Be Clear About Strategy and Authority


That’s the tool for them. But again, you have to see something; you have to be very clear with them about the nature of their strategy and authority. Again, if you’re not going to align the vehicle, the vehicle isn’t going to be making the decisions. Then the vehicle is going to be in transference and none of this is going to operate properly. And it’s not, in the end, going to produce the results that we want to see and these people want to see.


The thing to recognize is that because we are dealing with a subject that is so significant to so many human beings that we’re not just going to be dealing with Design people. That slowly but surely through word of mouth—God knows how many zillions of dollars are spent on diets and all kinds of stuff. After all, there are a lot of people that are interested in being healthy. The fact is that you need to make sure that this information of strategy and authority is built into the way in which you do the diagnosis. And I think that those of you that participated in the clinics, you can see that I would do that. I wouldn’t just ignore their design. I would make sure if there are things that I saw in the design that could really get in the way, it was immediate that I would bring it up.


To be clear that you’re this or you’re that, so you have to do it this way—you’re emotional, take your time, enter into it correctly, wait for your clarity—all this kind of stuff is necessary. You don’t have to do a Human Design reading, but you certainly have to use the knowledge, and you certainly have to point those people towards making decisions correctly so that they can support the transformation that can take place in their vehicle. We’re not going to be able to do anything for them in the long term unless they’re committed to taking all of the medicine.


So, a very, very important part of the task is that you don’t get seduced in just giving out the Color information, because it’s easy to do. And it’s very important that anyone who is going to have a PHS reading from you, that you make sure that you take them step-by-step through this information correctly, that they understand what they’re entering into, that they understand that they’re entering into an experiment, that they understand what is required of them in that experiment, that they understand at least something enough about themselves to be able to have the tools to operate correctly in the experiment, and then to be given the information of whatever their condition or circumstance happens to be so they can really enter into the experiment.



Базовые вещи: Стратегия и Авторитет

… Однако, цель данного вида анализа ПЧС заключается в том, чтобы иметь возможность провести его любому человеку. Но, разумеется, у нас есть базовые вещи, которые необходимо передать человеку, чтобы иметь возможность надеяться, что оно окажется для него ценным и он сможет извлечь из него преимущества. Конечно же, я говорю о его базовых Стратегии и Авторитете. Они являются необходимым ингредиентом. Они во многом обусловят то, на чём вам нужно будет фокусироваться во время..

The Basic Criteria: Strategy and Authority


 …However, the goal of this kind of PHS analysis is that it’s the kind of thing you can go with anyone. But obviously, we have a basic criteria that we have to meet in terms of any kind of success or any kind of attempt giving this knowledge over to somebody and hoping that it’s going to be of value to them and an advantage to them. Of course, what I’m talking about is their basic strategy and authority. This is going to be an essential element. It’s going to have to be in many ways the focus of what you’re actually pointed at….




Система Доставки “Лекарства”: Тип и Стратегия


Однако это послание, само по себе, будет эффективным только в том случае, если оно оперирует в соответствии с правильным подходом к функционированию человека - что означает, что эти люди должны войти в эксперимент с базовой частью своего Дизайна (открытости, определённости, стратегия и авторитет - прим. переводчика). Разумеется, они приходят к вам не для того, чтобы получить чтение именно своего Дизайна, проводить которое, в сущности, не является частью ваших обязанностей и ответственности. Однако, вы ответственны за то, чтобы глубоко понимать - как и в любом типа анализа - глубоко понимать поверхностный уровень их дизайна. Вы должны понимать, что там присутствует. Вам совершенно необходимо знать стратегию и авторитет человека, потому что именно они будут отвечать за то, как тот будет пользоваться переданной вами информацией. Если сравнить её с лекарством, то стратегия и авторитет будут системой доставки этого лекарственного препарата. В медицине, существует великое множество таких систем. Какие-то лекарства принимают, проглатывая, какие-то колются в кровь и так далее. СИСТЕМОЙ ДОСТАВКИ ДАННОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ СТРАТЕГИЯ И ТИП ЧЕЛОВЕКА. И вам необходимо убедиться в том, что ваш клиент будет понимать это на очень глубоком уровне.


Delivery Mechanism: Type and Strategy


However, that message in and itself is only something that is going to be effective if it operates in accordance with people operating correctly, which means they have to enter into the experiment of their basic design. Obviously, what they’re coming for is not a Human Design reading, that, in essence, not your responsibility. However, what is your responsibility is that you need to have a deep grasp of, like any analysis you do for anyone, you need to have a grasp of their design. You need to see what’s here. You obviously need to know what is going to be their strategy and authority because this is what you’re going to have to deliver to them as the way in which this is the delivery system for the medicine. Medicines have all kinds of delivery systems. You can take them orally, or shoot them, there are all kinds of things you can do. THIS IS THE DELIVERY MECHANISM AND THE DELIVERY MECHANISM IS THEIR TYPE AND STRATEGY. And they need to understand that at a very deep level.


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