Прочитай описание разных комнат. Выбери правильное название к каждому описанию. Одно из них лишнее


Напиши ниже слова из рамки, в которых есть эти звуки.

[aı] ­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________________________________________

[eı] _______________________________________________________________

[eə] _______________________________________________________________

[əu]   ______________________________________________________________

[au]   ______________________________________________________________

  throw, library, upstairs, house, down, chair, change, window, paint, writer  

Вычеркни в строке лишнее слово.

1) a sofa, a kitchen, a chair, a wardrobe, a cupboard

2) pet shop, supermarket, bus station, shopping centre, toy shop

3) hospital, museum, theatre, library, cinema

Соотнеси картинки со словами.

a singer

a teacher
a writer

a model
a farmer

a doctor
a vet

a pilot
a sportsman
a reporter




Составь правильные словосочетания.

1) a carpet                                                            

2) flowers

3) to turn

4) to go

5) to get off

a) around the shopping centre

b) straight on

c) the bus

d) on the floor

e) right

1 2 3 4 5


Пронумеруй предлоги, в соответствии с картинками.

– into

– down

– across

– up

– out of



Запиши порядковые числительные словами.

1) The (23) _____________________________ of April is my birthday.

2) He bought a lot of toys on the (2) ______________ floor.

3) December is the (12) ______________ month of the year.

4) My (1) _______________ doll was Barbie.

5) In the (5) ______________ lesson we read fairy tales.

Вы бери правильную форму глагол. Подчеркни ее.

1) I (am / is / are) going to be a teacher.

2) What (am / is / are) you going to be?

3) My friend (am / is / are) going to be famous.

4) My mother’s friends (am / is / are) going to live in the USA.

5) (Am / Is / Are) her sister going to work in a hospital?

Раскрой скобки и вставь глаголы в правильной форме. Используй Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1) I am happy because my mother (buy) _________________ me a new computer game. What game ______ she (buy) _________ you? – She (buy) ___________me a Star Wars game.

2) I (break) _______________________ the window!

 How _________ you (break) ___________ it? – I (play) _____________ football.

3) Children, come here! I (make)_______________________ a cake. What cake _________you (make) ___________? – I (make) ___________ a cherry cake.

Прочитай описание разных комнат. Выбери правильное название к каждому описанию. Одно из них лишнее.

1) People can prepare breakfast or dinner in this room. Women usually spend much time there. We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.

2) There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a wardrobe there. People have a rest in this room.

3) This room is not very large. We take a shower or have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.

a) A bathroom

b) A living room

c) A kitchen

d) A bedroom

1 2 3


10. Прочитай название интересных мест. Запиши их в 3 колонки, в какой стране они находятся:

Rock Creek Park, The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Hyde Park, The Gorky Park, The Smithsonian, The British Museum

Russia Great Britain The USA



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