IV. Pick out from Text all the words and word combinations belonging to the cathode ray tube and use them to describe it

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Who invented the cathode ray tube?

2. When was the cathode ray tube supplying television images?

3. Why had television become a dominant form of entertainment and an important way to acquire information?

4. What does the name television mean?

5. What kind of technology is it?

6. How many principles does television operate on?

7. What principles are these?

8. What is the cathode ray tube?

9. How does it create the images?

10. Where have CRTs also been used?

11. Is an evacuated glass envelope fragile?

12. Why is the face typically made of thick lead glass?

13. What is a raster?

14. What way is an image produced in?

15. Are the beams bent by magnetic deflection?

16. Do plasma televisions have a cathode ray tube?

17. How thick are the screens of plasma televisions?

18. Are fluorescent lights or phosphors present there?

19. What enables a spectrum of colors to be produced?

20. What does each fluorescent light contain?

21. What does plasma consist of?

22.What happens when an electrical signal encounters plasma?

23. When is a reaction with phosphor material caused?


VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Электроннолучевая трубка представляет собой стеклянную колбу, в которой создаётся вакуум. 2. Электронный прожектор (пушка) формирует электронный луч или пучок лучей и управляет его интенсивностью. 3. Электроннолучевая трубка предназначена для различного рода преобразований электрических или световых сигналов. 4. Электронный прожектор (пушка) испускает пучок электронов, которые фокусируются анодами. 5. Электроны ударяются о флуоресцентный экран и создают световое пятно. 6. Когда электроны ударяются о люминофор, они вызывают его свечение. 7. Электроннолучевая трубка преобразует электрический сигнал в точки видимого изображения.


VI. Read and translate the text


The History of Television as a Technology

1. It is often said that television has altered our world. The invention of television was no single event or series of events. It depended on a complex of inventions and developments in electricity, telegraphy, photography and motion pictures, and radio. It can be said to have separated out as a specific technological objective in the period of 1875-1890, and then, after a lag, to have developed as a specific technological enterprise from 1920 through to the first public television systems of the 1930s. Yet in each of these stages it depended on inventions made with other ends in view.

2. Television, as an idea, was involved with many of these inventions. It is difficult to separate it, in its earliest stages, from phototelegraphy. The means of transmitting still pictures and moving pictures were actively.sought and to a considerable extent discovered. The list is long even when selective: Carey's electric eye in 1875, Nipkow's scanning system in 1884; Braun's cathode-ray tube in 1897; Rosing's cathode-ray receiver in 1907.

3. Through this whole period two facts are evident: that a system of television was foreseen, and its means were being actively sought, but also that, by comparison with electrical generation and electrical telegraphy and telephony, there was very little social investment to bring the scattered work together. In 1923 Zworykin introduced the electronic television camera tube. Through the early 1920s Baird and Lenkins, separately and competitively, were working on systems using mechanical scanning. There was great rivalry between systems and there is still great controversy about contributions and priorities.

4. What is interesting throughout is that in a number of complex and related fields, these systems of mobility and transfer in production and communication were at once incentives and responses within a phase of general transformation. The decisive transformation of industrial production and its new forms created new needs but also new possibilities, and the communications systems, down to television, were their outcome.


motion pictures — кино

with other ends in view — с другими целями

the list is long even when

selective — список длинный, даже если он сделан выборочно

its means were being actively sought — шли активные поиски средств

to bring the scattered work together — соединить разрозненные работы


there is still controversy about contributions and priorities.— все еще идет полемика по поводу степени участия и приоритета

down to television — вплоть до телевидения


VПI.Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1. The invention of television was no single event or series of events. 2. In each of the stages the development of television depended on inventions made with other ends in view. 3. It is not difficult to separate television, in its earliest stages, from phototelegraphy. 4. The means of transmitting still pictures and moving pictures were discovered. 5. There was great rivalry between systems, but there is no controversy about contributions and priorities. 6. The decisive transformation of industrial production created new needs and possibilities.


Unit 9. Monochrome and color television

Active Vocabulary

Monochrome monitor                          черно-белый экран

transmission and reception                  передача и получение

moving images                                     движущиеся образы

light waves                                                     световые волны

amplifier                                                усилитель

to make up                                                     составлять

energy level                                 уровень энергии

to give off energy (light)                   отдавать энергию; излучать,

to generate                                             генерировать; вырабатывать,

three-dimensional image                   объемное изображение

emission                                                испускание, излучение

range                                                               дальность, радиус, диапазон,

to oscillate                                             колебаться

master control                                       главный орган управления

I. Read and translate the text

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