Fast food, cookbook, recipe, dish, menu, take-away, bill, tip, ingredients, service, waiter, dessert, bar, lounge, restaurant, order

I really hate …. I prefer to go to a good … that serves everything, including the …, using the best …. Sometimes, I like to … something that I have tried at home. First, I look up the … in the … cookbook and then I cook the …. Next, I go to the restaurant, and when the … comes to my table I ask for the … and order what I have already cooked at home! Sometimes, I like to go out for a …. You can have a drink in either a … or a …, which are usually nicer. At the end of the evening, it's time to ask for the … and, usually, if the … has been good, it's a good idea to leave a 15%-20% ….


9.Translate into English:


1. Заклади харчування коливаються від розкішних ресторанів до невеликих кафе та барів. 2. Наша фірма займається постачанням їжі для банкетів та конференцій. 3. Як дешева закусочна, так і гастрономічний магазин знаходять своє місце на сучасному ринку завдяки клієнтами. 4. Головним чином ми зосереджуємось на обслуговування постійних клієнтів. 5. Тільки заклади, які мають ліцензію, можуть подавати спиртні напої.


10. Choose the suitable word from the brackets and translate the sentence:


1. All customers have … to be served quickly and efficiently. (license, right) 2. They went to a … to have a drink and celebrate the concluded agreement. (bar, café, delicatessen) 3. In that … they serve only beer – according to rules and traditions. (restaurant, pub, bar) 4. The usual fare of appetizer … from 6 to 15$. (to range, to differ) 5. Types of catering establishments … greatly from country to country. (to range, to differ) 6. I am not sure that this night club has … to serve alcohol. (license, right) 7. We expand our business and move to other …. (establishment, premises) 8. Restaurants are luxurious … if compared to pubs. (establishment, premises)


11. Creative task: Design your own restaurant Imagine you are going to open your own restaurant. In groups prepare a brief presentation describing your restaurant, using the following headings:


– Size and Location – Music
– Type of food – Clients
– Drinks – Theme/Entertainment
– Atmosphere – Working hours


12. Read and dramatize the dialogue. Make your own using this one:


Waiter: Welcome to Charley’s. Here are your menus. Today’s special is grilled salmon. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer 1: I’d like spaghetti with shrimps.

Waiter: And you?

Customer 2: I’ll have a hamburger and fries.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Customer 1: I’ll have a coke, please.

Waiter: And for you?

Customer 2: Just water, please.

Waiter: OK. So that’s spaghetti with shrimps, one hamburger and fries, one coke, and one water. I’ll take your menus.

Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.

Waiter: How was everything?

Customers 2: Delicious thanks.

Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?


13. Read and translate the article:



It seems strange that the modest and democratic sandwich was the invention of an aristocrat.

The Earl of Sandwich, the head of the British navy, was a passionate card-player. In 1762, during a 24-hour gambling session, he got hungry, picked up a piece of beef and popped it between two slices of bread. He then carried on playing cards while eating what was to become Britain's biggest contribution to gastronomy.

The word for his invention soon entered the English language. In 1762, the historian Edward Gibbon wrote about a restaurant where ‘twenty or thirty of the first men in the kingdom’ could be seen ‘supping at little tables upon a bit of cold meat, or a Sandwich’.

Today the sandwich is enjoyed by all classes and both sexes, not just the 'first men in the kingdom'. In fact, every weekday, almost every office worker in the country has one for lunch, whether plain or toasted on traditional British sliced bread, crusty French bread Italian ciabatta or Middle Eastern pitta. Popular filling include tuna salad with mayonnaise, prawn cocktail with avocado, BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato), and cheese and pickle.

Cucumber sandwiches on thin white, slightly soggy bread with the crusts cut off, are probably the most uniquely British type of sandwich. Cut into four neat triangles, their delicate flavour has made them popular since Victorian times. They have to be eaten in the right context: in the summer at garden parties, cricket matches or even wedding receptions. They are most popular type of sandwich at Wimbledon where every year 190,000 sandwiches are sold during the two-week tennis tournament.

Most exotic sandwich combinations: strawberry and camembert, banana and peanut butter with alfalfa.

Most delicious sandwich combinations: parma ham with rocket and crisp lettuce, smoked salmon with cucumber and hard-boiled egg, prawn with yoghurt and mint and cucumber, cream cheese with tomato and basil and asparagus tips.

Unit 12 Restaurants

1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

establishment – заклад; syn:organization;

e.g. Restaurants and other commercial establishments in our city remain closed today.

to establish – засновувати; syn. set up, found;

established – встановлений, визнаний;

to serve – подавати:

e.g. To serve means to give people food and drinks. serving – порція;
to serve up – подавати: He served it up on a delicate white plate. services – послуги: The kitchen maintains 24-hours service and can be contacted via reception.

to consume – споживати; syn: eat, drink, ingest;

e.g. Martha consumes almost a pound of cheese every day. consumer – споживач: The main task is to improve public services and consumer rights. consumption – споживання: The average daily consumption of fruit is about 200 grams.

multiplicity – численність; syn: diversity, variety, large quantity, range, assortment; ant: dearth, lack;

e.g. Her culinary style was shaped by a multiplicity of influences.

diversity – різноманітність

e.g. That was a city of great cultural diversity.

venue – мі́сце збо́ру; syn: site, place, location, scene, setting, spot;

cuisine – кухня;

to appear – з’явля́тися; syn. occur, be found, emerge;

e.g. There appeared some fears among the staff. appearance – поява: The appearance of new stylish restaurants was rare.

to restore – відно́влювати; syn: refresh, revive, strengthen, reanimate; ant: make worse, sicken, weaken;

to restore one’s health, to be restored to health – відновити здоров’я; to be restored to life – повернутись до життя;

fixed – постійний; syn: permanent, steady; ant: inconstant, varying, unfixed;

opening hours – годи́ни роботи;

setting – оточення; syn: scenery, surroundings;

formal wear – офіці́йний одяг; syn. official; ant. unofficial, informal, casual;

e.g. Formal wear is suitable for occasions organized according to conventional ceremony.

bill (Usual U.S and Canadian word: check) – рахунок;

e.g. He picked up the bill for dinner. That brings your bill to 17$.

afterwards – по́тім;

tip – чайові́;

to tip – давати чайові;

vegetarian – вегетаріанський;

to prohibit – забороняти; syn: ban, forbid, veto; ant. allow, permit;

e.g. Smoking prohibited. The Law prohibits men from selling drugs.
prohibition – заборона;
prohibitive price – недоступна ціна;

to permit – дозволяти;

e.g. I was permitted to visit the inner premises.
permission/permittance (to give a permission) – дозвіл;
permitted (permitted hours) – дозволенний.

2. Read and translate the text: Restaurants

A restaurant is an establishment that serves prepared food and beverages to be consumed on the premises. The term covers a multiplicity of venues and a diversity of styles of cuisine. The term restaurant (from the French restaurer, to restore) first appeared in the 16th century, meaning "a food which restores", and referred specifically to a rich, highly flavoured soup. The first restaurant in the form that became standard (customers sitting down with individual portions at individual tables, selecting food from menus, during fixed opening hours) was the Grand Taverne de Londres, founded in 1782.

Restaurants range from lunching or dining places catering to people working nearby, with simple food served in simple settings at low prices, to expensive

establishments serving refined food and wines in a formal setting. In the former case, clients are not expected to wear formal wear. In the latter case, clients generally wear formal clothing, though this varies between cultures. The standard way in which restaurants operate is that customers sit at tables, a waiter comes to take their order, and later brings the food, and the customers pay the bill afterwards. Depending on local custom, a tip of varying proportions of the bill (often 10-20%) is added, which usually goes to the staff.

Restaurants often specialise in certain types of food. For example, there are seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants or ethnic restaurants. Generally speaking, restaurants selling "local" food are simply called restaurants, while restaurants selling food of foreign origin are called accordingly, for example, a Chinese restaurant and a French restaurant.

Depending on local customs and the establishment, restaurants may or may not serve alcoholic beverages. Often, laws governing the sale of alcohol prohibit restaurants from selling alcohol without a meal, because otherwise, such a sale would be an activity for a bar. Some restaurants are licensed to serve alcohol ("fully licensed"), or permit customers to "bring your own" alcohol (BYO). In economics, restaurants are the end of the supply chain in the foodservice industry. There is usually too much competition in most cities since barriers to entry are relatively low, which means that for most restaurants, it is hard to make a profit. In most industrialized countries, restaurants are heavily regulated to ensure the health and safety of the customers.

The typical restaurant owner faces many obstacles to success, including raising initial capital, finding competent and skilled labour, maintaining consistent and excellent food quality, maintaining high standards of safety.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of establishment is a restaurant?

2. What is the origin of the word “restaurant”?

3. What are the main types of restaurants?

4. Where should clients wear formal clothing?

5. When must customers pay the bill?

6. What percentage of a bill should be tip?

7. What are the types of restaurants according to the food served?

8. Do restaurants serve alcoholic beverages?

9. What are the reasons of restaurant failure?

10. What is the end of the supply chain in the food service industry?


4. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:


establishment, prepared food, to be consumed, on the premises, multiplicity, venues, styles of cuisine, to restore, fixed opening hours, to found, to range from, formal setting, former – latter, to take one’s order, to pay the bill, custom, competent and skilled labour, food quality, raising initial capital


5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:


засновувати ресторан, різноманітність (2 варіанта), споживати, офіційний одяг, обслуговувати, оточення, успіх, конкуренція, закон, відповідно, давати чайові, звичай, персонал, етнічний ресторан, забезпечувати безпеку, перешкода, стартовий капітал, забезпечувати, отримувати прибуток


6. a) Replace the underlined words and word-combinations using the synonyms from the text:


1. A restaurant is an organization that sells prepared food and beverages to be consumed inside the building.

2. Customers are not expected to wear official wear.

3. Laws forbid restaurants to sell alcohol without a meal.

4. We asked the waiter to bring our check.

5. The diversity of new snack-bars emerged in our city.

b) Find in the text the antonyms to the following words and make up sentences with pairs of antonyms:

e.g. Success or failure of this business depends on a number of factors.

to weaken, failure, informal, to permit, lack


7. Choose the suitable word and translate the sentence into Ukrainian:


a) to consume - consumer - consumption

1. The … of alcohol by under-aged is strictly prohibited. 2. The main target of any activity is to make profit and to satisfy the needs of …. 3. The amount of food … is twice as large as the amount that our country produces. 4. They … 10 tons of coal a month. 5. … advertising is made according to wishes and desires of a potential buyer. 6. The … level of firsts depends on the living standard of people.

b) to serve - serving - service

1. It's time to … up the main course. 2. How many … do you suppose to have? 3. He always … us with great dignity and efficiency. 4. Our establishment offers … only of high quality. 5. Unfortunately, we have to suspend a …. 6. We are going to have twenty visitors, so there must be at least 15 … of our specialty.

c) establishment - to establish - established

1. We … a restaurant 7 years ago and now it is rather profitable. 2. You must not steal – it is long … truth. 3. For your … to function properly, make sure that everything is working. 4. Our … has hard times – profits fall, expenses rise. 5. What is an … concept of catering establishment in your country? 6. We … new relations between management and employees of the restaurant.


8. Complete the sentences with the words from the text and then retell the dialogue:


bill, bottle, dessert, drinks, steak with vegetables, hungry, menu, non-smoker, order, restaurant, table, salmon

Guest: A … for two, please.

Waiter: Smoker or …?

Guest: Non-smoker, please.

Waiter: Here you go. Would you like to see the …?

Guest: Yes, please. We are very ….

Waiter: Are you ready to …?

Guest: We'd like …, please, and ….

Waiter: Would you like any …?

Guest: An orange juice, a coke and a … of red wine.

Waiter: Would you like a …?

Guest: No, thank you. Could we have the …, please?


9.Translate into English:


1. Ресторан – це заклад, в якому споживачам подаються їжа та напої. 2. Власники ресторанів стикаються з чисельними перешкодами: поставки продуктів, некомпетентний персонал, вибагливі клієнти та високий рівень конкуренції. 3. В обов’язки офіціанта входить запропонувати меню, прийняти замовлення і принести рахунок. 4. Ресторани мають певну спеціалізацію: етнічні ресторани продають блюда різних кухонь світу, рибні – спеціалізуються на рибних стравах, існують ресторани для вегетаріанців. 5. Ресторани, що мають дозвіл, подають спиртні напої з їжею, деякі дозволяють приносити алкоголь з собою.


10. Creative task: Write a Review on your favourite café or restaurant:


Restaurant reviews are a wonderful way of communicating the quality and type of restaurant available to consumers in various communities. The following checklist offers elements that make a good restaurant review:

__Point out the name of establishment

__Location of the establishment should be included

__Who are the intended consumer of the establishment?

__Type of food (Italian, steak house, family, etc.)

__Type of town that the establishment is located in

__The distance to places of interest from the establishment/other attractions

__When the restaurant was first opened

__Who is/are the owner(s)?

__The menu should be described: the number of items of the menu, appetizers, drinks, entrees.

__Say whether it is clearly composed.

__Compare its size, price, etc. to other local establishments.

__Size of establishment

__Number of rooms/Available seating

__Separate smoking/non-smoking seating


__Decorations (paintings, plants, etc.)


__Noise level

__Entertainment (live bands, live alligators, live television, etc.)

__Open hours



__Quality (dry, soggy, undercooked, burnt, overall taste, etc.)

__Quantity (large, small, etc.)

__Speed prepared


__Appropriate dress for this establishment


11. Read the jokes and retell them:


1) Client: Waitress?

Waitress: Yes, sir.

Client: Can I have some ice-cream, please, one spoonful of vanilla, one scoop – no two scoops – of chocolate … three scoops of strawberry … and two scoops of banana flavour … and I’d like some chocolate sauce with it … and some cream …

Waitress: Right, sir. So that’s one scoop of vanilla, two scoops of chocolate, three scoops of strawberry, and two scoops of banana flavour.

Client: Yes make it three scoops of banana.

Waitress: Three scoops of banana … with chocolate sauce and cream…

Client: Yes, that’s right.

Waitress: And do you want cherry on top?

Client: No, thanks. I am on a diet.

2) Client: Waiter?

Waiter: Yes, sir.

Client: I have a question. What’s in the Chicken Surprise Pie?

Waiter: Chicken, sir.

Client: Chicken? … so what’s the surprise?

Waiter: The chicken’s got feathers, sir.


12. Read and dramatize the dialogue. Make your own using this one:


Waiter: Welcome to Charley’s. Here are your menus. Today’s special is grilled salmon. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer 1: I’d like spaghetti with shrimps.

Waiter: And you?

Customer 2: I’ll have a hamburger and fries.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Customer 1: I’ll have a coke, please.

Waiter: And for you?

Customer 2: Just water, please.

Waiter: OK. So that’s spaghetti with shrimps, one hamburger and fries, one coke, and one water. I’ll take your menus.

Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.

Waiter: How was everything?

Customers 2: Delicious thanks.

Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?

Unit 13 Staff of the Restaurant:
Food and Beverage Serving

1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

front line – перша лінія, передова;

to escort – супроводжувати; syn: accompany;

e.g. The host escorted the guests to their table. She was escorted to the table near the fireplace by the manager of the restaurant.

escort – супровід: The prisoners were transported under military escort.

diner – той, хто обідає;

e.g. Diner is someone who is eating a meal, especially in a restaurant.
to dine – обідати, вечеряти;
e.g. I hate dining alone. We dined by candlelight. He once dined with the President of France.

specialty – фірмова страва;

e.g. A specialty is a meal that is available in a restaurant on a particular day which is not usually available. Today's specialties are written on the board. Oysters are a local speciality/a specialty of the area. Paella is a specialty of the house (= a food that is unusually good in a particular restaurant). special – особливий;

itemized check – деталізований рахунок (кожен пункт окремо);

item – пункт, стаття, одиниця: the last item on the list; The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 items. There are three items on the agenda. to itemize a bill – складати детальний рахунок; to itemize, UK itemise – перераховувати по пунктам, деталізувати: e.g. To itemize means to list things separately, often including details about each thing: We asked for an itemized bill, listing all expenses.

courteous – вві́чливий, чемний; syn: polite, respectful; well-mannered;

e.g. Servers are expected to provide fast, efficient, and courteous service. Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous.

to emphasize – наголошувати; syn: stress, accentuate;

e.g. (+ question word)/(+ that) I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages. – I'd just like to emphasize that it is important for people to learn foreign languages.
emphasis (plural emphases) – наголос;

tableside – поряд зі столом;

purchase – покупка; syn. buying, purchasing;

e.g. How do you wish to pay for your purchases? a major purchase; A house is the most expensive purchase that most people ever make. This product may be frozen. If required, freeze on day of purchase. to purchase – купляти: Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance. She purchased her first house with the money.

to assign seating – розподіляти місця;

to assign – розподіляти, призначати;

Maitre d’Hotel – метрдотель (головний офіціант);

station waiter – офіціант;

attendant/commis waiter – помічник офіціанта;

dumb waiter – ам. ліфт для подачі страв з одного поверху на інший, кухонний ліфт: Dumb waiter is a small lift used to move food, plates etc from one level in a restaurant, hotel etc to another.

to replenish – наповнювати;

e.g. They also replenish the supply of clean linens, dishes, silverware, and glasses in the dining.

to set up tables – накривати столи;

cash register – касовий апарат;

host – розпорядник, адміністратор;

cashier – касир;

bartender – бармен; syn: barman;

wine-waiter – сомельє; syn: wine butler, sommelier;

e.g. The sommelier prepares drinks and serves the wine ordered by guests.

barista - баріста:

e.g. The barista is a person who is skilled in the art of coffee making.

cigar steward – табакерок, офіціант, який спеціалізується на сигарах:

e.g. The cigar steward helps the guests to choose cigars according to the kind of digestive (a kind of a drink); he also familiarizes guests with rules of lighting of cigars.

mix – суміш;

draught beer – бочкове пиво;

waste – затримка, втрата; syn: loss;

e.g. She's been unemployed for two years and it's such a waste of her talents. to waste – гаяти, втрачати: Come on, let's get started – we've wasted enough time already. wastage – марнотратство;

garnishes – прикраси;

coatroom – кімната для відпочинку;

to schedule – планувати;

e.g. The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon The train is scheduled to arrive at 8.45, but it's running twenty minutes late.
to schedule jobs — складати графік робот;

supply – запас;

table linen – скатертина;

to carve meat – різати м’ясо

e.g. Would you like me to carve the chicken?

carver (ALSO electric carver) – електричний ніж для м’яса;

e.g. The carver is a knife which has a blade that is moved very quickly by electricity, and is used for cutting cooked meat.

steam tables – марміт (теплий стіл для збереження їжі гарячою);

to ladle sauce – наливати соус.

2. Read and translate the text: Staff of the Restaurant: Food and Beverage Serving

Food and beverage serving and related workers are the front line of customer service in restaurants, coffee shops, and other food service establishments. These workers greet customers, escort them to seats and hand them menus, take food and drink orders, and serve food and beverages. They also answer questions, explain menu items and specials, and keep tables and dining areas clean and set for new diners.

Waiters and waitresses, the largest group of these workers, take customers’ orders, serve food and beverages, prepare itemized checks, and sometimes accept payment. Their specific duties vary considerably, depending on the establishment. In coffee shops servers are expected to provide fast, efficient, and courteous service. In fine dining restaurants, where more complicated meals are prepared and often served over several courses, waiters and waitresses provide more formal service emphasizing personal, attentive treatment and a slower pace. They may recommend certain dishes and identify ingredients or explain how various items on the menu are prepared. Some prepare salads, desserts, or other menu items tableside. Additionally, they may check the identification of patrons to ensure they meet the minimum age requirement for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products.

The head waiter is in charge of the staff of waiters, and is also responsible for assigning seating. This person can also be referred to as the Maitre d’Hotel. The station waiter notes orders and passes them on to the kitchen. The wine-waiter will bring, prepare and serve the wine ordered by the guests. He will see that it is served at the right temperature and replenish the glasses. In some luxury restaurants the positions of a barista and cigar steward are presented.

Waiters and waitresses sometimes perform the duties of other food and beverage service workers. These tasks may include escorting guests to tables, serving customers seated at counters, clearing and setting up tables, or operating a cash register. However, full-service restaurants frequently hire other staff, such as hosts and hostesses, cashiers, or dining room attendants, to perform these duties.

Bartenders fill drink orders either taken directly from patrons at the bar or through waiters and waitresses who place drink orders for dining room customers. Bartenders check identification of customers seated at the bar, to ensure they meet the minimum age requirement for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products. They prepare mixed drinks, serve bottled or draught beer, and pour wine or other beverages. Bartenders must know a wide range of drink recipes and be able to mix drinks accurately, quickly, and without waste. Besides mixing and serving drinks, bartenders stock and prepare garnishes for drinks; maintain an adequate supply of ice, glasses, and other bar supplies; and keep the bar area clean for customers. They also may collect payment, operate the cash register, wash glassware and utensils, and serve food to customers seated at the bar. Bartenders usually are responsible for ordering and maintaining an inventory of liquor, mixes, and other bar supplies.

Hosts and hostesses welcome guests and maintain reservation or waiting lists. They may direct patrons to coatrooms, restrooms, or to a place to wait until their table is ready. Hosts and hostesses assign guests to tables suitable for the size of their group, escort patrons to their seats, and provide menus. They also schedule dining reservations, arrange parties, and organize any special services that are required. In some restaurants, they act as cashiers.

Dining room and cafeteria attendants, commis waiters and bartender helpers assist waiters, waitresses, and bartenders by cleaning tables, removing dirty dishes, and keeping serving areas stocked with supplies. Sometimes called backwaiters or runners, they bring meals out of the kitchen and assist waiters and waitresses by distributing dishes to individual diners. They also replenish the supply of clean linens, dishes, silverware, and glasses in the dining room and keep the bar stocked with glasses, liquor, ice, and drink garnishes. Dining room attendants set tables with clean tablecloths, napkins, silverware, glasses, and dishes and serve ice water, rolls, and butter. At the conclusion of meals, they remove dirty dishes and linens from tables.

Counter attendants take orders and serve food in cafeterias and coffee shops. In cafeterias, they serve food displayed on steam tables; carve meat, dish out vegetables, ladle sauces and soups, and fill beverage glasses.

The amount of personnel in a catering establishment, particularly restaurant, depends on several factors: its size, its specialization, services provided, working hours and many others.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main tasks of food and beverages serving workers?

2. Who is responsible for preparing and serving the wine ordered by the guests?

3. Why are the duties of waiters in restaurants and coffee-houses different?

4. What is Maitre d’Hotel?

5. Can a waiter check the identification of patrons?

6. What are the responsibilities of a bartender?

7. What are the responsibilities of a barista and a cigar steward?

8. Who can perform the functions of a cashier?

9. What do hosts and hostesses do?

10. What are the duties of dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers?

11. Who brings meals out of kitchen?

12. Do counter attendants perform the functions of food preparation or food serving workers?


4. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:


front line, to escort, to serve food and beverage, specials, to accept payment, to provide fast, efficient, and courteous service, treatment, complicated, meet the minimum age requirement, Maitre d’Hotel, hosts, draught beer, without waste, to maintain an adequate supply, to assign guests to tables, cafeteria attendants, stocked, to carve meat, steam table


5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:


зустрічати клієнтів, приймати замовлення, пункти меню, накривати на стіл, значно, перевіряти посвідчення особи клієнта, бути відповідальним за, наповнювати келихи, касир, велика кількість, прикраси, підходящий для, планувати, серветки, столові прибори, робочий час


6. a) Match the synonyms:


to schedule bill
waste to accompany
to set up tables loss
head waiter check
polite Maitre d’Hotel
to lay the table courteous
to escort to plan

Make up sentences with the synonyms.

b) Find the antonyms to the following words in the text:

rude, simple, remiss, exclude, to fire, rarely


7. Find the words to match these definitions and learn them:


1. ________– a headwaiter in a restaurant or a hotel dining room;

2. _______ – somebody who serves in a bar;

3. _______ – somebody employed to serve or help members of the public catering establishment;

4. _______ – somebody employed in a restaurant to greet and seat customers;

5. _______ – responsible for receiving and paying out money and keeping financial records;

6. ________ – a customer, especially a regular one, of a shop or restaurant.


8. Give English equivalents of the following Ukrainian word combinations. Use the given word:



надавати послуги, до Ваших послуг, столовий сервіз, підприємство сфери обслуговування, робота в сфері послуг, відповідальний за обслуговування клієнтів


пункт меню, стаття бюджету, новина, висвітлювати питання


запаси продовольства, поповнювати запаси, робити запаси, достатні запаси, недостатні запаси


встановлювати вимоги, відповідати вимогам, легальні вимоги, мінімальні вимоги, усувати вимоги


9. Fill in the gaps with the words given below:


bartender helpers, host, working hours, dishes, competitive, waiter, courteously, service, bartender, food and beverage service workers, hostess, dishwashers, food, glassware, waitress, dining room attendants, patrons, counter attendants

People who serve customers in restaurants are called …. They are on their feet most of the time and often carry heavy trays of …, …, and…. During busy…, they are under pressure to serve customers quickly and…. Many employers prefer to hire college graduates for … and …, …, and … and … positions, but completion of high school usually is not required for…,..., and … and …. Restaurants rely on good food and qualified customer … to retain loyal customers and succeed in a … industry. Food and beverage serving and related workers who exhibit excellent personal qualities, such as a pleasant way with …, will be highly appreciated.


10. Contradict the following statements using the model:


Model: The Maitre d’Hotel checks the supply of table clothes. – On the contrary, it is a dining room attendant who is responsible for checking the supply of table clothes.

1. Host/hostess is responsible for bringing meals out of the kitchen. 2. The station waiter brings, prepares and serves the wine. 3. The head waiter checks the identification of patrons to ensure they meet the minimum age requirement for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products. 4. Bartenders arrange parties, and organize any special services that are required. 5. Cashiers prepare financial statements for the tax inspection. 6. Counter attendants prepare salads, desserts, or other menu items tableside.


11. Translate into English:


1. Метрдотелі зустрічають відвідувачів, проводжають їх до столика, пропонують меню та приймають замовлення. 2. В кафетеріях людина, яка обслуговує за прилавком, пропонує страви, подає їжу та приймає оплату. 3. Персонал, який обслуговує вас в закладах харчування включає розпорядника, офіціанта, бармена та їх помічників. 4. Особливо наголошуються в ресторанах ввічливість та професійність працівників. 5. Він накрив стіл, наповнив келихи вином та подав замовлені страви.


12. Creative task: a) Read the following job advertisements:


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