Some idiomatic expressions

Although All over And so on (forth) Apart from As compared to As a general rule As long as As a matter of fact As regards As soon as As well as At all times At most At that At the expense of Both …and By now By the way Combine with Contrary to Either…or Elsewhere Except for For a variety of reasons For short Hence In addition to In comparison with In order that In part In particular хотя повсюду, по всему и так далее кроме, не считая, помимо по сравнению с как правило пока фактически, на самом деле что касается как только так же как всегда самое большое, в лучшем случае вдобавок за cчёт как … так и к настоящему моменту между прочим наряду с в противоположность или … или в других источниках за исключением по ряду причин короче следовательно вдобавок, кроме того по сравнению с чтобы частично в особенности
In place of In relation to In this way Neither…nor On the average On the whole Provided вместо относительно таким образом ни … ни в среднем в целом при условии, если
Since So as to So far So that The latter The former Therefore Thus Together with Unless With that Without reference to Whether While с тех пор как так, чтобы до сих пор так, чтобы; с тем, чтобы первый (из упомянутых) последний (из упомянутых) поэтому таким образом вместе с если только … не при этом в отношении ли пока



Units of meazurement

1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm) = 25.4 millimeters (mm)

1 foot (ft) = 30.5 centimeters (cm) = 0.305 meters (m)

1 yard (yd) = 36 inches (in) = 0.914 meters (m)

1 mile (mi) = 5280 feet (ft) = 1.61 kilometers (km)

1 acre (ac) = 43,560 square feet (ft2) = 0.405 hectares (ha) = 4050 square meters (m2)

1 gallon (gal) = 0.137 cubic feet (ft3) = 8.33 pounds (lbs) water = 3.78 liters (L)

1 pound (lb) = 454 grams (g) = 0.454 kilograms (kg)

1 ton (ton) = 2000 pounds (lbs) = 907 kilograms (kg) = 0.907 megagrams (Mg)

Библиографический список


1. Aas G., Reidmiller A. Trees of Britain and Europe. – Harper Collins Publishers, 1994.

2. Akinyemi R. Rainforests. – Oxford Bookworms Factfiles. – Oxford University Press, 2002. – 22 p.

3. American beech, http: // www. yale. edu/fes505b/ beech.html (Jan, 2001).

4. Common Lime, http: // doon. mayo – ireland. ie/limec. html (Feb, 2003).

5. Dubrovin M. A book of English and Russian proverbs and sayings. – Moscow, 1993.

6. Forests of Russia. – Encyclopedia, 1995. – Under the general editorship of Utcin A.I.

7. In the English-Speaking World. – Chancerel International Publishers, 1998.

8. Maclean, Norman. Young Men and Fire. – Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1992.

9. Parfit, Michael. National Geogrphic. – September, 1990. – Р. 116-138.

10. Planet Earth Forest. – Jake Page and the editors of Time – Life Books. – 1990. – 176 p.

11. Platt R.H. Discover American Trees, 1968. – Dodd.

12. Temperate Deciduous Forest, http: // www. coff. edu/ete/ modules/msese/earthsysflr/clymo5.html (June 4, 2000).

13. Temperate Deciduous Forest Biome, pfg/diverse/temp/index.htm.

14. WorldBiomes, (Jan, 2001).

15. Wierthner, George. Fire Power // National parks. – May-June. – 1995. – P. 32-36.




19. http://en.





24. Excretion.htm.

25. Басырова Ф.А. English for University Postgratuates. – Уфа: Изд-во БГУ, 2002. – 128 с.

26. Можаев Д.В., Новиков Б.Н., Рыбаков Д.М. Англо-русский и русско-английский лесотехнический словарь. – М., 1983.



От автора........................................................................................................... 3

Part I Parts of a tree........................................................................................... 5

Unit 1 The Functional parts of a tree...................................................... 5

Unit 2 The crown..................................................................................... 9

Unit 3 The crown parts.......................................................................... 15

Unit 4 Roots........................................................................................... 21

Unit 5 The trunk.................................................................................... 25

Part II Tree....................................................................................................... 30

Unit 1 Tree classification...................................................................... 30

Unit 2 How trees live and grow............................................................ 35

Unit 3 Trees............................................................................................ 39

Part III Forest................................................................................................... 50

Unit 1 What a forest is?......................................................................... 50

Unit 2 Forests......................................................................................... 55

Unit 3 Rainforests.................................................................................. 61

Part IV Forestry............................................................................................... 65

Unit 1 Forest management.................................................................... 65

Unit 2 Protecting the forest................................................................... 71

Unit 3 Forest Products........................................................................... 77

Part V. Texts for additional reading.............................................................. 83

1 Tree parts and how they «work»....................................................... 83

2 The buds.............................................................................................. 85

3 Photosynthesis.................................................................................... 86

4 The root system................................................................................... 86

5 Hardwood Forests............................................................................... 87

6 Softwood Forests................................................................................ 88

7 Mangrove Forests............................................................................... 89

8 Improving the Forest.......................................................................... 90

9 Sap flow in desert trees...................................................................... 91

10 Birch.................................................................................................. 92

11 Kapok Tree........................................................................................ 94

12 Common Lime.................................................................................. 95

13 The Oak-Hickory Forest.................................................................. 96

14 Temperate forest............................................................................... 98

15 Layers of the rainforest.................................................................... 99

16 Urban Tree Decline........................................................................ 100

17 Forest fires...................................................................................... 100

18 Soil and Forests of Russia............................................................. 102

19 The Russian boreal forests............................................................. 103

20 Larch Forest in Krasnoyarsk......................................................... 104

21 Bashkortostan protected nature areas........................................... 105

Appendices.................................................................................................... 107

Celtic Astrological Signs..................................................................... 107

What are different woods used for?................................................... 110

English-Russian vocabulary of the main Forestry Terms................ 112

Glossary................................................................................................ 117

Some idiomatic expressions............................................................... 125

Units of meazurement.......................................................................... 126

Библиографический список....................................................................... 127

Учебное издание


Зульфия Наилевна Изимариева







Учебное пособие

по английскому языку

для студентов специальности 250201 лесное хозяйство


Технический редактор Н.А. Николаенко



Отпечатано с готовых диапозитивов



Подписано в печать 30.06.2008. Формат бумаги 60 × 841 / 16

Усл. печ. л. 7,61. Уч.-изд. л. 7,32. Бумага офсетная

Печать трафаретная. Гарнитура «Таймс». Заказ 484. Тираж 160 экз.


Издательство ФГОУ ВПО «Башкирский государственный аграрный университет»

Типография ФГОУ ВПО «Башкирский государственный аграрный университет»

Адрес издательства и типографии: 450001, г. Уфа, ул. 50 лет Октября, 34


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