Text A. Spiritual and physical health

Christians know that all the diseases have a spiritual cause. A disease is considered to be a punishment for sins. Who punishes? A person punishes himself by his own sins. Everybody knows safety rules for our physical body: don’t go on broken glass, don’t go without clothes in winter or don’t jump down from the fifth floor. Committing sins is also breaking the laws or safety rules for our spirit. Some sins are so harmful to a human body that diseases may appear. Such diseases are difficult to diagnose or they have symptoms of incurable diseases. Incurable diseases have spiritual causes. Everybody who lived before the revolution of 1917 had at least the basic knowledge of spiritual laws. In our days, people often apply to the Church too late when it is hard to help them, because spiritual and then physical recovery need time.You are physically healthy if you eat healthy food, sleep at least 8 hours a night, no smoking, no drugs and little alcohol drinking. A spirit is the highest level of a soul when a person lives a moral life and knows God. A person is spiritually healthy when he lives his life in accordance with God’s commandments.

Read the questions in A, choose and read the correct answers in B / Прочитайте вопрос в А, выберите и прочитайте ответ в В.

1. What do Christians know about diseases? 2. Why some sins are so harmful to a human body? 3. When you arephysically healthy? 4. When you are spiritually healthy? a) Some sins are so harmful to a human body that diseases may appear.   b) You are physically healthy if you eat healthy food, have enough sleep and don’t smoke. c) Christians know that diseases have spiritual causes and are considered to be a punishment for sins. d) A person is spiritually healthy when he lives his life in accordance with God’s commandments.

Physical and Spiritual Health (Orthodox Christianity view)

Level B

Write and learn. Запишите и выучите: Practice saying the words. Произнесите:                                                                        

1. actually hurts[‘ækt∫juәli ‘hә:ts]- действительно болит 1. carnal[‘ka:nl]– плотской (живущий нуждами тела)
2. incurable [in‘kju:rәbl] – неизлечимое    2. relies [ri‘laiz] – полагается
3. consider - считать             3. punish [‘pΛni∫] – наказывать
4.disease   [di‘zi:z] – заболевание                      4.safety rules [‘seifti ru:lz] - правила безопасности
5. proper treatment                             5.commit sins     [‘propә ‘tri:tmәnt] –правильное лечение [kә‘mit sins] – совершать грехи
6. physically   [‘fizikli] –физически    6. spiritually   [spi‘ritjuәli] –духовно
7. healthy [‘helθi]– здоровый        7. in accordance with                                                                  [in ә‘ko:dәnce wið] в соответствии с
8. symptoms[‘simptomz] - симптомы              8. God’s commandments [godz kә‘ma:ndmәnts] – Божьи заповеди   9. a person[‘pә:sn ] a human being[‘hju:mәn ‘biiŋ]– человек                  9.at least[әt li:st]- хотя бы               
10. to diagnose[daiәg‘nouz] – диагностировать 10. basic knowledge[‘beisik ‘nolid ] –                                                                                                  элементарные представления
11. recovery   [ri‘kΛvәri]– выздоровление 11. apply[ә‘plai] -обращаться (за помощью)                                                             12. welfare[‘welfεә] –благополучие                                                                13.conscience[‘kon∫әsnis] – совесть                                                                14.reproach[rip‘rout∫]  –укор                                                           15.hot-tempered[hot‘tempәd] -вспыльчивый


Read and translate the text./ Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Text B.

When we speak about the proper treatment we should know why a person has a disease and what actually hurts. Christians know that all the diseases have a spiritual cause. In Orthodox Christianity view, a disease is a visit of God, whereas carnal person relies only on first aid, an injection or a pill. We need to take a spiritual look at the causes of an incurable disease. A disease is considered to be a punishment for sins. Who punishes? A person punishes himself by his own sins. Everybody knows what happens to our body if we start going on broken glass, go without clothes in winter or jump down from the fifth floor. Everybody knows safety rules for our physical body. So what is it – committing sins? It is also breaking the laws or safety rules for our spirit. Everybody knows what a person should do to be physically healthy: eat healthy food, sleep at least 8 hours a night, no smoking, no drugs and little alcohol drinking. A spirit is the highest level of a soul when a person lives a moral life and knows God. A person is spiritually healthy when he lives his life in accordance with God’s commandments. A person has an ill spirit when he commits any sins. Some sins are so harmful to a human body that diseases may appear.

Spiritual welfare is peaceful relations with one’s own conscience. A person often doesn’t notice the beginning of a spiritual disease. He tries not to listen to the reproaches of his conscience. A person starts tofeel dissatisfactionwith his life, hopelessness, depression, sleeplessness and fear. Also, this person becomes hot-tempered communicatingto other people.

So people become spiritually ill. Such diseases are difficult to diagnose or they have symptoms of incurable diseases. Everybody who lived before the revolution of 1917 had at least the basic knowledge of spiritual laws. In our days, people often apply to the Church too late. Then it is hard to help them, because spiritual and then physical recovery need time.

Answer the questions / Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Name some of the safety rules for our physical body.

2) When do we have a healthy spirit?

3) Name the spiritual causes of a disease, for example, AIDs (СПИД).

4) What symptoms can show us that a person has no spiritual welfare?

5) Who punishes a person and what for?

6) When is a person spiritually healthy?

Levels A and B. Match the words in list A with the words in list B:/ Подберите соответствия:

А. Заповеди Божьи:                              В. God’s commandments:
1) Все происходит по Божьему      a) Remember the day of Sunday to bless it.
Промыслу (плану)   
2) Не сотвори себе кумира              b) You shall not kill
3) Не произноси имени Бога           c) Honor your father and your mother
понапрасну, не упоминай
врага Бога
4) Помни день воскресный,            d) Everything happens according
чтобы святить его (посвятить Богу)      to Divine Providence (God’s plan)
5) Чти отца и мать                              e) You shall not say God’s and
                                                                  His enemy’s name in vain                                                                      
6) Не убивай                                      f) You shall not make for yourself an idol
     (то же, что и ненависть, аборт)http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=116&&UserName=Anglophile
7) Не прелюбодействуй (запрет      g) You shall not steal.
       на супружеские отношения
       до и вне брака)
8) Не укради                                      h) You shall not envy
9) Не произноси ни на кого             i) You shall not commit adultery
ложного слова
10)  Не завидуй                                    j) You shall not bear false witness

Levels A and B

Practice saying the words / Произнесите слова по транскрипции:

Грехи:                                    Sins:

нерадение (не старание, халатность) sloth                                  

укор                                                   reproach [ri‘prout∫] 

осуждать                                             denounce

гнев                                                   enragement   

лживость                                            falsity   

объедание                                           overeating / overeat

пьянство                                              heavy drinking [‘hævi ‘drinkiŋ]  

зависть                                                 envy

хищение                                               theft [θeft]

ненависть                                             hatred

ревность                                   jealousy

непослушание                                     disobedience

клевета                                                 slander

мстительность                                     vindictiveness [vin‘diktivnis]

уныние                                                 forlornness  depression [di‘pre∫n]                              

прекословие                                        contradiction

пустословие                                        idle talk, vain discourse

развращение помыслил                 thought of seduction

лукавое помыслил                              thought of something deceitful [θo:t   ov ‘sΛmθiŋ di‘si:tful]

забвение (забывание о Боге)             neglect of God [nә‘glekt ov god]

самолюбие (эгоизм)                            egoism, self-esteem [‘egoizm self ‘esti:m]

неподобноеговорил                                 spoke something indecent] [spouk ‘sΛmθiŋ in‘disnt]

греху ближнего посмеялся                      laughed at the fellow-Christian’s sin

                                                                            [ lΛft әt ðә ‘fellou ‘krist∫iәnz sin]


Добродетели:                                     Virtues:

Видение своих грехов                       seeing one’s own sins s oun

Исповедание своих грехов                confession of one’s sins s s

Смирение                                             humility

Целомудрие                                         chastity                               

Послушание                                         obedience

Терпение                                              patience

Великодушие (умение прощать)       being able to forgive people [fo‘gi:v pi:pl]

Кротость                                              meekness [‘mi:knes]


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