Nouns used in the plural in a special sense

In some cases the plural form of the noun does not express mere plurality (as in tables= table+table) but acquires a special meaning:

ü colour - colours = 1) plural of tint 2) flag

e.g. Blue and white are my favourite colours.

Every regiment has its colours.

ü custom - customs = 1) habits 2) duties

e.g. Many old customs are dying out.

Customs (пошлины) are duties imposed by law on goods

imported and exported.


ü damage = injury / damages = compensation for injury

e.g. The worker lost his arm at the plant and the manager paid

him damages.


ü pain - pains = 1) sufferings 2) effort

e.g. I have pains in my back.

He takes great pains to solve this problem.


ü quarter - quarters = 1) fourth parts 2) lodgings

e.g. I have read three quarters of the book.

We found him in his old quarters.

ü force – forces = 1) powers 2) an army

e.g. A force of seven thousand men landed in Suffolk.

The forces are equipped excellently.


ü draught – draughts = 1) currents of air 2) a game

e.g. A cold draught of air form the open window poured into the


My grandfather liked to sit on this bench and play draughts in

the evenings.


ü glass – glasses = 1) drinking vessels 2) spectacles

e.g. There were some dirty glasses on the kitchen table.

She put on her glasses and opened the book.

ü manner – manners = 1) ways 2) behaviour

e.g. Do it in such manner.

Obviously, the manners of this gentleman are excellent.


ü minute – minutes = 1) spaces of time 2) record of the


e.g. It took her forty five minutes to get here.

The minutes are kept in special room on the ground floor.

ü ash - ashes = 1) cinders (зола) 2) human remains

e.g. The cigarette ash was on the sofa, armchair and on the


Mrs. Jackson was cremated. Her ashes are kept in a special


ü spirit – spirits = 1) soul, ghost 2) alcohol drink,


e.g. Many children believe in spirits.

Spirits are not served at this restaurant.

She was in high spirits.

Try to keep your spirits.

As Mike was upset everybody tried to raise his spirits.

ü scale – scales = 1) fish peel 2) balance (весы)

e.g. The kitchen was covered with fish scales.

The scales are out of order. I can’t weigh the apples.


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