Ex.8. Translate into English

1. Какой потрясающий человек! Настоящий Монтекристо. 2. Она такая романтичная! Ну просто Наташа Ростова. 3. – Я вижу, что твой приятель – мастер на все руки.- Да, и ничего не делает толком. 4. Он настоящий Казанова. Почему она его не оставит? 5. – Какие вкусные конфеты! – Да, это Моцарт. 6. Что это за духи? – Это Кензо. 7. На этой стоянке припарковано несколько машин: Мерседес, Хонда, Линкольн, Форд и старенький Москвич. 8. – Тебе нравится эта картина? – Это Пикассо. 9. На стенах его кабинета развешено оружие: кольт, винчестер, браунинг, калашников. 10. Англичанин Ватман изобрел бумагу, которая называется его именем. 11. Ричард Чемберлен купил маленький остров и живет на нем как современный Робинзон Крузо. 12. Какую сигару ты куришь? – Это Корона. 13. В этом зале выставлено три Рембрандта. 14. Это была современная сказка о принце и Золушке. 15. – Какое очаровательное платье! – Неудивительно, ведь это Шанель.

§2. Noun as a part of speech possesses certain morphological characteristics. From the point of view of morphology nouns are characterized by the grammatical categories of number and case.


2.1 Gender does not find regular morphological expression in English. The distinction of male, female and neuter is carried by lexical meaning of the word. There is a traditional division of nouns in English into three classes according to their lexical meaning:

ü Masculine gender (referred to as he): father, boy, brother

ü Feminine gender (referred to as she): mother, girl, sister

ü Neuter gender (referred to as it – names of lifeless things and abstract notions): table, lamp, kindness, anger.

☼ Note: The nouns “child” and “baby ” are sometimes

referred to as it.

e.g. The child has broken its toy.

The baby hurt its foot.

The distinction of male, female and neuter in English may be expressed not only lexically, but also by word formation of different types. There are three ways in which masculine and feminine genders are distinguished:

1. Feminine suffixes:

masculine feminine

- ess: actor actr ess

tiger tigr ess

lion lion ess

host host ess

murderer murder ess

adventurer adventur ess

warder wardr ess

parent parentr ess (редко)

manager manager ess

- ine: hero hero ine

- ette: usher usher ette


2. Noun + noun stem:

doctor woman – doctor

man - servant maid - servant

boy – friend girl – friend

dog- otter bitch – otter

male- frog female – frog

cock – pheasant hen – pheasant


3. Pronoun + noun stem:

he – wolf she – wolf

he – cousin she – cousin

he – goat she – goat

he – sparrow she – sparrow


Here are some examples of distinction between the masculine and feminine words:


bachelor spinster (old maid)

buck (самец) doe

testator (завещатель) testatrix

pig sow

ram (баран) ewe

fox vixen

fiancé (жених) fiancée

executor (суд. исполнитель) executrix

horse, stallion (жеребец) mare (кобыла)

drone (трутень) bee

tutor governess

billy – goat (козел) nanny – goat

czar czarina

sultan sultana

drake (селезень) duck

☼ Note: It is impossible to form the words of feminine gender form the following masculine nouns:

Traveler speaker


There are some nouns in English which may be applied to both males and females. These nouns are called nouns of common gender:

ü human beings: teacher, doctor, friend, parent, neighbour, stranger, student, pupil, clerk, novelist, writer, etc.;

ü animals: wolf, elephant, eagle, sparrow, bear.

But if it is desirable to underline the sex of a person or animal, a word is added denoting the sex and thus forming a compound noun as it was shown above (See 2.1.1/2.1.2): girl – student, boy – student, male – elephant, female – elephant.


2.2 There are also some traditional associations of certain nouns with gender. There are some peculiarities in gender of nouns denoting animals:

1. All nouns denoting animals may be considered neuter (referred to as it). Nouns denoting birds, fishes, insects and retiles are generally considered as neuter.

2. In spoken language there is a tendency to associate the names of animals with the feminine and masculine gender:

a. When the noun indicates the sex of the animal it is generally spoken of as he and she:

Masculine: lion, tiger, bull; also the proper names of animals: Rover, Jack, etc.

Feminine: lioness, tigress, cow, Jenny

e.g. The tiger approached the camp: his dreadful roar made

us shudder.

The lion was hiding in the bushes waiting for his victim.

The lioness has recently given birth to four cubs and now

she is feeding them.

b. The larger and bolder animals are generally associated with the masculine gender, nouns denoting the smaller and weaker with the feminine: The same happens when speaking about pets.

Masculine: elephant, horse, dog, eagle.

Feminine: cat, hare, parrot.

☼ Note that canary and fly are of masculine gender


e.g. The elephant raised his trunk very high.

The cat has singed her tail sitting close to the fireplace.

My dog is ill now; he broke his forepaw last Friday.

c. In fairy tales and fables the gender of nouns denoting animals depends on the general characteristics ascribed to the animal:

e.g. Next day the Rabbit went to see his friend the

Sable (соболь): she had many daughters and

forest people always came to see her.

2.3 There is a phenomenon in English language called personification and sometimes inanimate things and abstract notions are personified and the nouns denoting them referred to as belonging to the masculine or feminine gender. There are some traditional associations:

a. The nouns moon and earth are of feminine gender, sun is of masculine.

e.g. The earth awoke from her winter asleep.

The moon spilled her silvery light over the

sleeping town.

The sun came out in all his glory.

b. The names of vessels (ship, boat, yacht, steamer, etc.) are feminine:

e.g. Look at that yacht! She is almost touching the


The ship was breathing hard with her old iron


c. The names of vehicles (carriage, coach, car) are sometimes of feminine gender.

e.g. Have a look at my new car! It is Porsche! Isn’t

she beautiful?

d. The names of countries are usually referred to as feminine, especially when the country is not considered a mere territory.

e.g. France sent her representatives to the international conference.

Britain lost half of her brave soldiers.

☼ Note: If the name of the country is meant as a

geographical one the pronoun it is used.

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