The cosmic Rosetta stone


I. First Reading of the Text (Skimming Reading)


1. Read paragraphs 1-12 and try to understand what they are about and what information is already known to you.

2. Write down the physical terms, known to you, in Russian.

3. Write out a list of apparatuses or satellites launched into space to explore the Solar System.

4. Write out a list of physicists and scientists mentioned in the article who have different opinions about the structure and origin of the Universe.

II. Scanning reading


12. Read the texts “Anisotropy in the cosmic Background”,” The Scientific Harvest” and the texts of Box 1 and Box 2.

13. Pick out an idea or a phrase which you think is most informative or most interesting from each part of the whole text.

14. Pick out cosmological terms from the text which you do not know.


III. Vocabulary and Word Study.


A Vocabulary


barion        [' bæriən]      n - барион(массивная элементарная частица)

baryonic        [' bærionik]  adj – барионный

to decipher [ disaifə]          v - расшифровывать

hieroglyphics [,haiə'rouglif] n – иероглиф

hiss                                       n - шипение, свист

obituary    [ə'bitjuəri]      n - список умерших

cosmology [koz'molədzi] n - космология

dipolar      [dai'poulə] adj     - имеющий два полюса

a frame                                  n - система координат; цикл

vindication                            n - доказательство; защита; оправдание

fluctuation [' flaktju'ei ∫n] n - колебание; неустойчивость

void                                       n - пустота; впадина; вакуум

primeval   [prai'mi:vəl]    adj –первобытный

to recede                                v - убывать; отойти на задний план; терять интерес (значение)

stringent                                adj -строгий; жёсткий

overnight                               adv - быстро; скоро; неожиданно

multipole                               adj - многополюсный

inflation                                 n - вздутие; раздувание

blowup                                  n - взрыв

to subtend                                v - оттягивать (угол)

rms                                                - среднеквадратичное значение

isotropic  [,aisou'tropik]      adj- изотропный

to seed                                      v - засеивать

arch minute [a:t∫]                         - минута дуги

cluster      ['klΛstə]               n - пучок; скопление

monopole                                  adj -однополюсный; уединённый; магнитный полюс

texture                                       n - текстура; структура

a conjugate                                n  - сопряжённый

scenario    [si'na:riou]n               - вариант; положение; ситуация

redshift                                      n - красное смещение

hypothesis [hai'pouθisis]       n - гипотеза

spatially    ['spei ∫əli]            adv - пространственно

opacity      [ou'pæsiti]n               - затенённость; темнота; неясность

putative     ['pjutətiv] adj            - предполагаемый

impervious [im'pə:vjəs]adj          - непроницаемый

linear         ['liniə] adj                - линейный

inhomogeneity [inhomoudze'ni:ti] n - неоднородность

variance      ['v ε'əriəns           n - дисперсия; непостоянство

vernacular [və'nækjulə]          adj - характерный (для данной местности)

perturbation                                 n - нарушение

power spectrum                                 - спектральная плотность; спектральная функция; энергетический спектр

insurmountable                           adj - непреодолимый

bin                                               n - бункер

toemerge  ['mә:dз]                  v - появляться, возникать

to disfavour [dis'feivə]            v - впасть в немилость, неодобрять

to launch  [lo:nt∫]                    n - запускать

to pin down                                  v - связывать, пробивать

invariance   [in'vεәriәns]        n - инвариантность

gravity wave                                      - гравитационная волна

to engender [in'dзendə]          v - порождать, вызывать

distortion                                     n - искажение

constituent                                   n - составная часть

recourse                                        ad - составляющий часть целог

cornerstone                                  n - краеугольный камень

plateau          ['plætou]            n - плато, плоскогорье

a well                                           n - родник, скважина

trough          [' trof]                 n - впадина, котловина; подошва (волны)
to blur                                          v - затуманить, затемнить

to diverge     [daiv'ə:dз]          v - расходиться, отклоняться


B Word Study


1. Find the related nouns in the text to exist

to exit                        to react

to compose                to amplify

to radiate                   to fluctuate

to predict                   to form

to calculate                to perturbate

to interpret                to direct


2. Find the related verbs in the text

emission                    extrapolation

correlation                 inflation

information                     polarization

expansion                   motivation

estimation                  assumption

evolution                   determination

induction                    container


3. Find the relative adjectives in the text

gravity                      cosmology               line

transparency             theory                      addition

proportion                 precision                 fraction


4. Improve your vocabulary

Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets:

a. Daring its earliest moments, however, the universe was much simpler – a smooth (газ из фотонов), (барионов) и (частиц тёмной материи).

b. The two (конкурирующие) models for the origin of the primary density (возмущений) involve the physics of early (вселенной).

c. The nonbaryonic (материя) may be «холодной» (медленно движущийся) or “hot” (fast).

d. But the dynamical (наблюдения) indicate that the (тёмная материя) contributes at least 20% of this critical (плотности).

e. There is now good (свидетельство) that (галактики) formed first.

f. This effect (создаёт) a small spectral (искажение) in the CMB.

g. The position of the (первого пика) is sensitive to the total energy (density) and it can be used to (определить) (геометрию) of the universe.




5. Translate the following word chains

A residual cosmic background radiation; an unexplained celestial microwave hiss; spherical-harmonic multipole moments; Gaussian random process; higher-order correlation function; the rms fractional temperature fluctuation a thousand times smaller; the opaque universal plasma; Big-Bang interpretation, putative relic radiation; black body, the race to map; Gaussian random process; spherical-harmonic indices; to seed; primeval density perturbations; the physics of the early universe, cosmological phase transition; matter distribution; the precise shape of the angular power spectrum.


t h e c o s m i c r o s e t t a s t o n e


Microkelvin variations in the cosmic microwave background encode a wealth of information about the origin and composition of the universe.


              Charles L. Bennett, Michael S.Turner and Martin White


1 Today the universe is char­acterized by a richness of complexity. Structure exists on scales from stars to super-clusters of galaxies and be­yond. Ordinary "baryonic" matter, in the form of pro­tons, nuclei and their accom­panying electrons, is found in stars, diffuse hot gas, cold gas and other forms; the admix­ture varies greatly with environment.

2 Most of the matter in the universe is simply dark. We know of its existence only because of its gravitational effects. Its composition is unknown, and most of it is probably not baryonic. It is hard to imagine that one could, from observations of the present universe alone, sort out how it all happened. During its earliest moments, however, the universe was much simpler—a smooth gas of photons, baryons and dark-matter particles.

3 The cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is a snapshot of the universe 300 000 years after the beginning, when these photons last scattered. At that time the opaque universal plasma had finally cooled down enough to become a transparent gas of neutral atoms. The CMB serves us as a cosmic Rosetta stone.

4 Like the Rosetta stone, which let 19th-century schol­ars decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics, the CMB was found by accident. The story begins with theorist George Gamow and his colleagues Ralph Alpher and Robert Her­mann, who saw the early universe as a nuclear oven in which the light elements of the periodic table were cooked. (See Hermann's obituary in PHYSICS TODAY, August 1997, page 77.) They realized that the nuclear yields were functions of the present temperature of a residual cosmic background radiation. During the late 1940s and early 1950s, they made temperature predictions ranging from 5 to 50 kelvin for this putative relic radiation.

5 Not until 1964 did anyone actually go out and look for this radiation. Unaware of the earlier work by Gamow and company, and motivated by a more precise calculation of the temperature by their Princeton colleague P. J. E. Peebles, physicists Robert Dicke, David Wilkinson and Peter Roll were still setting up their experiment on the roof of the physics building to detect the microwave echo of the Big Bang when Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at Bell Labs discovered an unexplained celestial microwave hiss. (See Dicke's obituary in PHYSICS TODAY, September 1997, page 92.) Even before the Internet, physics gossip traveled at near the speed of light. The Princeton quartet soon heard about the Penzias—Wilson hiss and quickly provided the Big-Bang interpretation.

6   Almost overnight, cos­mology was transformed from the province of a handful­ of astronomers to a major field in its own right. Measurements made at electromagnetic wavelengths from tens of centimeters down to less than a millimeter estab­lished the blackbody character of the CMB. The hot-Big-Bang model was on its way to becoming the standard cosmology (see box 1).

7 As it turns out, only the lightest nuclei—H, D, 3He, 4He and 7Li—were made in the Big Bang; the rest came much later, made by nuclear reactions in stars and else­where. The agreement between measured and predicted abundances of the light elements is today one of the key tests of the standard cosmology. (See PHYSICS TODAY, August 1996, page 17.)

8 In 1989, after more than a decade of preparation (including a major redesign after the Challenger disaster), NASA launched the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), a satellite designed to study the microwave and infrared backgrounds. The results from COBE exceeded the hopes of even the most optimistic. COBE's Far Infrared Absolute Spectrometer (FIRAS) determined the microwave back­ground temperature T to four significant figures (2.728 + 0.002 K) and showed that any spectral deviations from a Planck blackbody spectrum were less than 0.005%. The CMB is, in fact, the most precise black body known in nature. It could have arisen only from the very hot, dense conditions that existed in the early universe.

9 The search for spatial variations (anisotropy) in the intensity of the CMB across the sky began with Penzias and Wilson. They estimated the temperature to be isotropic within about 10%. In 1976, flying an instrument on a U2 spy plane, a group led by Berkeley physicists Richard Muller and George Smoot established a 3 mK dipolar temperature variation across the sky, arising from the motion of the Solar System with respect to the rest frame defined by the CMB. COBE greatly refined this measurement to yield a Solar System velocity of 370.6 + 0.5 km/s in that frame, and it even detected the annual variation due to Earth's motion around the Sun— the ultimate vindication of Copernicus.

10   On smaller angular scales, the anisotropy maps the distribution of matter in the early universe, because vari­ations in the early matter density led to temperature fluc­tuations of similar size. It is generally assumed that the abundance of structure seen in the universe today—galaxies, clusters of galaxies, superclusters, voids and great walls— evolved by gravitational amplification from small, primeval density inhomogeneities. Theoretical expectations for the magnitude of the CMB fluctuations have decreased from the early 1% estimates to more precise estimates of around 0.001% calculated in recent years. For two decades, the instrument builders had to watch the goalposts recede faster than they could build more sensitive experiments.

11 By 1992, small-scale anisotropy had still not been detected. Upper limits were already as stringent as 100 µK on angular scales ranging from tens of degrees down to fractions of a degree. It was not certain how much further the observers could push before foreground emissions from the Milky Way and extragalactic objects became insurmountable. Some even questioned the gen­eral idea that structure evolved primarily by the action of gravity. But then in April 1992, at the American Physical Society meeting in Washington, DC, the COBE Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR) team an­nounced evidence for temperature fluctuations of 30 µK on an angular scale of ten degrees. (See figure 1.)

12 The theorists had escaped disgrace, and cosmology was once again transformed overnight. With the COBE detection, the final piece of the standard cosmology was in place, and the testing of models for the formation of structure, most of them motivated by the physics of the early universe, could begin. The race to map the early universe by means of CMB anisotropy was on.


Figure 1. COBE

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