Задание 1. Подберите приставки un- , dis- , in- , non- , ir- к словам, обращая внимание на контекст

Пример: His...action will lead to no good. - His inaction will lead to no good.

1. This place was...appealing and melancholic. 2. Don't...member our country! 3. But it is...sense! You can't swim across the Drake Passage by yourself. 4. You are so...responsible! You didn't come to rehearsal yesterday. 5. She always cheats on her husband. She is a...loyal wife.

Задание 2. От слов в рамке образуйте новые слова с помощью суффиксов. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу словами.

equip, doubt, art, free, equal, Russia

Пример: equip - equipment
We need hunting... to kill a bear. - We need hunting equipment to kill a bear.

1.... is the most valuable thing for a person. 2. She was... whether the new shoes will be any better 3. They always... their results. 4. These... paintings are so terrible! 5. My friend from Spain likes... cuisine.

Задание 3. Измените выделенные существительные на глаголы с помощью конверсии. Соответственно переделайте предложения.

Пример: I have a walk with his friends every day. - He walks with his friends every day.

1. My mother is standing in a queue now. 2. She pushed me with an elbow. 3. Paola is giving a call to her friend now. 4. I had plans for tomorrow. 5. We made a mistake about that book.

Задание 4. Выберите правильные варианты ответов (словосложение). Заполните пропуски образованными словами по смыслу.

Пример: 1. c) - airman
My husband is.... - My husband is an airman.

1. air a) care
2. copy b) sighted
3. rain c) man
4. birth d) coat
5. health e) book
6. short f) place

1. I was born in India. And what is your...? 2. Write in your... an essay about summer vacation. 3. My brother is.... 4. It's raining outside. You should put on your.... 5.... in our country is at top level.

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