Answer the questions

1) What is the official name of the country?

2) Where is the UK situated?

3) What countries is Great Britain made up of?

4) The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack, isn’t it? Describe it, please.

5) Is Great Britain divided into two or three main regions? What are they?

6) What are the well-known mountains and chains in the UK?

7) What is the longest river in the UK? What is the busiest one?

8) Is the climate rather mild or continental in Great Britain?

9) What Is the area of the United Kingdom?

10) What is the capital of the country? Is it a cultural centre?

11) Are Cambridge University and Oxford University famous all over the world? What do you think?

12) What are the main industrial centres in Great Britain?

13) Is the UK a parliamentary monarchy or a presidential republic?

14) What does the British Parliament consist of?

15) Who is the head of the country? Who is the ruler of the UK?

16) What are the main political parties in the UK?


Say “True” or “False” and make necessary changes.

1) The United Kingdom is the official name of Great Britain.

2) The British Isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the North, by the Irish sea on the East.

3) The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.

4) The population of Great Britain is 60 min. people.

5) 50 per cent live in cities.

6) The British Parliament consists of the House of Representatives and the House of Commons.

7) Queen is the ruler of the country.


6. Fill the prepositions.

1) The United Kingdom consists... England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2) The UK is situated... the British Isles, which lie.. the west of the continent of Europe.

3) It is separated... the Continent... the North Sea and the English Channel.

4) It is washed...the western coast... the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

5) Great Britain is made up...England, Scotland and Wales.

6) The island of Great Britain can be divided... two main regions,

7) Most of Great Britain's industries are concerned... the production of iron and steel goods.


Find the English equivalents In the test

1) Англия занимает южную и центральную части страны, Шотландия находится на севере острова, Уэльс - на западе.

2) Флаг Великобритании известен как Юнион Джек.

3) Наиболее известные горные цепи — Ленинские горы, Северное нагорье, где находится Бен Невис, самая высокая точка Британских островов.

4) Лондон - один из самых больших торговых, промышленных, культурных и финансовых центров в мире.

5) Премьер-министр обычно является лидером партии, которая имеет большинство в Палате общин.


Fill in the correct wards.

1) The flag has... of St. George of England, the...... of St. Andrew of Scotland, and the … … of St. Patrick of Ireland, all on the... background.

2) The island of Great Britain can be... divided into two main regions -... and....

3)... is the longest river and.... is the most important and the busiest one.

4) The British Parliament consists of... and....

5) The main political parties in the country are..., … and....


Ask all types of questions (general, special, alternative, disjunctive).

1) The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2) The UK is washed on the western coast by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

3) There are many rivers in the country.

4) The island of Great Britain can be roughly divided into two main regions - Lowland Britain and Highland Britain.

5) Most of Great Britain's industries are concerned with the production of iron and steel goods, textiles and chemicals.

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