivery n

dirty adj

disguise v

explore v

explorer n

fed up adj

follow v

footsteps n pl

fresh air n

get used to sth v

hard adj

hero n

hide v

homeless adj

honest adj

hurt v

in somebody’s footsteps

income n

journey n

let v

mend v

outdoor adj

peak (of a mountain) n

physical education n

pretty (=quite) advcoll

present v

reason n

record books n

remind v

silly adj

stay calm v

subway station n US

succeed v

successful adj

swear (=I promise) v

sympathetic adj

take drugs v

take it easy

trip n

well-prepared adj

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