The body, starting at the bottom

You will need

· 2 balls of Vinnis Colour Nikkim 100% Cotton Yarn colour way Sand (578)
1 ball each of Vinnis Colour Nikkim 100% Cotton Yarn colour way Chestnut (503), Mahogany (557) and Bottle Green (594). You can substitute another DK yarn with approximately 119m/50g.

· 3.5mm and 4mm crochet hook, or appropriate size for correct tension.

· one pair of 12mm safety eyes

· 1 safety pin used as a stitch marker

· a cheap micro fibre or hollow fibre filled pillow used as stuffing

· tapestry needle

· scissors

Abbreviations for the amigurumi springbok

c h: chain, ch-sp: chain space, sl st: slip stitch, dc: double crochet, fdc: foundationless double crochet, inc: increase, inc3: increase three, invd: invisible decrease, invd3: invisible decrease three, yo: yarn over hook, lp: loop, ins: insert inc: increase, flp: front loop, blp: back loop, *: repeat instructions from asterisk as directed

Special stitches

increase three (inc3): place three double crochets into the stitch to be increased
invisible decrease three (invd3): pick up the front loops of the three stitches to be decreased and complete the decrease as per normal invisible decrease.

Working in rounds: Sand, [Mahogany] and (Chestnut): follow the shapes of the brackets when changing colours

The head, starting at the nose

Make a magic ring
round 1: 5dc (5st)
round 2: *1dc, inc3, *x2, 1dc, sl-st (9st)
round 3: *1dc, inc, *x2, [inc3], *inc, 1dc *x2, sl-st (15st)
round 4: *2dc, inc, *x2, [1, inc3, 1], *inc, 2dc, *x2, sl-st (21st)
round 5: *3dc, inc, *x2, [2, inc3, 2], *inc, 3dc, *x2, sl-st (27st)
round 6 – 9: 9dc, [1dc], 7dc, [1dc] 9dc, sl-st (27st)
round 10: 7dc, invd, [1dc], inc, 5dc, inc, [1dc], invd, 7dc, sl-st (27st)
round 11: 8dc, [1dc], 9dc, [1dc], 8dc, sl-st (27st)
round 12: 6dc, invd, [1dc], inc, 7dc, inc, [1dc], invd, 6dc, sl-st (27st)
round 13 – 15: 7dc, [1dc], 11dc, [1dc], 7dc, sl-st (27st)
round 16: 7dc, [1dc], 5dc, inc3, 5dc, [1dc], 7dc, sl-st (29st)
round 17: 3dc, inc, 3dc, [1dc] inc, 5dc, inc3, 5dc, inc, [1dc] 3dc, inc, 3dc, sl-st (35st)
round 18: 4dc, inc, 3dc, [1dc], inc, 7dc, inc3, 7dc, inc, [1dc] 3dc, inc, 4dc, sl-st (40st)
round 19: 4dc, inc, 4dc, [inc], 8dc, inc, 3dc, inc, 8dc, [inc], 4dc, inc, 4dc, sl-st (47st)
round 20: 9dc, inc, [2dc], inc, 7dc, inc, 5dc, inc, 7dc, inc, [2dc], inc, 9dc, sl-st (53st)
round 21: 11dc, [inc x2], invd x2, 19dc, invd x2, [inc x2], 11dc, sl-st (53st)
round 22: 11dc, [1dc, inc x2, 1dc], invd x2, 5dc, (5dc), 5dc, invd x2 [1dc, inc x2, 1dc], 11dc, sl-st (53st)
round 23: 10dc, inc, [6dc], invd x2, 2dc, (7dc), 2dc, invd x2, [6dc], inc, 10dc, sl-st (51st)
round 24: 11dc, inc, [invd, 4dc], 4dc, (7dc), 4dc, [4dc, invd], inc, 11dc, sl-st (51st)
Insert the safety eyes into the center of the Mahogany stripes of round 22
round 25: 13dc, [3dc, invd], 4dc, (inc, 5dc, inc), 4dc, [invd, 3dc], 13dc, sl-st (51st)
round 26: 12dc, inc, [invd, 2dc], 4dc, (9dc), 4dc, [2dc, invd], inc, 12dc, sl-st (51 st)
round 27: 13dc, inc, [1dc, invd], 3dc, (11dc), 3dc, [invd, 1dc], inc, 13dc, sl-st (51st)
round 28: 7dc, invd, 6dc, [invd], 2dc, (5dc, invd, 6dc), 2dc, [invd], 6dc, invd, 7dc, sl-st (46st)
round 29: 6dc, invd, 6dc, (1dc, invd, 5dc, invd, 5dc, invd, 1dc), 6dc, invd, 6dc, sl-st (41st)
round 30: 5dc, invd, 5dc, (invd, 13dc, invd), 5dc, invd, 5dc, sl-st (37st)
Stuff the head
Continue using only Chestnut
round 31: *5dc, invd *x5, 2dc (32st)
round 32: *6dc, invd *x4 (28st)
round 33: *5dc, invd *x4 (24st)
round 34: *4dc, invd *x4 (20st)
round 35: *3dc, invd *x4 (16st)
round 36: *2dc, invd *x4 (12st)
round 37: *invd *x6 (6st)

Cut yarn with enough length to sew in end.


Make two in Mahogany,

Make a magic ring
round 1: 4dc into magic ring (4st)
round 2: inc, 3dc (5st)
round 3: 1dc, inc, 3dc (6st)
round 4: 2dc, inc, 3dc (7st)
round 5: 3dc, inc, 3dc (8st)
round 6: 4dc, inc, 3dc (9st)
round 7: 5dc, inc, 3dc (10st)
round 8: 6dc, inc, 3dc (11st)
round 9: 7dc, inc, 3dc (12st)
round 10: 8dc, inc, 3dc (13st)
round 11: 9dc, inc, 3dc (14st)
round 12 – 13: 1dc in each st around (14st)
Cut yarn with enough length to sew in end.
Stuff firmly


Make two in Sand

6ch, sl-st closed
round 1: 10dc into chain ring (10st)
round 2: 2dc, inc3, 4dc, inc3, 2dc (14st)
round 3: 3dc, inc3, 6dc, inc3, 3dc (18st)
round 4: 4dc, inc3, 8dc, inc3, 4dc (22st)
round 5: 5dc, inc3, 10dc, inc3, 5dc (26st)
round 6: 6dc, inc3, 12dc, inc3, 6dc (30st)
round 7: 7dc, inc3, 14dc, inc3, 7dc (34st)
round 8: 8dc, inc3, 16dc, inc3, 6dc (36st)
round 9: invd3, 16dc, invd3, 15dc (33st)
round 10: invd3, 14dc, invd3, 13dc (29st)
round 11: invd3, 12dc, invd3, 11dc (25st)
round 12: invd3, 10dc, invd3, 9dc (21st)
round 13: invd3, 8dc, invd3, 7dc (17st)
round 14: invd3, 6dc, invd3, 5dc (13st)
round 15: invd3, 4dc, invd3, 3dc (9st)
round 16: invd3, 2dc, invd3, 1dc (5st)
Cut yarn with enough length to sew in end.
Do not stuff.

The body, starting at the bottom

Working in a spiral

Make a magic ring
round 1: 6dc (6st)
round 2: *inc *x6 (12st)
round 3: *1dc, inc * x6 (18st)
round 4: *2dc, inc *x6 (24st)
round 5: *3dc, inc *x6 (30st)
round 6: *4dc, inc *x6 (36st)
round 7: *5dc, inc *x6 (42st)
round 8: *6dc, inc *x6 (48st)
round 9: *7dc, inc *x6 (54st)
round 10: *8dc, inc *x6 (60st)
round 11: *9dc, inc *x6 (66st)
round 12: *10dc, inc *x2, 10 (inc, *10dc, inc *x3) (72st)
round 13 – 16: 34dc (38dc) (72st)
round 17: 34dc, [2dc], (34dc), [2dc] (72st)
round 18 – 19: 34dc, [3dc], (32dc), [3dc] (72st)
round 20: *10dc, invd *x2, 9dc [1dc, invd, 1dc] (9dc, invd, 10dc, invd, 9dc), [1dc, invd] (66st)
round 21: [1dc], *9dc, invd *x2, 7dc [2dc, invd], (*9dc, invd *rx2, 8dc), [1dc, invd] (61st)
round 22: [1dc], *8dc, invd *x2, 6dc [1dc, invd], (9dc *invd, 8dc *x2), [invd] (55st)
round 23: [1dc], *7dc, invd *x2, 5dc [2dc], (*invd, 7dc *x3), [invd] (49st)
round 24: [1dc], *6dc, invd *x2, 4dc [2dc], (*invd, 6dc *x3, [invd] (43st)
round 25: [1dc], *5dc, invd *x2, 3dc [invd], (*invd, 5dc *x3), [invd] (36st)
round 26: *4dc, invd *x2, 2dc, [1dc] (5dc, *invd, 4dc *x2, 1dc), [invd] (30st)
Stuff the body
round 27: 12dc, [1dc], (16dc), [1dc] (30st)
round 28 – 33: 12dc, (18dc) (30st)
round 34: 13dc, (16dc), 1dc (30st)
round 35: 14dc, (14dc), 2dc (30st)
round 36: 15dc, (12dc), 3dc (30st)
round 37: 16dc, (10dc), 4dc (30st)
Cut both yarn colours with enough length to sew the body to the head

Legs, make four

Worked in rounds

Make a magic ring
round 1: [6dc, sl-st] (6st)
round 2: [*inc *x6, sl-st] (12st)
round 3: [*1dc, inc *x6, sl-st] (18st)
round 4: [*2dc, inc *x6, sl-st] (24st)
round 5: [*3dc, inc *x6, sl-st] (30st)
round 6 – 8: [30dc, sl-st] (30st)
The following round forms the hoof
round 9: [6dc, dc into st7 and flp of st14, dc into st8 and flp of st13, dc into st9 and flp of st12, 2dc into st10 and st11 at the same time, 1dc into blp of st 12- st14, 1dc each into st 15 and st16, 1dc ino flp of st17 – st 19, 2dc into st20 and st21 at the same time, 1dc into st22 and blp of st19, 1dc into st23 and blp of st18, 1dc into st24 and blp of st17, 6dc, sl-st] (30st)
round 10: [9dc, invd x6, 9dc, sl-st] (24st)
round 11: 6dc, invd x6, 6dc, sl-st] (18st)
Stuff the hoof
Change to Sand
round 12 – 37: 18dc, sl-st (18st)
Cut yarn with enough length to sew to body
Stuff loosely
Use a length of Mahogany yarn to stich the top part of the hoof together, creating a ‘v’.


Worked in spirals
Make a magic ring using Sand
round 1: 3dc, (3dc) (6st)
round 2: inc x3, (inc x3) (12st)
round 3 – 4: 6dc, (6dc) (12st)
round 5: 5dc, inc, (5dc, inc) (14st)
round 6 – 8: 7dc, (7dc) (14st)
Stuff lightly


Using the Bottle Green yarn
row 1: ch6
row 2-75: 5dc, ch across

To assemble:

The ears
Attach a length of yarn to the bottom of the ear and sew the first three rounds up to form the base of the ear.
Connect the ears on the outside corner created by the Chestnut and Mahogany yarn.

The horns
Attach the horns to the inside corner created by the Chestnut and Mahogany yarn making sure that the Sand colour does not show.

The mouth
Insert a length of mahogany yarn into the point of the nose formed by the Mahogany yarn. Shape the mouth by sewing into the centre of the magic circle. Now count six rounds out and three stitches down from the Mahogany stripe. Insert the needle and sew the sides of the mouth on either side of the magic ring.

The body
Using the lengths of yarn left on the body attach the body to the head making sure that the Chestnut parts line up without a gap.

The legs
Attach the front legs horizontally and in line with the Chestnut on the body and directly above the Mahogany stripe.
Do the same with the back legs under the Mahogany stripe.

The tail
Attach the tail in the centre of the body lining the Chestnut in the tail up with that of the body.

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