Grammar: punctuation:using commas

Запятая в английском языке ставится для облегчения понимания структуры предложения. Постановка запятых в правильных местах помогает правильно понять суть напи-санного текста. Сравните два предложения:

It was if I am not mistaken on Friday. Это было, если я не ошиба -

It was, if I am not mistaken, on Friday. юсь, в пятницу.


8 случаев постановки запятой в предложении

1) Для выделения вводных слов, словосочетаний, обращений.

Unfortunately, I haven’t read this play yet.(вводное cлово)

Well, let us have a cup of coffee. (вводное слово)

Dear Mike, thank you very much for your help. (обращение)

2) Для выделения даты в начале предложения.

July 22, 1959, was a momentous day in his life.

3) При наличии вводных фраз, выраженных причастием или деепричастием:

Heartbroken, she was going home.


4) Для разделения однородных членов предложения:

I like reading novels, stories, and fantasy.


5) Перед союзом and

В британском английском при перечислении, запятая перед этим союзом ставится. Aмериканский английский не требует постановки запятой.

6) Для разделения сложносочиненного предложения перед союзами but, and, so, yet, or:

He is a good theatre director, but his last performance was a flop.

Но запятая не ставится, если такие простые предложения короткие:

He likes it but I don`t.


7) Знаки препинания при цитировании

Цитирование - это еще один случай несовпадения с русским языком. Сравните:

He said, ‘I don’t think so.’ Он сказал: ‘Я так не думаю’.

‘What a wonderful day’, she said. ‘Какой чудесный день’, - сказала она.

8) Запятая перед who, which

Постановка запятой зависит от функции этих предложений: перед описательными придаточными запятая ставится, а перед пояснительными - нет. Если это правило сложное для вас, воспользуйтесь подсказкой: если часть предложения с who или which можно опустить и смысл предложения не потеряется, то запятая в данном случае нужна. В противном случае запятая не ставится.

The girl who we saw yesterday is Tom’s sister. (who we saw yesterday - пояснение, без него предложение утратит смысл ).

We went to the sea, which was warm that day. (which was warm that day можно опустить ).

9 ) Запятая перед because

Придаточные обстоятельственные требуют постановки запятой, только если стоят перед главным предложением.


Because he was sick, he missed the class. Из-за того, что он был болен, он пропустил урок. Запятая требуется.


He missed the class because he was sick. Он пропустил урок, потому что он был болен. Запятая не требуется.


10) Запятая перед please

Ставьте запятую, если ‘ please’ стоит в конце предложения.

Send me a mail, please.

Запятая не ставится, если‘ please ’ стоит в начале предложения.

Please send me a e-mail.


11) Запятые в условных предложениях

Запятая ставится только в том случае, если предложение начинается с придаточное предложение с союзом if, (также с unless, as soon as).

If Sam goes to London, he will visit West End.
Sam will visit West End if he goes to London.

Запятые не используются:

1) Для разделения предложения, если имеется союз that:

Julia was so tired when she got back home that she passed out on her bed.

2) Для отделения запятой простых предложений, начинаю-щихся со слов: before, since, when, after.

My friends were about to leave when the phone rang.


3) Explain the rule of using comma in the sentences  

1) It’s rhetoric, and he does it like no one on earth.

2) Nancy waved enthusiastically at the docking ship, laughing joyously.

3) Lisa waved at Nancy, who was laughing joyously.

4) John said without emotion, ‘I'll see you tomorrow.’

5) The passion, which Shakespeare inspires, was evident when Simon was touring with Hamlet in Eastern Europe.

6) Because he was tired, he did not go to the gym after work.

7) Yes, the package should arrive tomorrow morning.

8) If I find an interesting book in the library, I will take it.

9) Yesterday was her brother's birthday, so she took him out to dinner.

10) I would drink orange juice if you have some.

4) Add commas as needed in the sentences below.  


1) What is the time please?

2) Nice is a word with many meanings and some of them are contradictory.

3) The performance was interesting enough was not it?


4) At last Steve has met the girl that he liked.


5) Vests which were once popular have been out of vogue for several years.

6) In 1952 Agatha Christie first published her work of detective fiction ‘They Do It with Mirrors’.

7) He replied ‘I have no idea what you mean.’


8) June 22 1941 will never be forgotten.




Прочитать и пересказать текст ‘The Elizabethan Theatre’. (На экзамене по кандидатскому минимуму аспирантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не менее 1000 печатных знаков) На выполнение подобного задания на экзамене отводится 10-12 минут.



Elizabethan theatre and the name of Wil-liam Shakespeare are inextricably bound together, yet there were others writing plays at the same time as the bard of Avon. One of the most successful was Christopher Marlowe, who many contemporaries considered Shakespeare's superior. Marlowe's career, however, was cut short at a comparatively young age when he died in a tavern fight in Deptford, the victim of a knife in the eye. Theatre had an unsavory reputation. London authorities refused to allow plays within the city, so theatres opened across the Thames in Southwark, outside the authority of the city administration. The first proper theatre as we know it was the Theatre, built at Shore-ditch in 1576. Before this time plays were performed in the cour-tyard of inns, or sometimes, in the houses of noblemen. A noble had to be careful about which play he allowed to be performed within his home, however. Anything that was controversial or political was likely to get him in trouble with the crown! After the Theatre, further open air playhouses, opened in the London area, including the Rose (1587), and the Hope (1613). The most famous playhouse was the Globe (1599) built by the company in which Shakespeare had a stake. The Globe was only in use until 1613, when a canon fired during a performance of Henry VIII caught the roof on fire and the building burned to the ground. The site of the theatre was rediscovered in the 20th century and a re-construction built near the spot. These theatres could hold several thousand of people, most standing in the open pit before the stage, though rich nobles could watch the play from a chair set on the side of the stage itself. Theatre performances were held in the afternoon, be-cause, of course, there was no artificial lighting. Women attended plays, though often the prosperous woman would wear a mask to disguise her identity. Further, no women performed in the plays. Young boys generally performed female roles.

‘Britain Express’

David Ross, editor


5) Translate the following expressions from the text  


Expressions Translation
1) to be inextricably bound to- gether быть неразрывно связан-ными
2) to have an unsavory repu- tation иметь неблагоприятную репутация
3) to get smb. in trouble получить неприятности
4) open air playhouse театр под открытым небом
5) to be in use быть в употреблении
6) to burn to the ground сгореть дотла
7) to hold the performance in the afternoon показывать спектакль днем



6) Answer the following questions  


1) Who was one of the most successful authors, writing plays at

the time of the Bard of Avon?

2) How did the contemporaries consider Christopher Marlowe?

3) How was the Christopher Marlowe’s career cut off?

4) What reputation did the theatre have?

5) Why were not the theatres opened in the centre of London?

6) When was the first proper theatre built?

7) Where were the plays performed before this time?

8) What kind of plays could get a noble in trouble with the


9) What open air playhouses opened in the London area after the


10) Why were the performance held in the afternoon?

11) Why was The Globe in use only until 1613?

12) When was the Globe rediscovered?


7) Continue the following sentences from the text  

1) Christopher Marlowe was ________________________________.

2) Theatres opened across the Thames in Southwark, because __________________________________________________________.

3) A noble had to be careful because __________________________.

4) Shakespeare had a stake in ________________________________.

5) In 1613, the Globe _______________________________________.

6) During a performance of Henry VIII ________________________.

7) In the 20th century _______________________________________.

8) Several thousand of people _______________________________

9) Rich nobles could watch the play __________________________.

10) The prosperous woman would wear a mask _______________.




Elizabeth I ascended the throne in 1558. The daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, she proved to be a highly intelligent and capable monarch. Indeed, Elizabeth's achievements were such that her 45-year reign is treated as a distinct historical period. The Eli-zabethan era saw the nation’s repel of a Spanish naval invasion, thus shifting the balance of power in Europe. It also witnessed the first explorations of the New World and the reestablishment of the Church of England. English literature reached a new pinnacle un-der Elizabeth, too, most notably in the works of William Shake-speare.

Although, there is no proof that Queen Elizabeth ever met William Shakespeare, there were plenty of occasions, when the two could have come together. Shakespeare was a managing partner of the ‘Lord Chamberlain's Men’, a theatre company that frequently sta-ged productions for the Queen. Shakespeare was also an actor and might have appeared on stage before her. At the very least, she knew who Shakespeare was, having seen productions of ‘A Mid-summer Night's Dream,’ ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’ and ‘As You Like It.’

Shakespeare’s works are the greatest representation of art from Elizabethan England. They demonstrate the economic, social, and

educational aspects of life in a nice, neat package. No other art form, including painting, could provide so much information about life in Elizabethan England. Not only can we see and ob-serve what goes on but we can view the ideas, language, and thoughts as well through words and actions.


8) Answer the following questions  


1) When did Elizabeth I ascend the throne?

2) What kind of monarch was Elizabeth I?

3) How long did Elizabeth I reign?

4) How is Elizabeth’s 45-year reign treated?

5) What did the Elizabethan era witness?

6) What level did English literature reach under Elizabeth?

7) Is there any proof that Elizabeth ever met Shakespeare?

8) What theatre company frequently stage productions for the Queen?

9) Why might Shakespeare have appeared before the Queen?

10) What do the Shakespearian works demonstrate?



9) Complete the following sentences from the text  


1) In 1558, ________________________________________________.

2) Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn were _________________________.

3) The historical period of Elizabeth’s reign is called ____________.

4) A Spanish naval invasion was ___________________________.

5) ‘Lord Chamberlain's Men’ was a theatre company where _________________________________________________________.

6) The Church of England was _____________________________.

7) Elizabeth I knew who ___________________________________.

8) ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream,’ ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’

and ‘As You Like It’ were the productions by Shakespeare that


9) Shakespeare’s works demonstrate _________________________.

10) Painting of the Elizabethan era could not provide __________



10) Read the above text and find the main ideas using the following expressions  


1) The text is about _________________________________________.

2) The first part of the text is focused on ______________________.

3) Then the author describes smth (suggests, states that) ________.

4) After that, the author passes on to (description of, statement of, analysis of ________________________________________________.

5) At the end of the text, the author pays attention to the fact that_______________________________________________________.

6) I have read the text with great interest ______________________.



11) Translate the text from Russian into English and retell it  




Use the following words:

To erect –возводить; three tiers amphitheatre – трехярусный амфитеатр; to contain –вмещать; polygon –многоугольник; aristocracy – аристократия; wealthy – зажи-точный; hazel-nut –лесной орех, shell –шелуха; fire- fighting equipment – противопожарное оборудование




Театр Глобус (The Globe Theatre) – это известный театр в Лон-доне, связанный с именем великого Уильяма Шекспира.
‘Глобус’ был возведен в 1599-ом году с использованием кон-струкций из дерева более раннего театра, который назывался просто ‘Театр’. ’Театр’ был возведен в 1576-ом году Джеймсом Бёрбеджем. В 1598 году ‘Театр’ транспортировали к Темзе и назвали его ‘Глобус’.

Историки театра утверждают, что это был открытый трёхъ-ярусный амфитеатр, вмещавший до 3 тысяч зрителей. На старом эскизе ‘Глобус’ имеет вид круглого здания. В 1997—1998 годах был найден фундамент театра ‘Глобус’ и стало ясно, что он имел форму многоугольника с двадцатью (или восемнадцатью) сторонами.
По внутренним сторонам его стены шли ложи для лондон-ской аристократии. Над ними помещались галереи для зажи-точных зрителей. В ‘Глобусе’ было 3 уровня сидячих мест. Наиболее привилегированные зрители располагались прямо на сцене. Сцена имела у основания площадку – ‘партер’, на которой за 1 пенни люди могли стоя смотреть представление. Бедные зрители в партере во время представления ели апель-сины и лесные орешки, шелуха которых была найдена во время раскопок театра. Сцена театра была без занавеса. В 20 веке был построен новый ‘Глобус’ по плану Елизаветин-ских времен. В новом театре установили осветительное и противо-пожарное оборудование. По правилам безопасности, спек-такль может посетить не больше 1300 человек, а это примерно половина тех 3 тысяч зрителей, которых вмещал театр шек-спировских времен. Современный Театр ‘Глобус’ очень похож на театр, существовавший 400 лет назад.





Побеседовать с преподавателем о роли Шекспира в мировой

литературе. Допишите данные предложения. На основании приведенных примеров составьте свое сообщение по

данной теме для экзамена.






1) William Shakespeare, often called the English national poet, is widely considered the greatest __________ (dramatist/ play-wright/ novelist) of all time. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon.

2) Contrary to impressions given in some of the older _________ (biographies/ books/essays), Shakespeare came from good middle-class _________ (parentage/ families/clans) on both sides. His mother, Mary Arden, was a daughter of a substantial farmer of Wilmcote, his father; John Shakespeare was a prosperous and respected tradesman.

3) When we read his biography, we may be surprised with a large number of sentences as ‘It is possible that…’, ‘we have no trace of what Shakespeare did in these years’. The personal history of

Shakespeare is somewhat a mystery. Two primary _________ (sources/origins/roots) provide historians with a basic outline of his life. One source is his work—the plays, poems and sonnets—and the other is official documentation such as church and court records. Some historians doubted, whether or not William Shakespeare ever _______ (existed/lived/wrote plays).

4) He married at the age of 18 to Anne Hathaway, the daughter of _________(a farmer/a singer/a poet). He met Anne in the local market. His brother slipped in the______(mud/glass/gold) and was helped to his feet by a young woman. William and Anne fell in love and married. She was eight years older than he was, and their _______(first/second/last) child, Susanna, was born six months after their wedding. Then, the couple had twins, Hamnet and Judith, but their son died when he was 11 years old.


5) At the age of 22, Shakespeare had made his way to London.

6) By 1592, there is____________ (evidence/testimony/mark) William Shakespeare earned a living as an actor and a playwright in London and possibly had several plays produced.

7) He wrote 37 plays. His plays captured the complete range of human _______ (emotion/feelings/sentiments) and conflict.

8) By the early 1590s, documents show William Shakespeare was a managing partner in the Lord Chamberlain's Men, an acting company in London.

9) William Shakespeare died on his birthday, April 23, 1616, though many________ (scholars/experts/ theatre critics) believe this is a myth.

8) In his _______(will/play/poems), he left the bulk of his posses-sions to his eldest daughter, Susanna. He bequeathed to his wife his ‘second-best bed.’ This has drawn speculation that the couple was not close. However, there is very little evidence the two had a difficult marriage.


9) Shakespeare _________(impressed/ influenced/inspired) every generation of writers and he continues to have an enormous impact on contemporary plays, movies, and poems. The Romantic poet John Keats (1795-1821) was so influenced by Shakespeare that he kept a bust of the Bard beside him while he wrote, hoping that Shakespeare would spark his creativity.


10) It is interesting to note that George Bernard Shaw (1865-1950), who __________(ridiculed/mocked/hated) those who worshipped Shakespeare (inventing an insulting term to denote the study of Shakespeare - bardolatry), secretly admired Shakespeare a great deal and often told his close friends that he thought the Bard had_________ (an unsurpassed / uncomparable /great) command of the language.





Двухчленные пары – это устойчивые английские выраже-ния, состоящие из двух слов, обычно объединяются сою-зами - and или -or. Порядок слов в таких выражениях фиксированный. Обычно их делят на пять категорий: 1) пары слов с союзом and 2) пары слов с союзом or 3) пары слов с аллитерацией (начинаются с одинаковых букв) 4) рифмованные пары 5) пары слов, соединенные другим словами   1) Выражения с союзом -and Neat and tidy -чистый, организованный, аккуратный Her house is always very neat and tidy: there is never anything out of place. В ее дом всегда чисто, все лежит на месте. Sick and tired – раздраженный или разочарованный I am sick and tired of our neighbours making such a noise – I’m going to call the police. Шум соседей меня раздражает. Я позвоню в полицию.   Wine and dine – принимать, угощать кого-то The bosses of the advertising agency always wine and dine their top clients. Руководство рекламного агентства всегда хорошо принимает VIP-клиентов.    



Up and down –взад, вперед; туда, сюда

We drove up and down the same street ten times looking for the café. Мы ездили взад и вперед по одной улице в поисках кафе.

Skin and bone – кожа да кости

That dog is all skin and bone. No one ever feeds it.

Та собака была кожа да кости. Никто ее никогда не кормил.


2) Выражения с союзом-or

Make or break – либо пан, либо пропал

This match is make or break for us. If we lose, we will have no chance of winning the league.

Этот матч для нас - или пан или пропал. Проиграем, у нас не будет шансов попасть в лигу.


Take it or leave it – на ваше усмотрение, как хотите

Eight hundred dollars is my final offer for your car – take it or leave it!

Восемьсот долларов – мое окончательное предложение за вашу машину, вы или покупаете ее или мы расходимся.


Sooner or later – рано или поздно, так или иначе

If you lie, people will find you out eventually.

Если вы лжете, люди рано или поздно поймут это.


More or less – более или менее, приблизительно

The repairs to the car will take a week, more or less.
Ремонт машины займет приблизительно неделю.


3) Пары слов с аллитерацией

Part and parcel –главная часть, черта

For some old people loneliness is part and parcel of everyday life.

Для некоторых пожилых людей одиночество – главная особенность повседневной жизни.


Safe and sound жив, здоров

The missing boy returned to his family safe and sound.

Пропавший мальчик вернулся домой живым и невредимым.

Rules and regulations правила и нормы

The rules and regulations in prisons are very strict

Правила и нормы в тюрьмах очень строгие.


4)Рифмованные пары слов

Hustle and bustle- суета

There is always lots of hustle and bustle at the market on Wednesdays.

По средам на рынке всегда суета.

Live and learn – век живи, век учись

- You mean I can get a discount because I am under 26?

-Well, you live and learn.

I never knew that!

-Ты думаешь, мне полагается скидка, так как мне нет 26 лет?

-Да, век живи, век учись.

- Я никогда не знал этого раньше.

Willy-nilly – хочешь, не хочешь, волей-неволей, воленс-


They simply ignore our views willy-nilly.

Они просто игнорируют нашу точку зрения, хочешь ты этого или не хочешь.

5) Пары слов, соединенные другим союзами

Back to front - задом наперед

You have your t-shirt on back to front! Take it off and turn it around.

Ты надел футболку задом наперед. Сними и переверни ее.


Step by step – шаг за шагом, постепенно

Follow the course and you will learn how to be the best on stage.

Учитесь и постепенно вы научитесь быть лучшими на сцене.

12) Insert the following binomial phrases into the sentences  



Step by step; hustle and bustle; up and down; sooner or later; more or less; sick and tired; neat and tidy; live and learn; willy-nilly; fish and chips


1) On his way back home, the _______and ________ of the railway station helped the passenger relax and forget about his hard working day.

2) Companies were accused of raising prices ________- _______.

3) During the intermission, he walked ______ and ______ the foyer waiting for the first bell.

4) ______ and ________ is my favourite British meal.

5) _______ or_________, fashion comes full circle.

6) It does not matter what you wear, as long as you look ____ and ______.

7) The newspaper printed his speech _____ or ________word for word.

8) I am _____ and ______ of hearing your excuses.

9) Follow our ____by______ guide.

10) There are many things you do not think of, lad, until the time comes you ____ and ______.





Task1 –Изучающее чтение: текст ‘Brief history of world circus’ Task2 – Ознакомительное чтение: тексты ‘Popularity of the Russian circus’, ’Cirque du Soleil. Its origin’ Task 3 – Беседа с преподавателем на тему ‘Should animals perform in a circus’ Грамматика: Participles/ Причастия Лексика: Synonyms/ Синонимы


Прочитать и перевести приведенный оригинальный текст со словарем. (На экзамене по кандидатскому минимуму аспирантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не менее 2000-2500 печатных знаков). На выполнение подобного задания на экзамене отводится 50-60 минут.



Philip Astley (1742-1814)
If the history of theatre, ballet, opera, vau-deville, movies, and television is generally well-documented, serious studies of circus history are sparse, and known only to a few circus enthusiasts and scholars. The circus history is often misunderstood and distorted by writers of popular fiction, Holly

Hollywood screenwriters, and journalists too busy to investigate further. One of the most popular misapprehensions about circus history is the often repeated idea that circus dates back to the Ro-man antiquity; the only common sign between Roman and mo-dern circuses is the word itself, circus, which means in Latin as in English, ‘circle’.

The modern circus was created in England by Philip Astley (1742-1814), a former cavalry Sergeant-Major turned showman. Astley served in the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), where he displayed a remarkable talent as a horse-breaker and trainer. Upon his dis-charge, Astley chose to imitate the trick-riders who performed, with increasing success, all over Europe. Jacob Bates, an English equestrian based in the German States, who performed as far away as Russia (1764-1765) and America (1772-1773), was the first of these showmen to make a mark.

In 1768, Astley settled in London and opened a riding-school near Westminster Bridge, where he taught in the morning and perfor-med in the afternoon. In London at this time, modern commercial theatre was in the process of developing. Astley’s building featu-red a circular arena that he called the circle, or circus, and which would later be known as the ring.

The circus ring, however, was not Astley's invention; it was de-vised earlier by other performing trick-riders. It was impossible to watch the riders if they were galloping in a straight line, riding in circles in a ring made it possible; through the generation of centri-fugal force, riders could keep their balance while standing on the back of galloping horses.

By 1770, Astley's considerable success as a performer had out-shone his reputation as a teacher. After two seasons in London, he needed to bring some novelty to his performances. Therefore, he hired acrobats, ropedancers, and jugglers, interspersing their acts be-tween his equestrian displays. Another addition to the show was a character borrowed from the Elizabethan theatre, the clown, who filled the pauses between acts with burlesques of juggling, tumbling, rope-dancing, and even trick-riding. With that, the mo-dern circus—a combination of equestrian displays and feats of strength and agility—was born.

Astley opened Paris's first circus, the Amphitheatre Anglois, in 1782. That same year, his first competitor arose: equestrian Charles Hughes, a former member of Astley's company. In association with Charles Dibdin, a prolific songwriter and author of panto-mimes, Hughes opened a rival amphitheatre and riding-school in London, the Royal Circus and Equestrian Philharmonic Academy. The first element of this rather grandiose title was to be adopted as a generic name for the new form of entertainment, the circus. In 1793, Hughes went to perform to the court of Catherine the Great in St. Petersburg, Russia; that same year, one of his pupils, British equestrian John Bill Ricketts opened the first circus in the United States, in Philadelphia. In 1797, Ricketts also established the first Canadian circus, in Montréal. His only competition in America, the British equestrian Philip Lailson(who came to the U.S. in 1795), brought the circus to Mexico in 1802.

Circus performances were originally given in circus buildings. Although at first these were often temporary wooden structures, every major European city soon boasted at least one permanent circus, whose architecture could compete with the most flam-boyant theatres. Similar buildings were also erected in the New World's largest cities: New York, Philadelphia, Montréal, Mexico City.

1) Answer the following questions  


1) Is the circus history well documented?

2) What is one of the most popular misunderstandings about the circus history?

3) What is the only common sign between Roman and modern cir-cuses?

4) Who created the modern circus?

5) What was Philip Astley before he became a showman?

6) What English equestrian performed in Russia in 1764-1765?

7) When did Astley settle in London and open a riding-school?

8) What did Astley's building of circus feature?

9) Did Astley invent the circus ring?

10) Why did Astley hire acrobats, rope-dancers, and jugglers after two seasons in London?

11) What character was borrowed from the Elizabethan theatre?

12) When did Astley open the Amphithéâtre Anglois in Paris?


2) Characterize the following people mentioned in the text  



People Job at the circus Achievement  
1) Philip Astley, British    
2) Charles Dibdin, British    
3) Charles Hughes,British    
4) Philip Lailson, British    
5) John Bill Ricketts British    


3) Find out which statement below are true (T), which are false (F)


1) Serious studies of circus history are very poor.

2) The circus history is often misunderstood and distorted by

writers of popular fiction.

3) The circus dates back to the Roman antiquity.

4) The word ‘circus’ means ‘circle’ in Latin.

5) Astley opened Paris's first circus, the Amphitheatre Anglois, in 1882.

6) Charles Dibdin was a prolific songwriter and author of panto-mimes.


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