Практическая работа № 6

Тема: Студенческая жизнь. The Past Simple(Indefinite) Tense.

Variant 2

1.Copy the questions, answer them:

Перепишите, ответьте на вопросы:


1.What kinds of subjects do the students study?

2.Does the college occupy 4 buildings?

3.Where is the advertisement board?

4.Do our students take part in the social life of the technical college and the city&

5.Do you enjoy your students’ life?

2.Translate from Russian into English:

Переведите с русского языка на английский:


1.Я закончил(а) школу в прошлом году.

2.Проходной балл в колледже был…

3.В колледже есть дневное и заочное отделения.

4.Обычно мы завтракаем (обедаем) на большой перемене.

5.Сегодня у меня…(названия дисциплин).

6.Учебный год включает 2 семестра.

7.Некоторые наши студенты живут в общежитии.

8.Я собираюсь продолжить образование после окончания колледжа.

9.У вас в группе есть староста?

10.Вы принимаете участие в общественных мероприятиях?

3.Copy, make the sentence negative, ask a question:

Перепишите предложение, сделайте его отрицательным, задайте вопрос:

Igor got a grant last term.

Kerch Polytechnical College

Kerch polytechnical college is one of the oldest technical colleges in our city. It was founded in 1930 as a mining-metallurgical secondary school to provide specialists for the integrated complex of Kamish-Burun iron-ore plant and metallurgical Voikov plant. Since that time it has trained thousand of specialists in different profiles.

       During the 2nd World War the technical school was evacuated to Urals. In 1945 it came back to Kerch and started training specialists for metallurgical industry. For many years (since 1930 till 1952) it was the only secondary school in Kerch giving the base of technical education.

       In 1970ies the technical school was reconstructed. In 1990 it changed its profile and was called “polytechnical”. In 2012 the technical school was renamed into “polytechnical college”.

       The polytechnical college runs full-time and part –time departments. There are several departments here: mechanical, electrical, chemical, technology of processing of metals, economical and others. The students study 5 days a week. Usually they have 3 double periods with a lunch-break a day. The academic session includes 2 terms with vocations between them. The students have tutorials, lectures, practical and laboratory works. The first-year students study obligatory general educational subjects, the rest study specialized subjects also. They have practice in the shops, at plants and enterprises.

The technical college occupies 2 buildings. The educational-laboratory building has got classrooms and laboratories, 2 assembly-halls, a medical room, a gym and a dining-room. There are visual aids, didactical material, documentation, stands and modern equipment in the rooms and laboratories. There is a computer –room with up-to-date computers, a multi-visual room, a library with texts -books and fiction. The students consult the advertisement board, which is on the first floor.

       Our students take part in the social life of the technical college and the city. They participate in different historical and patriotic activities: the celebrations of the City’s Day, the Victory Day, the Partisans’ Day and others. Girls and boys meet with veterans, technical school graduates, honoured workers, visit places of heroic past. Our students make posters, wall-papers, photo-exhibitions. They show their talents as singers, dancers, poets, composers, musicians in concerts and competitions. Our sportsmen win rewards in sport competitions in football, basketball, athletics and other events. Every year they demonstrate their sport achievements during the “Starts of Hopes” and “Healthy Days”. In whole, our students’ life is interesting and varied.

Практическая работа № 7

Тема: Здоровый образ жизни. The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense.


Copy, translate word phrases. Make up 2 sentences in English with any of the phrases.

Перепишите, переведите фразы. Составьте 2 предложения на английском языке с любыми из предложенных фраз.

1. food with additives/fast food

2. food rich in calories = fatty food

3. healthy way of life

4. unhealthy way of life

5. bad/ unhealthy habit

6. take care of your health

7. lose weight

8. keep to a diet / be on diet / follow a diet

9. take regular exercises

Copy the questions, answer them.

Перепишите вопросы, ответьте на них:

  1. Why do people care about healthy way of life nowadays?
  2. Is sport a hobby or a part of your everyday life?


Rewrite sentences in Future Simple.

Перепишите предложения в Future Simple.


It is Saturday today. On Saturday and Sunday I get up late. I sleep till 12 o’clock. Because I don’t go to work (school) on weekends. I relax, watch TV, read books and go for a walk in the park. In the evening I go shopping and cook tasty dishes. I go to bed late because I watch films on the video.


4. Open the brackets, use Future Simple. Make a negative and an interrogative sentence of each.

Раскройте скобки, используйте Future Simplе. Сделайте отрицательным и задайте вопрос к каждому предложению.

  1. My working day (to begin) at six o'clock.
  2. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
  3. I (to leave) home at half past seven.
  4.  I (to take) a bus to the institute.
  5. Classes (to begin) at eight.

Практическая работа №8

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