Answer the questions below

1. Does fashion influence you when you choose clothes? Is it more important for you than price, style, comfort, colour?

2. What is your attitude to the fashion currently popular in our country?

3. Do you wear jeans? If so, how often? If not, what sort of clothes do you like to wear?

4. Are/Were you allowed to wear what you like/d to school?

5. What clothes have you bought over the past years? How often have you worn your new clothes? Do you still like them? Have you been taking good care of them? What condition are they in now?

6. What image of yourself do you try to convey through your clothes?

7. Do you try to wear fashionable clothes every day?

8. Do you think the name on the label is more important than the clothes?

9. Is your friends’ or class-mates’ opinion about your clothes important to you?

10. Do you often borrow your friends’ clothes? Do you like to lend yours?


Check yourself. Do you know what to say while doing shopping? Match the questions and the most suitable responses.

1) What can I do for you? a) Will you be having any more in?

2) Can I help you? b) No, I’m trying to find a navy blue raincoat, size 42.

3) Do you want to buy it c) No, that’s all, thanks.

4) Anything else? d) No thank you, I think I’ll leave it.

5) Are you being served? e) No, thank you, I’m just looking


6) Sorry, but we’re sold f) I want to buy a present for my

right out friend. I don’t know what to choose.


Question time.

A) Ask as many questions as you can, using the words and expressions given below.

can buy show me know size kinds of shops do the shopping pay for another pair How much Do you happen to know

B) Ask your partner in English

1) чи часто він (вона) ходить за покупками;

2) коли він (вона) звичайно ходить за покупками;

3) чи любить він (вона) ходити за покупками;

4) де він (вона) любить купувати продукти і чому;

5) де можна купити продукти;

6) де знаходиться найближчий продуктовий (хлібний, молочний, овочевий) магазин;

7) як добратися до найближчого ринка;

8) куди він (вона) ходить купувати продукти: у магазин, у супермаркет чи на ринок, і чому;

9) що продається в універмазі;

10) чи часто він (вона) ходить в універмаг і навіщо;

11) де він (вона) звичайно купує одяг, взуття, електротовари, книжки, спортивні товари, ліки та ін.;

12) чим відрізняється супермаркет від ринку;

13) скільки часу займає покупка продуктів, одягу та як можна заощадити час.


Read, translate and learn the following dialogue.

A. What are doing, Peggy?

B. I am making a shopping list, tom.

A. What do we need?

B. We need a lot of things this week.

A. Yes, I see that our refrigerator is nearly empty.

B. I must go to the grocer’s. We haven’t got much tea or coffee, and we are running out of sugar and jam.

A. What about vegetables?

B. Yes, I must go to the greengrocer’s too. We haven’t got any tomatoes left.

A. But we’ve got a lot of potatoes.

B. Well, that’s right, but potatoes are not enough for dinner.

A. What else are you going to buy?

B. I will also go to the butcher’s. We need some meat. We haven’t got any meat at all.

A. Have we got any beer or wine left?

B. No, we haven’t. And I’m not going to buy any.

A. I hope you’ve got some money.

B. I haven’t got much.

A. Well, I haven’t got much either.


Translate the following dialogue.

Shopping for clothing.

On Saturday, Senenko makes up his mind to visit a department store. He would like to buy a flannel suit, a shirt, and a pair of shoes.

C.: Що я можу зробити для вас, сер?

S.: I’m looking for a flannel suit, size 52.

C.: Це схоже на європейський розмір, на вид ви, мабуть, носите розмір 52. Який колір ви шукаєте?

S.: I’d prefer something in gray.

C.: Ось чудовий костюм із сірої фланелі. Чи не хочете його приміряти?

S.: Yes, I would. Where is the fitting room?

C.: Це прямо тут.

(after trying on)

S.: How does it look?

C.: Він виглядає чудово. Це як раз ваш розмір.

S.: How much is it?

C.: Цей костюм на розпродажу. Зараз він коштує всього $115.

S.: All right. I’ll take.


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