Exercise 6. Choose the right variant, read and translate the sentences

1) Oxford University was founded (in the 11th century; in the 12th century).

2) The University consists of (32; 27) colleges.

3) The Oxford academic year consists of (3; 2) terms.

4) The tutor tells the freshman about (the requirements for the examinations which he will take; the undergraduates of the University).

5) (Once a term; twice a term) the undergraduates take examinations.

6) Attendance at lectures is (compulsory; not compulsory).

7) (At the end of the term; once every week) each student reads out his essay to his tutor and discuss it with him.

8) During the working day from 9 to 2 pm. a student (meets his tutor, works in the library or in the laboratory; has club activities, debating societies).

9) The majority of the students of Oxford University are (children of the working people; children of the wealthy).

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1) Оксфордский университет был основан в XII столетии. 2) Он был и остается аристократическим университетом. 3) Университет состоит из 32 колледжей. 4) Каждый колледж – это самостоятельная организация. 5) В учебном году Оксфорда три семестра. 6) В первую неделю первокурсник встречается со своим преподавателем-наставником, который рассказывает ему о лекциях, которые он должен посещать, о требованиях к экзаменам; он дает ему задание на неделю. 7) Каждую неделю студент приходит к преподавателю и зачитывает ему свою работу и обсуждает ее вместе с ним. 8) Посещение лекций – необязательно. 9) В начале или в конце каждого семестра студенты сдают экзамены. 10) Рабочий день студента начинается в 9 часов. 11) Он посещает лекции, работает в лаборатории или в библиотеке, встречается с преподавателем. 12) Много времени студенты уделяют спорту. 13) Большинство студентов Оксфорда – выпускники частных школ.


Exercise 8. Answer the questions.

1) Where is Oxford University situated?

2) When was Oxford University founded?

3) How many colleges are there in Oxford University? And faculties?

4) What is the oldest College in Oxford University?

5) Do they pay great attention to athletics at the University?

6) How many terms are there in the Oxford academic year?

7) What is the subject of conversation between the freshman and his tutor during their first meeting?

8) In what way do they test the progress of the students? (At the end of each term; every week).

9) How does the student spend his working day?

10) Are the doors of Oxford University open to all?

Exercise 9. Read and translate the dialogue and dramatize it.

- Hello, David. Why are you here in Oxford?

- I’ve been here since yesterday. I came to take an examination.

- At what college?

- At Queen’s.

- That’s a very good college. How long are you going to stay in Oxford?

- Till tomorrow.

- You ought to see as much as you can while you are here. Stay on a day or two with me and I’ll take you round the city and show you something of Oxford.

- Thanks very much. That’s very kind of you. I ought to telephone my home, then they will know where I am.

- All right. Have you seen much of Oxford?

- No, I have been too busy with the exam.

- Good. Then after tea we can decide what we are going to see first.

- O’key. So till evening.

Exercise 10. Read the text, translate and retell it.

What to see in Oxford

An Oxford student was showing some friends round the University. “There’s Balliol College”, - he said. “And there, - pointing to some windows on the first floor, - are the windows of the Master of Balliol”. He picked up a stone and threw it through one of the windows. A red, angry face looked out of the broken window. “And there”, - said the student, proudly, “is the Master of Balliol himself”.

Exercise 11. Write the sentences and put the verb into the correct form.

1) We (to study) Geography next year. 2) The students (to have) a meeting yesterday. 3) My friend (to go) to the institute every day. 4) I (to work) as a teacher 2 years ago. 5) … you (to see) him next Saturday? 6) We (not to know) about it. 7) I (to take) a pencil from my friend 5 minutes ago. 8) … you (to study) English or German? 9) We (to translate) this text at the next lesson. 10) My father (to read) newspapers every day. 11) He (to come) home at 6 o’clock last night. 12) I (not to see) this film yesterday.

Упражнение 12. Write the answers to the questions.

1) What do you prefer to do in the evening?

2) Why did you enter this Technical School?

3) What interesting films do you know?

4) What is the number of the school you finished?

5) What foreign languages did you study at school?

6) What are there near you house?

7) What do all members of your family do in the evening?

8) How often do you go to the theatre?

9) Where is Izhevsk located?

10) What does your mother look like?

Упражнение 13. Переписать в тетрадь, перевести и выучить наизусть.

Topic 3. Oxford University

1) Oxford University was founded in the 12th century.

2) It was and has remained as an aristocratic university to the present day.

3) The University consists of 32 colleges.

4) Each college is an autonomous body.

5) There are 3 terms in the Oxford academic year.

6) Within the first week the freshman meets his tutor who tells him about the lectures which he must take, about the requirements for the examinations. He gives him a task for a week.

7) Once every week each undergraduate goes to his tutor and reads out his essay and discusses it with him.

8) Attendance at lectures is not compulsory.

9) At the beginning or end of each term the students takes the examinations.

10) The working day of the student begins at 9.

11) He attends lectures, works in the laboratory or in the library, sees his tutor.

12) They pay great attention to athletics at the University.

13) The majority of the students are graduates of private schools.

Топики 2-го семестра. Учить наизусть

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