Спишите письма. Подчеркните Complex Object и Absolute Constructions with Participles


Theme: Сложное дополнение (Complex Object)

Задание 1. Прочитайте и изучите правило образования сложного дополнения (Complex Object) в английском языке по учебному пособию: Голубев А. П. Английский язык. СПО. стр. 167-169 или по другим источникам в интернете.

Задание 2. Письменно с примерами ответьте на контрольные вопросы по теме Complex Object:

1.Как образуется сложное дополнение с инфинитивом?

2.В каких случаях оно употребляется?

3.Когда частица to в сложном дополнении с инфинитивом не употребляется?

4.Как образуются пассивные конструкции с инфинитивом?

5.В чем отличие сложного дополнения с причастием от слож­ного дополнения с инфинитивом?

6. Как независимый причастный оборот обычно переводится на русский язык?

7. В каких формах в нем может стоять причастие?


Complex Object with the Infinitive

Спишите предложения в тетрадь. Подчеркните Complex Object with the Infinitive. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. My brother heard her sing a song.

2. Mother wanted her daughter to wash the plates.

3. The men saw his friend post a letter.

4. The teacher made the pupils answer the question once more.

5. We don’t want these exercises to be written.

6. Father made his brave son go alone.

7. He is known to be a good writer.

8. Parents wished their children to become doctors.

9. Our friends didn’t expect them to deliver our letters so soon.

10. They watched the girl cross the wide street.

Спишите предложения. Переведите их на английский язык, используя Complex Object with the Infinitive.

1. Говорят, что она хорошая подруга.

2. Мой дед хочет, чтобы я поступил в колледж.

3. Сестра наблюдала, как её дети играли в футбол.

4. Мы не ожидали, что наши друзья придут к нам в гости се­годня вечером.

5. Мама хотела, чтобы дочь вымыла посуду.

6. Известно, что у этой фирмы есть свои самолёты.

7. Он не позволил ей плакать на улице.

8. Мальчик хотел, чтобы родители помогли ему сделать задания.

9. Они видели, что он переходит улицу в неположенном месте.

Complex Object with the Participle

Спишите предложения в тетрадь. Подчеркните Complex Object with the Participle. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык

1. Nobody saw the boy breaking the window.

2. I saw them walking along the street, but they didn’t notice me.

3. They haven’t seen the plane landing.

4. You must see her dancing. It is really remarkable.

5. They felt something happening to their daughter.

6. I didn’t hear you talking in such a strange way.

7. Did anybody notice them drawing pictures during the lesson?

8. Have you heard this news being discussed?

Спишите предложения. Переведите их на английский язык, используя Complex Object with the Participle.

1.Он слышал, как студенты отвечали на вопросы преподавателя.

2.Никто не видел, как дети гуляли в саду.

3.Все мы видели, как он переходит улицу.

4.Мы наблюдали, как строился этот дом.

5.Я никогда не слышала, как ваша дочь играет на пианино.

6.Мы видели, как он заходит на почту.

7.Они слышали, как соседи всю ночь пели песни.

8.Ты заметил, что он все время говорит об экзаменах?

Absolute Constructions with Participles

Спишите предложения. Переведите их на русский язык. Подчеркните в предложениях Absolute Constructions with Participles. Составьте к каждому предложению вопрос.

1. My friend working as a secretary wants to become a manager.

2. The people walking outside are my friends.

3. The students referred to have promised to be present at the party.

4. The test paper having been written, the teacher gave us the home task for the next lesson.

5. The test paper being written, the teacher didn’t answer any of the students’ questions.

6. The students writing the test paper are at class No. 3.

7. Having turned on the light they saw their little daughter sleeping.

8.The food having been chosen, they paid for it and left the supermarket.

9. All the questions asked, the meeting was closed.

10.The problem discussed, the friends went home.

11.The letter having been delivered, we learned the news.

12.The tracking number being received, he could track the letter.

13.The exams taken, Nick went on a holiday abroad.

14. All the preparations having been made, they were waiting for the guests to arrive.

15. The dinner finished, they decided to go for a walk.

16. The door being locked, I had to wait you for an hour.

Спишите предложения. Измените предложения по образцу с Absolute Constructions with Participles. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Model: The weather was fine. We went for a walk in the park. — The weather being fine, we went for a walk in the park.

1. All our experiments were finished. They began writing a report.

2. The letters were sent by ordinary post. I didn’t receive the documents in


3. All the cups were washed. She could sit down on the chair and have a rest along.

4. The director was absent. Nobody wanted to begin the discussion without him.

5. The repairs are made in our cottage. We can’t invite you to see us this year.

6. “Sweethome” is an international company. You will get your letter without any delay.

Спишите письма. Подчеркните Complex Object и Absolute Constructions with Participles

a) Hi, Dan

1 thank you again for entertaining me in Oxford.

I am now thinking of your probable visit this summer — give me some hints! I plan to spend the first evening in Moscow in some fine pub (actually I can’t find any FINE pub here after seeing English ones). Next day we could go around Moscow — having options of visiting either museums or fine stores or just walking and drinking beer, you choose.

Next could be a trip to St Petersburg — five hours by train. There are much more places of interest than in Moscow. On the way back we could choose between visiting Novgorod (also an ancient city, I have never been there myself) or going for barbecues etc.

So, if you have any ideas — you’re more than welcome. Best regards,


b) Hi, Sergei

Once again, it was a pleasure showing you round Oxford. I look forward to see the photos you have taken there.

I would love to visit you soon, so long as it’s OK with you and your wife. I am very easy-going (which is another way of saying indecisive), so I will probably not be much help — everything you mention sounds good — given the choice of walking and drinking or visiting museums, I would have to say... a bit of both! I would definitely like to see some historic places and learn something, and at the same time there is al­ ways that need to relax!

If you let me know some dates that are good for you, hopefully we can get something sorted. Please don’t feel under any pressure about this visit, I will understand if it is not convenient.

The only dates I can manage are the middle of August, any time during the two weeks 13th—26th. If this is no good, then so be it, there will be other times, I am sure I will see you again in any case.

’Bye for now, Dan

c) Hi, Dan

When I know good dates for your visit, I will need your travel details of course to pick you at the airport, book tickets and make hotel reser­ vations.



d) Hi, Sergei

I am looking forward to seeing you soon. My Dad has already booked flights; I assumed he had let you know the dates. I should know him well enough to realize this wasn’t necessarily the case... Visa and eve­ rything is all being sorted, I am flying to Moscow on 16th August, I will find out details like time, etc.

I need to learn some Russian as well and quickly... I am going to dig out my Dad’s audio course of Russian, which is fine for asking the way to the station, etc. but limited otherwise. See you soon.

’Bye, Dan


e) Hi, Sergei

Just wanted to say hello and thank you again for being my travelling companion! I had a great time in Russia and will definitely be visiting it again. Obviously when you come to England next, I would love to be able to return your hospitality. You were a perfect guide and a good friend. I hope you are able to relax now after all that travelling, I hope your family are well. I got back with no problems, and I am now sitting in work wishing I were walking round St Petersburg or trying caviar in Moscow!

Best regards, Dan


8. Спишите вопросы и письменно сформулируйте полный ответ:

1. Is Sergei Russian or British?

2. Is Dan Russian or British?

3. Where was Sergei staying?

4. Where did he invite Dan?

5. Did they travel around Russia?

6. What cities did they visit?

7. Did Dan like staying in Russia?

8. What did he like most of all, in your opinion?

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