Продюсеры мотивируют (увлекают) всех, включая себя

8) Для выполнения работы менеджеры должны подобрать людей.

9) Задача доктора заключается в умении объясненить, как бросить


10) Театральные критики проводят очень много времени за про-

сматром спектаклей.




1) Should you sleep enough, you will not have problems with

your health.

2) Had he repaired the washing machine, his mother could have

done the washing.

3) Were I you, I would visit your aunt.

4) Had you taken a compass, you would not get lost.

5) Should you stop smoking, your lungs will be OK.


упр. 7

1) Had I realized how unhappy she was, I would not have shouted

at her.

2) Were I you would change the car.

3) Should our electricity bill be high, we won’t use the lamps.

4) Had she gone there, she would have had a good time.

5) Should he says something, he will be in trouble.


упр. 8

1) Before she had never heard such a beautiful voice.

3) Under no circumstances you mustn’t touch these exhibits.

4) Nowhere else we have seen a more handsome man.

5) Not he is only a good teacher but he is also a good translator.

6) Never John had seen such a fantastic circus show.

7) Rarely Mary does laugh at my jokes.

8) Rarely people appreciate this musician’s talent.

9) Seldom this place gets so crowded.




Word   Synonym
1) kind a) nice
2) difficult a) hard
3) intelligent c) clever
4) slim c) slender
5) rude b) impolite
6) furious b) angry
7) dangerous b) unsafe



1) Her brother works for the news agency, a) doesn’t he?
2) My friend is an actress, b) isn’t she?
3) Tina has got two siblings, c) hasn’t she?
4) I am going with you, d) am not I?
5) You don’t know him, e) do you?
6) We didn’t see this horror film, f) did we?
7) He left early, g) didn’t he?
8) They will share it, i) won’t they?
9) I haven’t told her, j) have I?
10) She misses her mom, k) doesn’t she?


упр. 5

1) What character does the actor play?

2) Where did the plane fly to?

3) Does Mike play in this performance?

4) Can a man drive the car?

5) Don’t you think that it's time to go?

6) Where did Peter go?

7) Do you like Hip-hop?

8) Where does Amanda study?

9) How many plays did William Shakespeare write?

10) Has she already visited the capital of France?

11) Is she going to stage this play, isn’t she?

12) Where is the nearest cinema house?





1) When did the medieval religious play reach the peak of its de-


2) What did the medieval religious play reach?

3) In what country did the religious play have the longest life?

4) Did they apply principles of Roman theatre to architecture of its buildings?

5) When would you read the Bible?



1. The freshman asks how many times a week we have an English class.

2) The teacher asked what cinema genre we preferred to talk about.

3. The student asked what kind of books on modern art I advised him to


4. I wonder which metro station is the nearest.

5. Have you any idea when the premier performance of this play is.

6. I don’t know if the children want to go to the circus with us.

7. Does anybody know how much a theatre ticket costs.


8. I wonder if we can start to rehearse the first act without the director.

9. I have no idea if the book by the famous English theatre director has

been already published.



1) A private conversation between two persons is called tete-a-tete.

2) We are looking for team-players, not a prima donna.

3) When we talk about current situation, we mean our status-quo.

4) Last week the graduates from the college had a meeting at their


5) Since the team has not won a game all year, it should be pretty obvious to the owners that they have fiasco on their hands.

6) The graduate was asked to prepare his CV to apply for a position of an artistic director at the theatre.


7) The elderly poet was confused by the youth’s avant-garde style of writing.

8) She sat on the other side за the table, vis-à-vis John.


9) The restaurant had a huge a la carte menu and four specials that day.

10) How can you have already seen this painting that I made just yesterday? This means you are having a déjà-vu.




1) Be over a) cancel
2) blow up b) get angry
3) call off c) finish
4 come across d) meet
5) carry on e) continue
6) turn off f) switch off



1) Hi! Is Mr. Knight in?. Hold on, I ́ll call him.

2) Excuse me, could you try on this costume, please?

3) How are you getting on at college?

4) Are you still carrying on with your tennis lessons?

5) We usually get up at 8 o’clock in the morning and go to GITIS.

6) James can count on his best friend.

7) Show must go on.

8) It`s time to move on to the next point.

9) Please, give the book back to the library before Monday.

10) It was a bit chilly, so she put on her jacket.




1) Call me if you come across any of the missing files.

2) What time do you get up every day on holidays?

3) Don’t try to grow up too fast; you are only a child once.

4) The ice on the ground in the park made Mr. Jenson fall down.

5) The doctor told the patient that he should eat right and look after his


6) David was waiting in the lobby to check in the hotel.

7) He was absent so much that he was never able to catch up with his


8) Watch your step when you get off the bus.

9) The detective will look into the crime.

10) The thief planned to break in the house on Tuesday.



Part I

1) My sister has written, asking if we can put her up for a few

days whilst she’s in London. (принимать, размещать у себя)


2) Paul was left ten thousand pounds in his grandfather’s will,

so he set himself up as a photographer. (устроиться, открыть дело)

3) This bad weather’s really getting me down. (угнетать)

4) The flat isn’t very nice, but I can put up with it until I find somewhere better. (смириться)

5) Let’s meet on the 20th. Put the date down in your diary so you don’t forget it. (записать)

6) James Gregory was sent down for ten years for his part in the robbery. (сажать в тюрьму)

7) Peter is single. We should get him off with some nice girl. (познакомить)

8) Have you seen how Jane always putting him down? Either she criticizes him for the way he dresses, or the way he eats or the way he speaks, and she makes him feel such a fool! (унижать)

9) I have come across various people during my trip to the United States. (встречать)

10) Chistmas is their favourite holiday. Every year the children

look forward to the holiday coming. (ждать с нетерпением)


1) to depress, make miserable - to get down

2) to send to prison to sent down

3) to establish a business to set up

4) to prove a bed for someone for a short while to put up

5) to introduce to somebody to get smb off with

6) to write down to put down

7) to tolerate to put up

8) to humiliate to put down

9) to meet somebody by chance to come across

10) to wait for something impatiently to look forward to



1) To give a performance

2) To set out on a migration

3) A typical Met tour

4) The Opera House

5) An opening night

6) To go to the performance

7) The spectators

8) The annual tour

9) The audience members

10) The Metropolitan Opera House



1. There is a note on a can saying that this drink doesn’t contain any sugar.

2. I think Miranda is a sympathetic and generous person.

3. I was very busy at work since I got back from holiday.

4. We walked towards the station along the street with trees on both sides

5. There are armoured windows in the bank.

6. Please, don’t tell anybody the information I’ve opened to you,

these facts are not for everyone.

Урок 7

упр. 7

1) to have a gift of a gab

2) to be head and shoulders above

3) to have dog’s breakfast

4) to be the world’s worst singer

5) to have a dab-hand at theatre criticism



1) False


2) True

3) True

4) True


5) True

6) False

7) True

8) True



1) etc.


2) GMO


3) PS


4) ‘TGIF’.



5) TBA


6) FAQ






1) True

2) False

3) False

4) True

5) True

6) False

7) False

8) True





1) What is the time, please?

2) Nice is a word with many meanings, and some of them are contradictory.

3) The performance was interesting enough, was not it?


4) At last, Steve has met the girl that he liked.


5) Vests, which were once popular, have been out of vogue for several years.

6) In 1952, Agatha Christie first published her work of detective fiction ‘They Do It with Mirrors’.

7) He replied, ‘I have no idea what you mean.’


8) June 22,1941 will never be forgotten



1) the hustle and bustle

2) willy-nilly

3) up and down

4) fish and chips

5) sooner or later

6) neat and tidy

7) more or less

8) sick and tired

9) step by step

10) live and learn


Урок 9

упр. 3

1) True


2) True

3) False


4) True

5) False

6) True




1) Two philosophers decided to go to a lonely island in the Pacific because they wished to test their philosophies.

2) They have been brought to the island and saw a little house standing on the shore.

3) They smiled to each other and entered the house.


4) They haddifferent views that is why they hardly ever agreed with each other.

5) They were left alone, so they had plenty of time to think.


6) When they entered the house, they saw small beds.


7) The philosophy that one of them advocated was a conservative one.

8) He did not want to change things that existed even if they were bad.

9) He decided to fit himself into a small bed, so he began to shorten himself.

10) The method that this man used will be described later.



упр. 5



Once a hare lying under a palm tree heard a noise, made by a large nut, which fell onto a palm leaf. Having been frightened by the noise, he jumped and cried ‘The earth is breaking up’. Having been sure that it was so, he ran away as fast as he could. Having seen him, another hareasked, ‘Why are you running so fast?’ Having heard this, the second hare at once started running after the first., Having seen the hares running, other animals asked them the same question and after they had been told the news they run after the hares. When the lion saw thousands of animals who were running he roared, ’What’s the matter?’ Having heard the reply, the lion said to himself, ‘I must stop the animals, or they all will die’. After the animals, having told him, why they were running, the lion asked the first rabbit to show the place where the earth was breaking. Having reached the place, the lion had inspected it. Having seen a nut lying on a leaf of the palm, he understood all. When he returned to the animals, he explained to them what happened. He gave them the advice,’ Don’t believe what is only imagination. Do not believe everything that is said to you. Having heard about danger be sure to find out exactly what it is before running away


Упр. 5

1) Wishing to create a more interesting character, the clown decided to wear a wig and moustache.

2) Being a very strong sportsman, the gymnast could easily lift the partner.

3) Having heard about the danger, all the animals ran after the hare.


4) Having received an invitation to stage a performance, the director has come to Moscow.


5) Having worked at the circus for more than 40 years, he became a general manager.


6) Having watched a new play, the theatre critics expressed their opinion.


7) The performances staged at the Studio theatre, are often inte-resting.

8) Having read the book last week, I cannot forget its content.





Экзамен кандидатского минимума по английскому языку по направлению “Искусствоведение” проводится в два этапа. Первый этап экзамена (подготовка реферата) является пись-менным заданием и в процессе подготовки к нему аспиранты и соискатели должны представить в отдел аспирантуры рефе-рат (подробный перевод с английского языка научного текста по специальности объемом в 20 страниц). Реферат предоста-вляется в отдел аспирантуры за месяц до экзамена. Текст для реферата подбирается аспирантом и соискателем самостоя-тельно, по тематике своего диссертационного исследования или по близкой к исследованию теме. В качестве источника могут быть использованы главы из книг, научные статьи, опу-бликованные в журналах за последние 10-15 лет. Аспирант (соискатель) предоставляет ксерокопию иностран-ного текста научной публикации, перевод текста и глосcарий (список 100 слов в алфавитном порядке с переводом). Реферат (перевод) оформляется на бумажном носителе (формат А4, 14 шрифт, интервал 1,5). Реферат должен быть озаглавлен титульным листом, список использованной литературы завершает рабо-ту. Аспиранты,успешно выполнившие письменный перевод (реферат) допускаются ко второму этапу кандидат-ского экзамена по английскому языку.

Второй этап кандидатского экзамена проводится устно и включает следующие задания.

- Изучающее чтение оригинального научного текста по специ-альности объемом до 2000 печатных знаков и его пись-менный перевод на русский язык со словарем. Время выпол-нения задания составляет 50-60 минут. В этом задании оцени-вается качество чтения и адекватность перевода. Оценка за письменный перевод оригинального научного текста по специальности выставляется с учетом адекватности перевода, отсутствия смысловых искажений, соответствия норме языка перевода.

- Ознакомительное чтение оригинального научного текста

по специальности объемом до 1000 печатных знаков и его пе-ресказ на английском языке. Время выполнения задания 10-12 минут. В этом задании оценивается правильность передачи

смысла и качество устной речи.

- Устное подготовленное сообщение – презентация по содержанию научной работы и беседа с экзаменатором на ан-глийском языке по предлагаемой теме, умение отвечать на вопросы экзаменаторов по социально-бытовой тематике. В этом задании оценивается нормативность речи, диапазон использу-емых языковых средств, адекватность речевых реак-ций. На кандидатском экзамене аспирант (соискатель) должен продемонстрировать умение пользоваться иностранным язы-ком как средством профессионального общения и научной деятельности.

Уровень знаний на кандидатском экзамене оценивается на «отлично», «хорошо», «удовлетворительно», «неудовлетвори-тельно».



Использованная литература:

1) English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate) Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell, Cambridge University Press, 2001

2) The Theatre A Concise History Phyllis Hartnoll Thames and Hadson world of art, 2006

3) Особенности перевода аббривиатур в научно-технических текстах, Шатохин М.Д. Самолнина Л.В. Воронежский институт МВД России

4) Англо-русские обороты научной речи, А.П.Миньяр-Белоручева, Проспект-АП, 2005

5) Новая лексика современного английского языка, Заботкина В.И.

6) Учебное пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский, Рецкер Я.И.

7) Язык и перевод, Вопросы общей и частной теории перевода, Л.С. Бархударов, Издательство ЛКИб Москва, 2013

8) Голицинский Ю.Б. Грамматика, Сборник упражнений,

Голицинский Ю.Б., 2011

9) S.P. Suvorov, A.N. Shevaldishev English Foreigh Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1958

10) The London Theatre Guide, Richard Andrews, Metro Publications, 2003

11) Notes on Directing, Frank Hauser, Russell Reich, Atlantic Books, London, 2003

12) Dicionary of Synonyms and Antonyms, Джозеф Девлин, 2005

13) Stage Acting Techniques, A Practical Guide, John Hester,NBS Publications, 2004

14) Customs, Traditions and Festivals of Great Britain, T. Khimunina, N. Konon, I.Walshe, Просвещение, Ленинград, 1975

15) Oxford concise Dictionary of Art Terms, Michael Clarke, Oxford University Press, 2003

16) Pinguin Guide to Synonyms and Related Words, Pinguin Reference Library, Pinguin Books

17) English for Managers, И.П. Агабекян, Учебное пособие Проспект, 2008



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