Depth, breadth, dampness

Грамматические задания

I. Определите значения слова „that (those)“ в следующих предложениях:


  1. Please note that the most important words are listed in bold type in the booklet.
  2. That particular painting is not for sale.
  3. That I have never seen him before is quite certain.
  4. Here is the picture that we spoke about yesterday.
  5. There are five faculties at the Academy: those of painting, graphic arts, sculpture, architecture and history of arts.


Грамматическая справка

Значения слова «that».

1. Перед существительным – указательное местоимение «тот»: From that day onward…

2. После глагола-сказуемого – союз «что»: It has to be said that many of the ideas…

3. В начале предложения – союз «то, что»: That he is very talented is obvious.

4. После существительного – союз «который»: I have not seen the picture that you spoke about.

5. “that of” как заменитель существительного во избежание повтора. При переводе рекомендуется заменить ранее упомянутым существительным:

…as the end of one historical cycle – that of classical art…

Перевод: «…как завершение одного исторического цикла – цикла классического искусства».


II. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значения глагола «have»:

  1. Famous painters have excellent artistic qualities.
  2. We had a long talk.
  3. Have you ever seen Monet`s pictures?
  4. He had to earn his living.
  5. Do you have to get up early every morning?


III. Найдите в тексте предложения со словами «that» и «have» и определите их значения.

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When and why was the Salon des Refuses founded?
  2. What was the Impressionists` general attitude towards the academic art?
  3. How was Impressionism regarded by many art historians of that time?
  4. Did Impressionism have links with nineteenth-century Realism?
  5. What other distant sourсes were there in the art of Turner and Constable?
  6. What did the Impressionists reject?
  7. How long did the classical system of the arts remain in force?
  8. The main Impressionist themes were landscape and the depiction of urban life, weren`t they?
  9. What became the key element in the pictures of the Impressionists?
  10. When did the group of the Impressionists break up?


V. Убедитесь, что вы знаете следующие слова.

1. to found, foundation

2. to provide, provision

3. to reject, rejection

4. to derive (from), derivation

5. however

6. antecedent

7. a source

8. to reserve

9. to depict, depiction

10. to perceive, perception

11. celebrated (прилаг.)

12. urban

13. to break up

Запомните следующие словосочетания:

  1. an exhibition venue – выставочная площадка, место проведения выставки
  2. to maintain opposition to – выступать против, быть противником чего-либо
  3. to remain in force – действовать, оставаться в силе
  4. elevated subjects – возвышенные сюжеты, темы
  5. an essential component – важнейший, существенный компонент
  6. a deliberate preference for – преднамеренное, нарочитое предпочтение
  7. a good number of – значительное число, довольно много
  8. in favour of – ради
  9. in this way – таким образом
  10. from that day onward – с этого момента
  11. right through the XIX century – в течение всего ХIX века
  12. it has to be said – следует сказать, необходимо отметить


Salon des Refuses – Салон Отверженных

Formulae – мн. ч. от лат. formula


English landscape painting.

In late 18th-century England, stimulated by the founding of the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 1768 under the presidency of Joshua Reynolds, an independent school began to develop. This, too, had a pioneering influence on continental European painting, especially landscape, portraiture, and, before long, genre painting, which had been extremely popular since Hogarth’s time. The idealized classical landscape with its characteristic elements - a large tree set on one side in the foreground (in many cases with a meandering river that articulates the breadth and depth of the picture) and warm golden tones in the foreground that become increasingly cool towards the background - began to yield to genuinely northern subjects: moors, streams, marshy ponds, and thickets, all of which are based on reality, at least in the pictorial composition. This new veristic impression of nature is accentuated by the unmistakable, subdued quality of English light, overlaid with a veil of almost vegetal dampness.

I. Грамматические задания и лексические задания

1. Выпишите предложения, в которых есть слова с окончанием d, определите их функцию и значение и письменно переведите эти предложения:

Stimulated, idealized, based, accentuated, subdued.

2. От каких слов образованы следующие существительные:

depth, breadth, dampness

Приведите другие примеры образования существительных в английском языке.

3. Выделите корень в слове unmistakable. Приведите свои примеры образования прилагательных с отрицательным значением.

П. Выпишите из текста предложения со словами, характеризующими английский пейзаж: moors, streams, marshy ponds, thickets, dampness. Переведите эти предложения письменно.

Ш. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. When and where did an independent school of painting begin to develop?

2. What stimulated that process?

3. Did the new school influence continental European painting?

4. Who made genre painting very popular?

5. What elements were characteristic of the classical landscape?

6. Did they remain in the new European landscape?

Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:


1. before long – вскоре, (сравн. long before – задолго до)

2. at least – по крайней мере

3. pioneering influence – первостепенное (очень важное) значение

4. to articulate – (здесь - ясно показывать

5. increasingly – все более

6. veristic – от verity – «истина, правда»

7. to accentuate – подчеркивать

8. vegetal – растительный (сравн. floral)


William Turner

In the works of William Turner (b. London, 1775; d. Chelsea, 1851), English Romantic landscape painting attained a pictorial language that may be seen to anticipate Impressionism. Especially in his later pictures, which are reductive whirls of colour, Turner seems less intent on depicting actual landscapes than on expressing emotional moods materialized in nature. Turner’s depiction of conflicting elemental forces reflect a peculiar alteration between concentration and dissolution in his use of color and light. His painting Ostend, exhibited in 1844 at the Royal Academy, London, at first sight appears to be a composition of pure color. Only on closer inspection does a dramatic scene reveal itself. Beneath an endless sky, overcast with scudding clouds, two tiny sailboats struggle on a storm-tossed sea to reach the safety of the harbor mole. With gestures of fear, a number of figures on the mole follow this battle between man and the elements. In this work, man is portrayed as a creature at the mercy of nature, whether vehemently resisting it or accepting it with equanimity as his fate.


I. Грамматические задания.

1. В этом тексте дважды встречается сложная инфинитивная конструкция – субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее). Выпишите предложения, в которых он употреблен и письменно переведите их на русский язык.

Пример такого оборота: She was said to be a highly educated woman.

Возможны два перевода данного предложения: а) Говорят, что она была весьма образованной женщиной. в) Она, как говорят, была…

Подробно эта конструкция рассматривается в разделе «Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты». Обязательно ознакомьтесь с этим разделом в рекомендованных пособиях по грамматике английского языка.

2. Какова функция глагола «does» в предложении «Only on closer inspection does a dramatic scene…)? Переведите это предложение письменно.

Грамматическая справка. Глагол «do (does, did») имеет несколько значений:

а. Смысловой глагол со значением «делать, совершать»:

Who did it?

в. Вспомогательный глагол для образования отрицательной и вопросительной формы во временах группы Indefinitе:

- Does he often visit art galleries?

-I don`t think so.

c. Перед смысловым глаголом в утвердительных предложениях употребляется для усиления его значения (на русский язык переводится с помощью дополнительных слов «ведь, все-таки» и т.п. или путем перестройки всего предложения.

- He doesn`t know about it, I`m afraid.

- Oh, he does. He does know about it.

3. Как образовано прилагательное «endless»? Приведите другие примеры подобного словообразования.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

Was Turner a romantic landscape painter?

What can be felt in his pictorial language?

Did Turner depict actual landscapes in his later pictures?

How did the painter treat colour and light in his works?

Can you see at once a dramatic scene in the painting «Ostend»?

Describe the scene.

III. Знаете ли вы следующие слова?

to attain

to anticipate

to exhibit

to be intent on smth.

to reveal

to reflect

to resist

to accept

to follow – (зд. следить, наблюдать за чем-либо)

to struggle

to portray






Обратите внимание на следующие словосочетания:

whirls of colour

at first sight

on closer inspection

a (great) number of

the elements = elemental forces – силы природы

at the mercy of nature – на милость природы


Переведите предпоследнее предложение письменно, обращая особое внимание на прилагательные, используемые для описания природы: endless sky, scudding clouds, astorm-tossed sea.

John Constable

John Constable (b. East Bergholt, 1776; d. London, 1837) never traveled outside England. Although he studied at the Royal Academy, he was largely self-taught. His lifelong efforts at capturing the full range of nature in his pictures reveal the influence of 17th-century Dutch landscape painting on him.

Dedham Vale Seen from East Bergholt presents a broad, hilly, cultivated landscape interspersed with bushes and a number of trees. The mood of the scene is set by the sky with its heavy clouds. Constable depicts what is, in conventional terms, an unimportant detail of the landscape from his native Suffolk (on the flat east coast of England). The special attraction of this oil sketch is the spontaneity and candour of the view, which forgoes common compositional and scenic effects without abandoning its special vision of the world as a harmonious cosmos. In this context, the church tower of Dedham, which is a recurring feature in Constable’s landscapes, becomes a symbol of God. In view of the different treatments of the foreground, background, and sky, Constable’s authorship of this picture has been questioned. What is likely, however, is that he worked on the landscape at different periods of his creative life, or that he differentiated his treatment of the various areas, as he later did, or many occasions, in his mature work. With his large-scale, elaborately worked landscapes, Constable attracted great attention at the 1824 Salon in Paris and became an influential figure for the painters of the Barbizon School and, later Impressionists.


I. Грамматические задания

1. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых есть слова с окончанием –ed, определите их функцию и значение и переведите предложения.

(traveled, studied, cultivated, interspersed, questioned, worked (1), differentiated, worked (2), attracted)


2. Следующие прилагательные являются сложными словами: self-taught, life-long, large - scale.

Как они образованы и как лучше перевести их на русский язык?

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

What countries did John Constable go to?

Who helped him to become a professional painter?

What influenced his picturesque style?

 What can you say about the sky in the landscape «Dedham Vale…»?

Why is this oil sketch especially attractive?

Was Constable a religious man? Why do you think so?

Where were Constable`s works exhibited in 1824?

Why did Constable become so influential for the Impressionists?

III. Переведите и запомните следующие слова:

To capture

To reveal

To depict

To intersperse

To abandon

To question









Обратите внимание на следующие словосочетания:

Lifelong efforts

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