Computers in the workplace

Computers are omnipresent in the workplace. Word processors—computer software packages that simplify the creation and modification of textual documents—have largely replaced the typewriter. Electronic mail has made it easy to transmit textual messages (possibly containing embedded picture and sound files) worldwide, using computers, cellular telephones, and specially equipped televisions via telephone, satellite, and cable television networks. Office automation has become the term for linking workstations, printers, database systems, and other tools by means of a local area network (LAN). An eventual goal of office automation has been termed the "paperless office." Although such changes ultimately make office work much more efficient, they have not been without cost in purchasing and frequently upgrading the necessary hardware and software and in training workers to use the new technology.

Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is a relatively new technology arising from the application of many computer science subdisciplines to support the manufacturing enterprise. The technology of CIM emphasizes that all aspects of manufacturing should be not only computerized as much as possible but also linked into an integrated whole via a computer communication network. For example, the design engineer's workstation should be linked into the overall system so that design specifications and manufacturing instructions may be sent automatically to the shop floor. The inventory databases should be linked in as well, so product inventories may be incremented automatically and supply inventories decremented as manufacturing proceeds. An automated inspection system (or a manual inspection station supplied with online terminal entry) should be linked to a quality-control system that maintains a database of quality information and alerts the manager if quality is deteriorating and possibly even provides a diagnosis as to the source of any problems that arise. Automatically tracking the flow of products from station to station on the factory floor allows an analysis program to identify bottlenecks and recommend replacement of faulty equipment. In short, CIM has the potential to enable manufacturers to build cheaper, higher quality products and thus improve their competitiveness. Implementing CIM is initially costly, of course, and progress in carrying out this technology has been slowed not only by its cost but also by the lack of standardized interfaces between the various CIM components and by the slow acceptance of standardized communication protocols to support integration. Although the ideal of CIM is perhaps just beyond reach at the present time, manufacturers are now able to improve their operations by, for example, linking robot controllers to mainframes for easy and correct downloading of revised robot instructions. Also available are elaborate software packages that simplify the building of databases for such applications as inventories, personnel statistics, and quality control and that incorporate tools for data analysis and decision support.




omnipresent-            вездесущий
simplify-                       упрощать
transmit-                  передавать
embedded-                    встроенные
cellular-                   сотовый
equip-                      оборудовать
via-                          через
tool-                         инструмент, приспособление
eventual-                 конечный
paperless office-     безбумажный офис
ultimately-              в итоге
efficient-                 эффективный
have not been without cost-не дешевы
purchase-               покупка
frequent-                частый
upgrade-                усовершенствовать
computer-integrated manufacturing-автоматизированное производство
application-           приложение
enterprise-             предприятие
emphasize-            подчеркивать
linked into an integrated whole-связаны в единое целое
overall-                 единый
shop-                    мастерская, цех
inventory-            список
increment-           увеличивать
decrement-          уменьшать
alert-                    предупреждать
deteriorate-          ухудшаться
bottleneck-          узкое место, ошибка
faulty-                  неисправный
competitiveness- конкурентоспособность
implement-          внедрять
initially-              изначально
lack-                    отсутствие
acceptance-         восприятие
beyond reach-     вне пределов досягаемости
are now able-     теперь в состоянии
mainframe-        большая ЭВМ
download-          закладывать (в программу), загружать
available-           доступный
elaborate-      тщательно разработанный
incorporate-   соединять, объединять

2. Match the equivalents:

a) to be computerized                       a)автоматизированная система контроля

b) computer software package           б)система контроля качества

c) automated inspection system        в)поддерживать базу данных качествен-

                                                                        ной информации                                                                    

d) to be linked into the overall system г)определять сложные места

e) to be incremented automatically   д)объединяться в единую систему

f) to simplify the building of a database е)рекомендовать замену неисправного

g) to identify bottlenecks                             оборудования

h) to recommend replacement of faulty ж)пакет компьютерного программного

equipment                                              обеспечения

i) a quality-control system                       з)быть компьютеризированным

j) to maintain a database of quality          и)упрощать создание баз данных

information                                           к)автоматически расширяться


3. Find in the text and translate the situations containing the following words and expressions:

For example; office automation; omnipresent; paperless office; automatically; upgrading; engineer’s workstation; personnel statistics; tools for data analysis; as well; in carrying out this technology; beyond reach; the flow of products; replacement; various CIM components; cellular telephones; much more efficient.


4. Insert the correcponding word or expression:

a) Electronic mail has made it easy (передавать) textual documents.

b) An eventual goal of (офисная автоматика) has been termed the “paperless office”.

c) An automated inspection system (должна быть соединена) to a quality-control system.

d) Computers are omnipresent (на рабочем месте).

e) … so product inventories may be incremented (автоматически).

f) (внедрение) CIM is initially costly.

g) … the ideal of CIM is (вне досягаемости) at the present time.

h) … possibly containig (картинки и звуковые файлы).

i) Office automation has become the term for linking computer tools by means of (локальная сеть).


5. Complete the following sentences:

1) Computers are … in the workplace. 2) Software packages … the building of databases. 3) An automated inspection system should be linked to a …. 4) … is perhaps beyond reach at the present time. 5) Word processors … the typewriter. 6) Automatically tracking the flow of products allows … bottlenecks. 7) Elaborate … simplify the building of databases for computer applications.


Software packages; omnipresent; have largely replaced; simplify; quality-control system; the ideal of CIM; to identify.

6. Arrange synonyms:

software package; to simplify; goal; whole; to create; final; across; factory; also; today; difficulty; computer programm; tools; aim; overall; shop; inspection; eventual; control; at the present time; via; equipment; to make easy; bottleneck; to build; as well.


7. Insert prepositions where necessary:

… the workplace; by means …; they have not without cost … purchasing; to be linked …; the replacement … faulty equipment; … station … station; progress … carrying out the technology; … example; tools … data analysis; softrware packages simlpify the building … databases; tools … data analysis.


8. Answer the following questions:

1) Where are computers used? 2)Do the word processors simplify the creation and modification of textual documents? 3) Have they (word processors) largely replaced the typewriter? 4) Using what tools has electronic mail made it easy to transmit textual messages? 5) How has the eventual goal of office automation been termed? 6) CIM is a relatively new technology, isn't it? 7) What should the design engineer's wokstation be linked into? 8) Which potential does CIM have? 9) What do eleborate software packeges simplify? 10) What do you think are the advantages of CIM?


computer science

Computer science is the study of computers, including their design (architecture) and their uses for computations, data processing, and systems control. The field of computer science includes engineering activities such as the design of computers and of the hardware and software that make up computer systems. It also encompasses theoretical, mathematical activities, such as the design and analysis of algorithms, performance studies of systems and their components by means of techniques like queueing theory, and the estimation of the reliability and availability of systems by probabilistic techniques. Since computer systems are often too large and complicated to allow a designer to predict failure or success without testing, experimentation is incorporated into the development cycle. Computer science is generally considered a discipline separate from computer engineering, although the two disciplines overlap extensively in the area of computer architecture, which is the design and study of computer systems.

The major subdisciplines of computer science have traditionally been (1) architecture (including all levels of hardware design, as well as the integration of hardware and software components to form computer systems), (2) software (the programs, or sets of instructions, that tell a computer how to carry out tasks), here subdivided into software engineering, programming languages, operating systems, information systems and databases, artificial intelligence, and computer graphics, and (3) theory, which includes computational methods and numerical analysis on the one hand and data structures and algorithms on the other.



1. encompass                 охватывать   

queueing theory            теория очередности                       

estimation                  оценка

predict                        предсказать, предсказывать

failure                         неудача

overlap                        совпадать

on the one hand           с одной стороны

on the other hand        с другой стороны

performance               (зд.) характеристика

probabilistic                вероятностный

is incorporated                    внедряется

is considered               считается

extensively                   экстенсивно

artificial intelligence    искусственный интеллект


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

Use for computation, data processing and system control; the field of computer science includes…; it encompasses many activities; by means of; reliability and availability; large and complicated; probabilistic techniques; to predict failure or success; development cycle; … is considered a discipline …; although; in the area of …; the integration of; to carry out; on the one hand … on the other hand.


3. Insert prepositions, where necessary:

The study … computers; uses … computation; the field … computer science; that make … computer systems; … means …; the estimation … probabilistic techniques; to predict failure or success … testing; computer science is a discipline separate … computer engineering; to carry … tasks; … the one hand.


4. Answer the following questions:

1) What is ‘computer science’?

2) What fields does the computer science include?

3) Does it encompass theoretical and mathematical activities?

4) Are computer systems too large and complicated to predict failure or success without testing?

5) Name the major subdisciplines of computer science.

6) What is the integration of hardware and software components used for?

7) The programms tell the computer how to carry out tasks, don’t they?

8) What does theory include?


5. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Компьютерная наука включает в себя проектирование компьютеров и аппаратного и программного обеспечения, которые составляют компьютерные системы. 2) Проектирование и анализ алгоритмов, изучение систем и их компонентов, оценка надежности и доступности систем охватываются компьютерной наукой. 3) Компьютерные системы слишком сложны, чтобы предсказать неудачи и удачи не тестируя их. 4) Основными поддисциплинами компьютерной науки традиционно считаются архитектура, программное обеспечение и теория. 5) Компьютерная наука и компьютерная инженерия пересекаются в сфере компьютерной архитектуры.


6. Retell the text.

computer network


Computer network, also called network, two or more computers that are connected with one another for the purpose of communicating data electronically. Besides physically connecting computer and communication devices, a network system serves the important function of establishing a cohesive architecture that allows a variety of equipment types to transfer information in a near-seamless fashion. Two popular architectures are Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA).

Two basic network types are local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area (or long-haul) networks. LANs connect computers and peripheral devices in a limited physical area, such as a business office, laboratory, or college campus, by means of permanent links (wires, cables, fibre optics) that transmit data rapidly. A typical LAN consists of two or more personal computers, printers, and high-capacity disk-storage devices called file servers, which enable each computer on the network to access a common set of files. LAN operating system software, which interprets input and instructs networked devices, allows users to communicate with each other; share the printers and storage equipment; and simultaneously access centrally located processors, data, or programs (instruction sets). LAN users may also access other LANs or tap into wide-area networks. LANs with similar architectures are linked by “bridges”, which act as transfer points. LANs with different architectures are linked by “gateways”, which convert dataas it passes between systems.

Wide-area networks connect computers and smaller networks to larger networks over greater geographic areas, including different continents. They may link the computers by means of cables, optical fibres, or satellites, but their users commonlyaccess the networks via a modem (a device that allows computers to communicate over telephone lines). The largest wide-area network is the Internet, a collection of networks and gateways linking millions of computer users on every continent.


1. Learn words and expressions:

network                                  сеть                                

with one another                     друг с другом

for the purpose of                   с целью

cohesive                                  совместимый, связанный

in a near-seamless fashion     практически без изменений

local-area                               местный

wide-area                               широкомасштабный (зд. глобальный)

permanent links                      постоянные связи

transmit                                  передавать

rapidly                                    быстро

enable                                    давать возможность

share                                      совместно пользоваться

simultaneously                       одновременно

tap                                          (зд.) проникнуть, просочиться

convert                                   преобразовывать

optical fibres                         оптические волокна

satellites                                спутниковая связь

via                                         через


2. Give Russian equivalents to:

… computers that are connected with one another; for the purpose of communicating data; it serves the important function of; to transfer information; two basic network types; a limited physical area; fibre optics; servers; share; are linked by; by means of; via a modem; computer users.


3. Complete the following sentences with the proper words:

1) Network is computers that are connected (друг с другом).

2) Cohesive architecture allows a variety of equipment types (передавать) information.

3) Two basic network types are (локальная) network and (глобальная) network.

4) Special equipment (дает возможность) each computer to access a common set of files.

5) LAN operating system software alows users (общаться) with each other.

6) “Gateways” (преобразуют) data as it passes between systems.

7) Wide-area networks may (соединять) the computers (при помощи) cables, optical fibres and satellites.


4. Arrange pairs of synonyms:

Link, convert, enable, via, by means of, devices, access, at the same time, reorganize, data, simultaneously, wide-area, equipment, with the help of, interact, connect, global, allow, information, tap into, through, penetrate, communicate, reach.


5. Insert articles where necessary:

1) Two or more … computers, connected with one another, form … network. 2) … network system serves … important function of establishing … cohesive architecture. 3) … typical LAN consists of two or more personal … computers. 4) … LAN users may access other … LANs or tap into … wide-area networks.

5) … largest wide-area network is … Internet. 6) … Internet is … collection of … networks and … gateways linking millions of … computer users on every continent.


6. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Компьютерная сеть – это два или более компьютеров, соединенных вместе с целью электронной коммуникации.

2) Совместимая архитектура позволяет разнообразным типам оборудования передавать информацию практически без изменений.

3) Два основных типа компьютерных сетей – это локальная и глобальная сети.

4) Провода, кабели и оптические волокна быстро передают информацию.

5) Обычная локальная сеть состоит из двух или более компьютеров, принтеров и серверов.

6) Программное обеспечение операционной системы локальной сети позволяет пользователям общаться друг с другом.

7) Пользователи локальной сети могут иметь доступ к другим локальным сетям или проникать в глобальную сеть.

8) Глобальные сети могут соединять компьютеры при помощи кабелей, оптических волокон и космических спутников.

9) Самая крупная глобальная сеть называется Интернет.


7. Answer the following questions:

1) How many computers are necessary to form the network?

2) What important function does the network serve?

3) What two basic network types do you know?

4) What devices are involved into a typical LAN?

5) Where may LAN users tap into?

6) How do you think, what the main advantage of wide-area networks is?


computer program

Computer program is a detailed plan or procedure for solving a problem with a computer. The distinction between computer programs and equipment is often made by referring to the formeras software and the latter as hardware.

Programs stored in the memory of a computer enable the computer to perform a variety of tasks in sequence or even intermittently. The idea of an internally stored program was introduced in the late 1940s by the Hungarian-born mathematician John von Neumann. The first digital computer designed with internal programming capacity was the EDVAC (acronym for Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), constructed in 1949.

A program is prepared by first formulating a task and then expressing it in an appropriate computer language, presumably one suited to the application. The specification thus rendered is translated, commonly in several stages, into a coded program directly executable by the computer on which the task is to be run. The coded program is said to be in machine language, while languages suitable for original formulation are called problem-oriented languages. A wide array of problem-oriented languages has been developed, some of the principal ones being COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), FORTRAN (Formula Translation), BASIC (Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), and Pascal.

Computers are supplied with various programs designed primarily to assist the user to run jobs or optimize system performance. This collection of programs, called the operating system, is as important to the operation of a computer system as its hardware. Current technology makes it possible to build in some operating characteristics as fixed programs (introduced by customer orders) into a computer's central processing unit at the time of manufacture. Relative to user programs, the operating system may be in control during execution, as when a time-sharing monitor suspends one program and activates another, or at the time a user program is initiated or terminated, as when a scheduling program determines which user program is to be executed next. Certain operating-system programs, however, may operate as independent units to facilitate the programming process. These include translators (either assemblers or compilers), which transform an entire program from one language to another; interpreters, which execute a program sequentially, translating at each step; and debuggers, which execute a program piecemeal and monitor various circumstances, enabling the programmer to check whether the operation of the program is correct or not.



1. Learn words and expressions:

distinction                  отличие

refer                            относить

the former                  первый (из перечисляемого)

the latter                     последний (из перечисляемого)

in sequence                в последовательности

intermittently             с перерывом

internal                      внутренний

appropriate                 соответствующий

presumably                вероятно

suited                         предназначенный

rendered                    представленный

executable                 выполнимый

to be run                    зд. – должна выполняться

array                          множество

to be supplied with    быть снабженным

primarily                   прежде всего

to assist                     помогать

suspend                     временно прекращать

terminate                   завершать

scheduling                устанавливающая

certain                      определенный

to facilitate               облегчать

piecemeal                 частично

circumstances          обстоятельства


2. Complete the following sentences, choosing from the words given below:

1) A detailed plan for solving a problem with a computer is called …. 2) Programs enable the computer to perform many tasks even …. 3) It was von Newmann who introduced the idea of an … stored program. 4) Programmes have developed … of problem-oriented languages. 5) Various programms are designed … the user to fulfil tasks. 6) … operating system programs may operate as independent units. 7) Debuggers execute a program … and help the programmer check its correctness.


piecemeal; a computer program; a wide array; to assist; intermittently; certain; internally


3. Insert the proper form of the verb ‘to be’:

1) Computer program … a detailed plan for solving the prodlem with a computer. 2) The idea of an internally stored program … introduced by John von Neumann. 3) The first computer with internal programming capacity … the EDVAC. 4) A program … prepared by formulating a task and expressing it in a computer language. 5) The coded program … said to be in machine language. 6) The operating system may … in control during execution. 7) The operating system … as important to the operation of a computer system as its hardware. 8) A scheduling program determines which user program … to … executed next.


4. Complete the following sentences with the proper words and translate them into Russian:

1) Internal programs enable the computer to perform tasks even (с перерывом). 2) A program expresses a formulated task in a language (предназначенном) to the application. 3) Programmers have created a (большое количество) of problem-oriented languages. 4) Various computer programs assist the user to (оптимизировать) system performance. 5) A scheduling program determines which user program is to be (выполненной) next. 6) Debuggers execute a program (частично) and monitor circumstances to help the user check the operation of the program.


5. Answer the following questions:

1) What enables the computer to perform a variety of tasks in sequence or intermittently?

2) When and by whom was the first digital computer with internal programming capacity designed?

3) How will you decode COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC?

4) What are computers supplied with to assist the user to run jobs or optimize system performance?

5) Is the operating system as important to the operation of the computer system as its hardware?

6) When may the operating system be in control?

7) What can transform an entire program from one language to another?



6. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Компьютерные программы являются программным обеспечением, а оборудование – аппаратным обеспечением.

2) Идея встроенных программ принадлежала математику фон Ньюману.

3) Некоторыми из основных проблемно-ориентированных языков являются КОБОЛ, ФОРТРАН, БЕЙСИК и Паскаль.

4) Различные программы созданы для помощи пользователю в выполнении работ и оптимизации системных задач.

5) Современная технология позволяет встраивать некоторые операционные характеристики в центральный процессор компьютера.

6) Определенные программы операционной системы могут действовать независимо для облегчения процесса программирования.


Part II

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