Stages of professional formation of the teacher in the field of psycho-pedagogical competence

At the first stage teachers' (those who just finished higher educational institutions and work no more than two years) orientation to external rules and examples of behavior is noticeable. It is explained as brief practical experience in the presence of the acceptable theoretical preparation in the sphere of the psychology received in higher education institution and fear to fail or make a mistake.

At the second stage (it is the young specialists who successfully passed the period of adaptation to professional activity, and worked from two to five years in the specialty) teachers experience difficulties at differentiation of the main thing in teaching and educational process from minor. Seeking to solve effectively arising pedagogical situations, all of them include knowledge of psychology persistently in their analysis.

At the third stage (from five to ten years of a pedagogical experience) teachers, whom quite reasonably possible to call experienced one, enter a stage of "professional competence", they are capable independently, effectively organize and plan both own professional activity, and cognitive activity of students; and a key indicator – ability to cope with the arising unusual pedagogical situations.

At the fourth stage (from ten to 20 years of a pedagogical experience) the teacher becomes a professional, he has an ability completely and systemically to see pedagogical reality, to include psychological knowledge and the accumulated experience in the solution of any pedagogical tasks at the level of extramental competence.

At the fifth stage (over twenty years of a pedagogical experience) – teacher becomes an expert. Behind external manifestations such teacher is capable to see the deep, intrinsic reasons using the accumulated psycho-pedagogical experience, to influence development of the situation.

Methods of teaching

— The traditional reporting method (lectures about age and pedagogical psychology, social psychology)

— The problem method of teaching allows to increase the level of motivation of activity of the teacher (the analysis of pedagogical problems, the solution of psychological tasks, the conversation focused on search, the isolation of the problem from the proposed situation, the psychological analysis of a lesson: discussions concerning the different points of view and the analysis of positions of each participant of a discussion, identification of aspects of mutual understanding, development of original diagnostic and correctional techniques.

— The formulation of concrete working methods, mastering the psycho technique, and a personal involvement, development of professionally significant personal qualities are reached by means of application of active (practical) methods of teaching: trainings, games, approbation of concrete psycho diagnostic techniques and methods.



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