Список использованных источников. [1] ГОСТ р 52633. 0-2006. Защита информации


[1] ГОСТ Р 52633.0-2006. Защита информации. Техника защиты информации. Требования к средствам высоконадежной биометрической аутентификации – Введ. 2007–31–03. –М.: Изд-во стандартов, 2007. – 25 с.

[2] Современные биометрические методы идентификации [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://habrahabr.ru/post/126144 Дата доступа: 15.03.2016.

[3] Connell, S. D. On-line signature verification / S.D. Connell // Pattern Recognition Letters. 2002. - Volume 35, Issue 12. - P: 2963-2972

[4] Itoh, Y. Multi-Matcher On-Line Signature: Verification System in DWT Domain // IEEE transactions fundamentals. 2006. - Vol. E89-A, №1. -P. 178-185.

[5] Schimke, S. Biometrics: Different Approaches for Using Gaussian Mixture Models in Handwriting / S. Schimke // CMS, LNCS. 2005. - №3677. - 2005. -P. 261-263.

[6] Zhang, J. Online Signature Verification Using Segment-to-Segment Matching / J.Zhang, S.Kamata // International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition ICFHR. Montreal, Quebec. - 2008. - P. 51-57.

[7] Moallem, P. Dynamic online signatures recognition system using a novel signature-based normalized features string and MLP neuralnetwork / P. Moallem, S. A. Monadjemi // Iranian Journal of Engineering Sciences. 2007. - Vol. 1, №1. -P. 24-36

[8] McCabe, Y. Neural Network-based Handwritten Signature Verification / Y. McCabe // Journal of Computers. 2008. - Vol. 3, №8. - P. 9-22.

[9] Wintab Backgrounder [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.wacomeng.com/windows/docs/WintabBackground.htm Дата доступа: 15.03.2016.

[10] Носенко А.А. Технико-экономическое обоснование дипломных проектов: Методическое пособие для студентов всех специальностей БГУ-ИР дневной и заочной̆ форм обучения. В 4-х ч. Ч. 2: Расчет экономической эффективности инвестиционных проектов / А.А. Носенко, А.В. Грицай. – Мн.: БГУИР, 2002. – 6 с.





Исходный текст приложения


Файл GMath.cs:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;



namespace diplom.core


class GMath


public static double angle(double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y)


//traslation of axes

p2x -= p1x;

p2y -= p1y;


//compute the angle

double angle = Math.Atan2(p2y, p2x);

//"convert" negative value to a value between pi and 2 pi

if (angle < 0) angle = Math.PI * 2 + angle; // 6.283185307179586 = Math.PI*2


return angle;



public static double angleDegrees(double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y)


return angle(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) * 57.29577951308232; // 57.29577951308232 = 180/Math.PI;



public static double angle(double p1x, double p1y, double cX, double cY, double p3x, double p3y)


double pC2 = distance(cX, cY, p3x, p3y);

double pC3 = distance(cX, cY, p1x, p1y);

double p23 = distance(p3x, p3y, p1x, p1y);


double t = (pC2 * pC2) + (pC3 * pC3) - (p23 * p23);

t = div(t, 2 * pC2 * pC3);


//def of acos: -1 =< t =< 1

if (t < -1) t = -1;

else if (t > 1) t = 1;


return Math.Acos(t);



public static double angleDegrees(double p1x, double p1y, double cX, double cY, double p3x, double p3y)


return angle(p1x, p1y, cX, cY, p3x, p3y) * 57.29577951308232; // 180/Math.PI = 57.29577951308232



public static double div(double a, double b)



if (b == 0)

return 0;


return a / b;



public static double distance(double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y)


double dX = p2x - p1x;

double dY = p2y - p1y;


return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dX, 2) + Math.Pow(dY, 2));



public static double polyLen(double[] x, double[] y)


double len = 0;

if (x.Length!= y.Length)

return 0;


for (int i = 1; i < x.Length; i++)


len += distance(x[i - 1], y[i - 1], x[i], y[i]);



return len;



public static double polyLen(List<Double> x, List<Double> y)


double len = 0;


if (x.Count!= y.Count)

return 0;



for (int i = 1; i < x.Count; i++)


len += distance(x[i - 1], y[i - 1], x[i], y[i]);




return len;




public static double polyLen(List<Double> x, List<Double> y, int firstPoint, int segmPoints)


double len = 0;


if (x.Count!= y.Count || segmPoints > x.Count)

return 0;


for (int i = firstPoint + 1; i < segmPoints; i++)


len += distance(x[i - 1], y[i - 1], x[i], y[i]);



return len;





Файл Normalizer.cs:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace diplom.core


class Normalizer


private double minX, maxX, meanX;

private double minY, maxY, meanY;

private List<Sign> words;



public List<Sign> coords()


List<Sign> normWords = merger(words);


foreach (var s in normWords)






return normWords;





* Normalize the signature coordinates and apply rotation


private void coords(Sign signatureWord)


List<Double> yList = signatureWord.Y;

List<Double> xList = signatureWord.X;




// applyRotation(yList, xList);


double newX, newY, newMinX = 0, newMinY = 0, newMaxX = 0, newMaxY = 0, sumX = 0, sumY = 0;

double deltaX = Math.Abs(maxX - minX);

double deltaY = Math.Abs(maxY - minY);

for (int i = 0; i < yList.Count; i++)



newX = ((xList[i] - minX) / deltaX);

xList[i] = newX;



newY = ((yList[i] - minY) / deltaY);

yList[i] = newY;



//to compute values to set into words

sumX += newX;

sumY += newY;

if (i == 0)


newMaxX = newMinX = newX;

newMaxY = newMinY = newY;




if (newX < newMinX) newMinX = newX;

if (newX > newMaxX) newMaxX = newX;


if (newY < newMinY) newMinY = newY;

if (newY > newMaxY) newMaxY = newY;




minX = newMinX;

maxX = newMaxX;

minY = newMinY;

maxY = newMaxY;

meanX = sumX / yList.Count;

meanY = sumY / yList.Count;


//set new Min, Max and Mean values in the SignWord







private bool canJoin(Sign a, Sign b)


int minDist = 10;


if (b.X.Min() <= a.X.Max() + minDist)

return true;


return false;



public static double mean(List<Double> data)


double mean = 0;

foreach (var d in data)


mean += d;


return mean / data.Count;




private List<Sign> merger(List<Sign> words)


List<Sign> mergedWords = new List<Sign>();

List<int> unionPoints = new List<int>();


//loop on input words

int uP = 0;

Sign merged = null; //no words merged

int i = 0;


while (i < words.Count)


if ((i + 1 < words.Count) && (canJoin(words[i], words[i + 1])))


uP += words[i].X.Count;



if (merged == null)


merged = new Sign(words[i], null);










uP += words[i].X.Count;


if (merged == null)


mergedWords.Add(new Sign(words[i], unionPoints));





merged.PartsSize = unionPoints;



merged = null; //start an other word merging

unionPoints = new List<int>();

uP = 0;







return mergedWords;



public List<Sign> size()


List<Sign> normWords = merger(words);


foreach (var s in normWords)





return normWords;



public static void size(Sign s)



double minX;

double maxX, minY, maxY, meanX, meanY;

minX = s.X.Min();

minY = s.Y.Min();

maxX = s.X.Max();

maxY = s.Y.Max();

meanX = s.GetMeanX();

meanY = s.GetMeanY();



List<Double> yList = s.Y;

List<Double> xList = s.X;


double newX, newY, sumX = 0, sumY = 0;

double deltaX = Math.Abs(maxX - minX);

double deltaY = Math.Abs(maxY - minY);

for (int i = 0; i < xList.Count; i++)



//apply size normalization

newX = (xList[i] - minX) / deltaX;

s.X[i] = newX;

newY = (yList[i] - minY) / deltaY;

s.Y[i] = newY;





if (s.X.Min() < 0)


int min = (int)s.X.Min();

for (int i = 0; i < xList.Count; i++)


s.X[i] += Math.Abs(min);





if (s.Y.Min() < 0)


int min = (int)Math.Abs(s.Y.Min());

for (int i = 0; i < xList.Count; i++)


s.Y[i] += min;






public static void applyRotation(Sign s)



double ang = Math.Atan2(s.GetMeanX(), s.GetMeanY());// (meanX, meanY) is word barycenter


double cosA = Math.Cos(ang);

double sinA = Math.Sin(ang);

double sumX = 0, sumY = 0, size = s.X.Count;


double newX, newY, x, y;

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)


x = s.X[i];

y = s.Y[i];


//apply rotation matrix

newX = x * cosA - y * sinA;

newY = x * cosA + y * sinA;


s.X[i] = newX;

s.Y[i] = newY;


sumX += newX;

sumY += newY;



if (s.X.Min() < 0)


int min = (int)s.X.Min();

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)


s.X[i] += Math.Abs(min);





if (s.Y.Min() < 0)


int min =(int) Math.Abs(s.Y.Min());

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)


s.Y[i] += min;










Файл ReferenceSet.cs:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using diplom.core;


namespace diplom.core


class ReferenceSet


List<Sign> signes;

public int indexOfTemplate = -1;

public double averageMin, averageMax, averageTemp;


public ReferenceSet()


signes = new List<Sign>();



public ReferenceSet(List<Sign> s)


signes = s;



public void Add(Sign s)





public void Calculate()


for (int i = 0; i < signes.Count; i++)













private void CalculateDtwPairwise()


for (int i = 0; i < signes.Count; i++)



List<Sign> thisSignXAnother = new List<Sign>();

List<Sign> anothersignes = new List<Sign>();


for (int k = 0; k < signes.Count; k++)


//if (k + 1!= signes.Count)



//if (k!= i)





signes[i].coordsDtw = Verification.coordsDTW(thisSignXAnother, anothersignes);

signes[i].pressureDtw = Verification.pressionDTW(thisSignXAnother, anothersignes);

signes[i].internalAnglesDtw = Verification.internalAnglesDTW(thisSignXAnother, anothersignes);

signes[i].externalAnglesDtw = Verification.externalAnglesDTW(thisSignXAnother, anothersignes);

signes[i].criticalDtw = Verification.criticalPointsDTW(thisSignXAnother, anothersignes);

signes[i].velocityDtw = Verification.velDTW(thisSignXAnother, anothersignes);






private void SetTemplateSign()


indexOfTemplate = 0;

var minSumByAllDtw = signes[0].sumDtw.Sum();


for (int i = 1; i < signes.Count; i++)


var s = signes[i].sumDtw.Sum();

if (s < minSumByAllDtw)


minSumByAllDtw = s;

indexOfTemplate = i;





private void GetAverageByMinDtw()


averageMin = 0;


//sumDtw min


for (int i = 0; i < signes.Count; i++)


double min = 1;

foreach(var sum in signes[i].sumDtw)


if (sum == 0)


if (min == 1)

min = sum;

if (min > sum)

min = sum;


averageMin += min;



averageMin /= signes.Count;




public void GetAverageByMaxDtw()


averageMax = 0;


for (int i = 0; i < signes.Count; i++)


averageMax += signes[i].sumDtw.Max();



averageMax /= signes.Count;




private void GetAverageByTempDtw()


averageTemp = 0;


for (int i = 0; i < signes.Count; i++)


if (i == indexOfTemplate)



averageTemp += signes[i].sumDtw[indexOfTemplate];



averageTemp /= (signes.Count-1);




private void CalculateDtwWithSign(Sign s)


List<Sign> thisSignes = new List<Sign>();

for (int i = 0; i < signes.Count; i++)



s.coordsDtw = Verification.coordsDTW(thisSignes, signes);

s.pressureDtw = Verification.pressionDTW(thisSignes, signes);

s.internalAnglesDtw = Verification.internalAnglesDTW(thisSignes, signes);

s.externalAnglesDtw = Verification.externalAnglesDTW(thisSignes, signes);

s.criticalDtw = Verification.criticalPointsDTW(thisSignes, signes);

s.velocityDtw = Verification.velDTW(thisSignes, signes);





public double[] GetFeatureVector(Sign s)







double dmin = s.sumDtw.Min() / averageMin;

double dmax = s.sumDtw.Max() / averageMax;

double dtemp = s.sumDtw[indexOfTemplate] / averageTemp;


return new double[] { dmin, dmax, dtemp };





Файл Sign.cs:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace diplom.core


public class CriticalPoints


public List<double> values1 {get; set;}

public List<double> values2 { get; set; }


public CriticalPoints()


values1 = new List<double>();

values2 = new List<double>();



public CriticalPoints(List<double> v1, List<double> v2)


values1 = v1;

values2 = v2;




public class Sign


public List<Double> X {set; get;}

public List<Double> Y {set; get;}

public List<Double> P {set; get;}

public List<long> T {set; get;}



public List<int> PartsSize {set; get;} //pos where words are merged

public List<Double> Vx { set; get; }

public List<Double> Vy { set; get; }

public CriticalPoints CriticalPoints { set; get; }

public List<Double> internalAngles { set; get; }

public List<Double> externalAngles { set; get; }


public List<Double> coordsDtw { set; get; }

public List<Double> pressureDtw { set; get; }

public List<Double> internalAnglesDtw { set; get; }

public List<Double> externalAnglesDtw { set; get; }

public List<Double> criticalDtw { set; get; }

public List<Double> velocityDtw { set; get; }

public List<Double> sumDtw { set; get; }


public Sign()


X = new List<double>();

Y = new List<double>();

P = new List<double>();

T = new List<long>();

Vx = new List<double>();

Vy = new List<double>();


coordsDtw = new List<double>();

pressureDtw = new List<double>();

internalAnglesDtw= new List<double>();

externalAnglesDtw= new List<double>();

criticalDtw = new List<double>();

velocityDtw = new List<double>();

sumDtw = new List<double>();



internalAngles = new List<double>();

externalAngles = new List<double>();




public Sign(Sign s, List<int> partsSize)


X = s.X;

Y = s.Y;

P = s.P;

T = s.T;


PartsSize = partsSize;



public double Mean (List<Double> data)


double mean = 0;

foreach (var d in data)


mean += d;


return mean / data.Count;



public double MinX { get; set; }

public double MinY { get; set; }

public double MaxX { get; set; }

public double MaxY { get; set; }

public double MeanX { get; set; }

public double MeanY { get; set; }


public void AddPoint(double x, double y, double p, long t)


if ((x!=0)&& (y!=0) && (p!=0))









public double GetMeanX()


return X.Sum() / X.Count;



public double GetMeanY()


return Y.Sum() / Y.Count;



public void CalculateSumDtw()


int count = velocityDtw.Count;

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)


sumDtw.Add(coordsDtw[i] + pressureDtw[i] + internalAnglesDtw[i] +

externalAnglesDtw[i] + criticalDtw[i] + velocityDtw[i]);







Файл DynamicTimeWarping.cs:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace diplom.core


class DynamicTimeWarping


private double[,] DTWMatrix;

//private int[,] wrapPath;

private int numRows, numCols;

private int T, costSCB; // Sakoe-Chiba band attribs.

private int numOptimalDistance;


public DynamicTimeWarping()


numOptimalDistance = int.MaxValue;




public double perform2D(CriticalPoints signatureOriginal, CriticalPoints signatureTest)


double[,] distanceMatrix;

// original signature

List<Double> xOriginalSign = signatureOriginal.values1;

List<Double> yOriginalSign = signatureOriginal.values2;

numRows = xOriginalSign.Count;

// signature to test

List<Double> xTestSign = signatureTest.values1;

List<Double> yTestSign = signatureTest.values2;

numCols = xTestSign.Count;


// for warping paths having a local slope within the bounds 1/2 and 2

if ((numCols >= 2 * numRows)

|| (numRows >= 2 * numCols)) {

return Double.PositiveInfinity;



// compute the distance matrix

distanceMatrix = new double[numRows, numCols];

for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {


// compute the euclidean distance

double deltaX = xOriginalSign[i] - xTestSign[j];

double deltaY = yOriginalSign[i] - yTestSign[j];

distanceMatrix[i,j] = Math.Sqrt((deltaX * deltaX)

+ (deltaY * deltaY));




return computeDTWMatrix(distanceMatrix);



public double perform1D(List<Double> original, List<Double> test)


double[,] distanceMatrix;


// original signature

numRows = original.Count;

// signature to test

numCols = test.Count;


// for warping paths having a local slope within the bounds 1/2 and 2

if ((numCols >= 2 * numRows) || (numRows >= 2 * numCols)) {

return Double.PositiveInfinity;



// compute the distance matrix

distanceMatrix = new double[numRows,numCols];

for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {


// compute the euclidean distance

distanceMatrix[i,j] = Math.Abs(original[i] - test[j]);




return computeDTWMatrix(distanceMatrix);



private double computeDTWMatrix(double[,] distanceMatrix)


DTWMatrix = new double[numRows,numCols];

DTWMatrix[0,0] = distanceMatrix[0,0];


// fill the first row

for (int i = 1; i < numRows; i++)

DTWMatrix[i,0] = distanceMatrix[i,0]

+ DTWMatrix[i - 1,0];


// initialize the first column

for (int i = 1; i < numCols; i++)

DTWMatrix[0,i] = distanceMatrix[0,i]

+ DTWMatrix[0,i - 1];


// fill the others

for (int i = 1; i < numRows; i++)

for (int j = 1; j < numCols; j++)

DTWMatrix[i,j] = distanceMatrix[i,j]

+ Math.Min(DTWMatrix[i - 1,j], //insetion


DTWMatrix[i - 1,j - 1], // match

DTWMatrix[i,j - 1]) //deletion



return computePath();



* Inaccurate

* return DTWMatrix[numRows-1,numCols-1];




public double computePath()


// wrapPath = new int[4000,2]; //save the warp path


// for Sakoe-Chiba band

T = (int)numRows / 5;

costSCB = (numCols - T) / (numRows - T);


numOptimalDistance = 0;

int i = numRows - 1;

int j = numCols - 1;

double pathCost = DTWMatrix[i,j];


double minimumValue;

while ((i > 0) || (j > 0))


if (i == 0)




else if (j == 0)






// here you can change the step size

minimumValue = min(i, j);

if (minimumValue == DTWMatrix[i - 1,j])


else if (minimumValue == DTWMatrix[i,j - 1])







} // end else


pathCost += DTWMatrix[i,j];


* wrapPath[numOptimalDistance,0] = i;

* wrapPath[numOptimalDistance,1] = j;





return pathCost;



private double min(int i, int j)


bool first = true, third = true; // second=true; -> [i-i,j-1] can't

// be check

int minBand, maxBand;


// check Sakoe-Chiba band on [i-1,j]

minBand = costSCB * (i - 1 - T);

if (minBand < 0)

minBand = 0; // can be < 0

maxBand = costSCB * (i - 1 + T);

if (maxBand > numCols - 1)

maxBand = numCols - 1;

if (j < minBand || j > maxBand)

first = false;


// check on [i,j-1]

minBand = costSCB * (i - T);

if (minBand < 0)

minBand = 0; // can be < 0

maxBand = costSCB * (i + T);

if (maxBand > numCols - 1)

maxBand = numCols - 1;

if ((j - 1) < minBand || (j - 1) > maxBand)

third = false;


// now take the min value

if (first && third)


return Math.Min(DTWMatrix[i - 1,j], Math.Min(DTWMatrix[i - 1,j - 1], DTWMatrix[i,j - 1]));


if (first == false)


return Math.Min(DTWMatrix[i - 1,j - 1], DTWMatrix[i,j - 1]);



return Math.Min(DTWMatrix[i - 1,j - 1], DTWMatrix[i - 1,j]);





* Get the warp path length


* @return Integer.MAX_VALUE if DTW hasn't success


public double getPathLength()


return numOptimalDistance;






Файл СWintabData:



using System;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Diagnostics;


namespace WintabDN


public enum EWintabPacketBit


PK_CONTEXT = 0x0001, /* reporting context */

PK_STATUS = 0x0002, /* status bits */

PK_TIME = 0x0004, /* time stamp */

PK_CHANGED = 0x0008, /* change bit vector */

PK_SERIAL_NUMBER = 0x0010, /* packet serial number */

PK_CURSOR = 0x0020, /* reporting cursor */

PK_BUTTONS = 0x0040, /* button information */

PK_X = 0x0080, /* x axis */

PK_Y = 0x0100, /* y axis */

PK_Z = 0x0200, /* z axis */

PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE = 0x0400, /* normal or tip pressure */

PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE = 0x0800, /* tangential or barrel pressure */

PK_ORIENTATION = 0x1000, /* orientation info: tilts */

PK_PKTBITS_ALL = 0x1FFF // The Full Monty - all the bits execept Rotation - not supported



public enum EWintabEventMessage













public enum EWintabPacketStatusValue



TPS_QUEUE_ERR = 0x0002,

TPS_MARGIN = 0x0004,

TPS_GRAB = 0x0008,

TPS_INVERT = 0x0010



public enum EWintabPacketButtonCode



TBN_UP = 1,




[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

public struct WTOrientation


public Int32 orAzimuth;

public Int32 orAltitude;

public Int32 orTwist;



[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

public struct WTRotation


public Int32 rotPitch;

public Int32 rotRoll;

public Int32 rotYaw;



[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

public struct WintabPacket


public HCTX pkContext;

public UInt32 pkStatus;

public UInt32 pkTime;

public WTPKT pkChanged;

public UInt32 pkSerialNumber;

public UInt32 pkCursor;

public UInt32 pkButtons;

public Int32 pkX;

public Int32 pkY;

public Int32 pkZ;

public UInt32 pkNormalPressure; // PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE

public UInt32 pkTangentPressure; // PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE

public WTOrientation pkOrientation; // ORIENTATION



[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

public struct WTExtensionBase

public HCTX nContext;

public UInt32 nStatus;

public WTPKT nTime;

public UInt32 nSerialNumber;



[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

public struct WTExpKeyData


public byte nTablet;

public byte nControl;

public byte nLocation;

public byte nReserved;

public WTPKT nState;



[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

public struct WTSliderData


public byte nTablet;

public byte nControl;

public byte nMode;

public byte nReserved;

public WTPKT nPosition;



[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]

public struct WintabPacketExt


public WTExtensionBase pkBase;

public WTExpKeyData pkExpKey;

public WTSliderData pkTouchStrip;

public WTSliderData pkTouchRing;




public class CWintabData


private CWintabContext m_context;


public CWintabData(CWintabContext context_I)





private void Init(CWintabContext context_I)




if (context_I == null)


throw new Exception("Trying to init CWintabData with null context.");


m_context = context_I;


// Watch for the Wintab WT_PACKET event.



// Watch for the Wintab WT_PACKETEXT event.



catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("FAILED CWintabData.Init: " + ex.ToString());




public void SetWTPacketEventHandler(EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> handler_I)


MessageEvents.MessageReceived += handler_I;



public bool SetPacketQueueSize(UInt32 numPkts_I)


bool status = false;





status = CWintabFuncs.WTQueueSizeSet(m_context.HCtx, numPkts_I);


catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("FAILED SetPacketQueueSize: " + ex.ToString());



return status;



public UInt32 GetPacketQueueSize()


UInt32 numPkts = 0;





numPkts = CWintabFuncs.WTQueueSizeGet(m_context.HCtx);


catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("FAILED GetPacketQueueSize: " + ex.ToString());



return numPkts;



public WintabPacketExt GetDataPacketExt(UInt32 hCtx_I, UInt32 pktID_I)


int size = (int)(Marshal.SizeOf(new WintabPacketExt()));

IntPtr buf = CMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(size);

WintabPacketExt[] packets = null;




bool status = false;


if (pktID_I == 0)


throw new Exception("GetDataPacket - invalid pktID");




status = CWintabFuncs.WTPacket(hCtx_I, pktID_I, buf);


if (status)


packets = CMemUtils.MarshalDataExtPackets(1, buf);




// If fails, make sure context is zero.

packets[0].pkBase.nContext = 0;




catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("FAILED GetDataPacketExt: " + ex.ToString());





return packets[0];



public WintabPacket GetDataPacket(UInt32 pktID_I)


return GetDataPacket(m_context.HCtx, pktID_I);



public WintabPacket GetDataPacket(UInt32 hCtx_I, UInt32 pktID_I)


IntPtr buf = CMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WintabPacket)));

WintabPacket packet = new WintabPacket();


if (pktID_I == 0)


throw new Exception("GetDataPacket - invalid pktID");





if (CWintabFuncs.WTPacket(hCtx_I, pktID_I, buf))


packet = (WintabPacket)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buf, typeof(WintabPacket));




packet.pkContext = 0;






return packet;



public void FlushDataPackets(uint numPacketsToFlush_I)





CWintabFuncs.WTPacketsGet(m_context.HCtx, numPacketsToFlush_I, IntPtr.Zero);


catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("FAILED GetPacketDataRange: " + ex.ToString());




public WintabPacket[] GetDataPackets(UInt32 maxPkts_I, bool remove_I, ref UInt32 numPkts_O)


WintabPacket[] packets = null;






if (maxPkts_I == 0)


throw new Exception("GetDataPackets - maxPkts_I is zero.");



int size = (int)(maxPkts_I * Marshal.SizeOf(new WintabPacket()));

IntPtr buf = CMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(size);


if (remove_I)


numPkts_O = CWintabFuncs.WTPacketsGet(m_context.HCtx, maxPkts_I, buf);


if (numPkts_O > 0)


packets = CMemUtils.MarshalDataPackets(numPkts_O, buf);







UInt32 pktIDOldest = 0;

UInt32 pktIDNewest = 0;

if (CWintabFuncs.WTQueuePacketsEx(m_context.HCtx, ref pktIDOldest, ref pktIDNewest))


UInt32 pktIDStart = pktIDOldest;

UInt32 pktIDEnd = pktIDNewest;


if (pktIDStart == 0)

{ throw new Exception("WTQueuePacketsEx reports zero start packet identifier"); }


if (pktIDEnd == 0)

{ throw new Exception("WTQueuePacketsEx reports zero end packet identifier"); }


// Peek up to the max number of packets specified.

UInt32 numFoundPkts = CWintabFuncs.WTDataPeek(m_context.HCtx, pktIDStart, pktIDEnd, maxPkts_I, buf, ref numPkts_O);


System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetDataPackets: WTDataPeek - numFoundPkts: " + numFoundPkts + ", numPkts_O: " + numPkts_O);


if (numFoundPkts > 0 && numFoundPkts < numPkts_O)


throw new Exception("WTDataPeek reports more packets returned than actually exist in queue.");



packets = CMemUtils.MarshalDataPackets(numPkts_O, buf);





catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("FAILED GetPacketDataRange: " + ex.ToString());



return packets;



private void CheckForValidHCTX(string msg)


if (m_context.HCtx == 0)


throw new Exception(msg + " - Bad Context");





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