Piercing in industrialized civilizations

In the United States, ear piercing for females was long the only common piercing. Other body piercings were popularized by Jim Ward and his piercing shop, The Gauntlet, which opened in 1975 in Los Angeles. Since piercing has become more common and widespread, many new piercings have been developed that do not have a history or precedent.

Some regard body piercing as a kind of artistic expression, others as a form of sexual expression



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Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)








Topical vocabulary

Absent-minded - рассеянный

Ambitious - честолюбивый

Awkward - неуклюжий

Boastful - хвастливый

Bold - смелый

Bore - зануда

Bright - способный, умный

Calm - спокойный

Cheerful - весёлый

Clever - умный

Clumsy - неуклюжий

Communicative - общительный

Coward - трус

Cruel - жестокий

Cultural - образованный

Cunning - хитрый

Decent - порядочный

Double-faced - двуличный

Faithful - верный

Frank - откровенный

Generous - щедрый

Gentle - кроткий

Good-natured - добродушный

Greedy - жадный

Honest - честный

Hot-tempered - вспыльчивый

Ill-mannered - невоспитаный

Impudent - нахальный

Industrious - работоспособный

Irritable - раздражительный

Jealous - ревнивый

Just - справедливый

Lazy - ленивый

Light-minded - легкомысленный

Loyal - верный

Mean - низкий

Modest - скромный

Naughty - капризный

Neat - опрятный

Obedient - послушный

Obstinate - упрямый

Persistent - настойчивый

Persuasive - убедительный

Polite - вежливый

Punctual - пунктуальный

Reasonable - благоразумный

Reserved - сдержанный

Rude - грубый

Selfish - эгоистичный

Shy - застенчивый

Sly - хитрый, лицемерный

Smart - остроумный

Strong-willed - волевой

Sweet-tooth - сладкоежка

Tactful - тактичный

Touchy - обидчивый

Trait - черта характера

Weak-willed - слабовольный

Wise - мудрый

Witty - находчивый

1. Answer the questions:

1. Jimmy was very busy last night playing soccer and taking care of his little sister. In fact, he was so busy that he forgot to do his homework. The next day, Jimmy told his teacher that he did his homework, but that his little sister threw it away. What character trait is Jimmy showing?

a) dishonest b) honest c) smart d) nice

2. Michelle's mother was very sick, so Michelle decided to make warm chicken soup for her mother. She also made sure that her mother went to the doctor's office, and that she stayed in bed. Michelle is showing which character trait?

a) nice b) caring c) mean d) selfish

3. “Can I borrow your crayons please?” asked Karen. “No!” screamed Kim, “These are my crayons, get your own!” What character trait is Kim showing?

a) cruel b) trusting c) selfish d) happy

4. A group of kids were playing in the backyard and pretending that they were all pirates on a pirate ship. They created a game that had pirates, robbers, and princesses. The kids were showing what character trait?

a) silly b) creative c) loyal d) kind

5. Ms. Rose told her students that one day, when they all grew up, they would wish that they were ten years old all again. She told them all of these important life stories and gave them advice. Ms.Rose was displaying what character trait?

a) happy b) smart c) wise d) energetic


2. Read and translate the text:

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