By all means — во что бы то ни стало, обязательно to mean (meant) — 1) значить; 2) иметь в виду, думать, подразумевать под


Некоторые способы перевода слова matter: a matter — вещество, материя; материал; сущность, содержание; предмет, вопрос, дело to matter — иметь значение


A matter of dispute — спорный вопрос

A subject matter — основная тема, содержание

По mattei— безразлично, неважно, все равно


It is a matter of a few hours to complete the test — Это вопрос нескольких часов — закончить испытание.

It does not matter — Это не имеет значения.

It matters much — Это имеет огромное значение.

No matter what they think about the decision, we approve it — Неважно, что они думают об этом решении, мы одобряем его.


Переведите предложения, используя блок 1.

1. Nothing seemed to matter very much in the situation. 2. That matter is controversial. 3. Such matters were much debated in the nineteenth century and are still discussed. 4. This matters much in solving immigration problems. 5. The apparently better results can in many cases be explained as a temporary matter. 6. This is a matter which is also raised in Chapter 2. 7. Philosophical analysis, no matter of what kind, can never solve the problem of free will. 8. The matter is settled. 9. No matter whether the statement is true or false, we agree that the problem is highly controversial. 10. Viability of the project is a matter of dispute.


Запомните перевод следующих слов и словосочетаний:

Mean — средний

A mean — средняя величина, среднее число

A means — способ, средство

By means of — с помощью

By no means — ни в коем случае

by all means — во что бы то ни стало, обязательно to mean (meant) — 1) значить; 2) иметь в виду, думать, подразумевать под


The problem of stating a system is by no means easy — Проблема точного определения системы ни в коем случае не является простой.

These times should be taken into consideration by all means — Эти значения времени обязательно должны быть приняты во внимание.

By this simplification of the system is meant — Под этим подразумевается упрощение системы.

Then the mean is the best estimate of peak location — Следовательно, средняя величина является лучшей оценкой положения пика.

Переведите предложения, используя блок 2.

1. These facts mean that talk about properties might well be in order. 2. The process cannot be described clearly by means of the model. 3. The revolution was by no means fully accepted. 4. This means that such a market can apply only to exchanges of ready-made goods. 5. At any moment the stocks of means of production are more or less specific. 6. It meant a higher rate of growth of consumption. 7. Chapter 2 reviews the means by which control can be attempted. 8. The problem will by all means be considered later. 9. They considered the mean values only. 10. By a game we shall mean the specification of a set of players, rules for playing the game. 11. The game cannot be described by means of quotas and weights.

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, определяя, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова. Используйте блоки 1-2, а также 3-4 (см. с. 12, 17).

1. This decision is not a subject for discussion. 2. The subject matter of my article was approved. 3. The library has an excellent subject catalogue. 4. The process is subject to fluctuations. 5. The work was subjected to criticism. 6. Our society conditions persons to accept material innovations. 7. The above conditions determine the reaction rate. 8. The adequate conditions description is of utmost importance. 9. This apparatus features extraordinary stability. 10. These features are assigned to the stability of systems involved. 11. We imagine that there is an object which we call a point. 12. They object to this point of view. 13. They were at work on the material provided by their colleague. 14. Provided one knows the rate of the emission, one can determine the range of the particles. 15. The abacus (счеты) provided a means of representing numbers. 16. The mean is often referred to as the average. 17. Those statements were similar in their meaning. 18. Anarchy means freedom for the strong and slavery for the weak. 19. The distinction is meant between the artifact and what it means. 20. An artwork emerges, results from and appears by means of artifact. 21. We do not mean that it symbolizes a real person. 22. By the modification we mean application of a partial summation technique. 23. The information given is of no use. 24. Given a choice between two policies one generally prefers the policy which promises the smaller expected loss. 25. These instruments are not available. 26. The localiz-er instruments the program. 27. Age is a matter of mind, if you do not mind it does not matter. 28. We do not mind if you change the constituents.


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