Ex. Переведите на русский язык

1. I like reading English books.

2. We know of her coming to Leningrad.

3. He continued studying English.

4. He likes translating English stories into Russian.

5. After finishing the translation the students handed their copy-books to the teacher.


To be + Participle II

Simple Tenses in Passive Voice.

1 .Present - The letter is written. Letters are written.


- глаголом –ся

The texts are translated. - Тексты переводятся.

- кратким причастием

The text is translated. - Текст переведен.

- неопределенно-личным оборотом

The student is asked. - Студента спрашивают.

2. PastThe letter was written.


- глаголом –лся, -лось, -лись

The texts were translated. - Тексты переводились.

- был + краткое причастие

The texts were translated by students. - Тексты были переведены студентами.

- неопределенно-личным оборотом

The student was asked. - Студента спросили.

3. Future – The letter will be written.


- глаголом –ся

The texts will be translated at home. -Тексты будут переводиться дома.

- кратким причастием

The texts will be translated by students. -Тексты будут переведены студентами.

- неопределенно-личным оборотом

The students will be asked.- Студентов спросят.

Предлоги ставятся в предложения и указывают на пассив.

The doctor was sent for.

The article was spoken about.

Continuous Tenses in Passive Voice.

1.Present.I am being asked.

You are being asked. He is being asked.

Ultrasound is being used in diagnostics and treatment.

(Ультразвук применяется в диагностике и лечении.).

2.PastWe were being asked. He was being asked.

Work in this field was being conducted jointly by scientists of different countries. (Работа в этой области велась совместно учеными разных стран.)

Perfect Tenses in Passive Voice.

1. PresentThey have been asked. She has been asked.

Electronic scanning ultrasonic diagnostic equipment has been widely used in recent years.

(Электронное сканирующее ультразвуковое оборудование широко используется в последнее время.)

2.PastWe had been asked.

The equipment had been repaired by the time the work began.

(Оборудование было отремонтировано к началу работ.)


By 8 o’clock all the experiments will have been finished.

(К 8 часам все эксперименты будут завершены.)

За глаголом в Пассиве может следовать дополнение. Перед дополнением стоят предлоги with/ by, которые показывают кем или чем выполняется действие.

Who was the devise invented by?

(Кем был изобретен прибор?)

Our lab is equipped with modern computers.

(Наша лаборатория оборудована современными компьютерами.)

{1, c.598 - 602}


Ex. Вставьте глагол to be.

1. The book … written by Tolstoy.

2. My friend … asked at the lesson every day.

3. … the houses reconstructed in our town?

4. The houses … built last year.

5. … the work done in time?

6. Our laboratory … provided with all the necessary equipment next month.

7. We … offered an interesting work tomorrow.

Ex. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в нужной форме и переведите предложения на русский язык.

a)1.The book... written by Tolstoy.

2. My friend... asked at the lesson every day.

3.... the house reconstracted in our town?

b)1. The house... built last year.

2.... the work done in time?

c) 1. Our library... provided with all the necessary equipment next month.

2. We... offered an interesting work tomorrow.



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