Task 2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.(1 балл)

Task 1. Answer the questions.(1 балл)

1) What is the official name of Great Britain?

2) How many parts does the country comprise? What are their capitals?

3) Is UK a republic or a monarchy?

4) What is the main river (lake) of the country?

5) What is the climate like in Great Britain?

6) Is Great Britain a developed or a developing country?

7) Is the climate of the country favourable for agricultural development?

8) What are the biggest cities?


Task 2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.(1 балл)

1) the Irish Sea, Britain, is separated, from, by, Ireland.

2) the biggest, Belfast, Northern Ireland, is, city, of.

3) the Thames, the deepest, is, in, the UK, river.

4) the University, is, Cambridge town.

5) Ben Nevis, in, the highest, Scotland, mountain, is.

6) plant species, famous, Kew Gardens, for, diversity, is, of.

7) is, the, mysterious, in, Loch Ness, Scotland, lake, a.

Task 3. Memorize the following words and phrases and write down.

1. county [΄kaunti] – графство

2. to put a law [lo:] into effect [i΄fekt] – ввести закон

3. to be made up of … (= to consist of …) – состоять из…

4. coastline [΄kəustlain] – побережье

5. to be referred [ri΄fə:d] to – называться

6. bay [bei] – залив

7. harbour [΄ha: bə] – гавань

8. current [΄k٨rənt] – течение

9. to wash the shores [∫o:z] – омывать берега

10. share [ ∫εə] – доля, акция

11. power [΄pauə] – власть, полномочие

12. to be responsible [ris΄ponsəbl] for … – быть ответственным за …

13. to conduct [kən΄d٨kt] – проводить

14. voter [΄vəutə] – избиратель

15. legislative [΄le ʤ islətiv] body [΄bodi] – законодательный орган

16. to subdue [səb΄dju׃] – 1) подчинять, покорять; 2) смягчать

17. to wage a war – вести войну

18. to be employed [im΄ploid] in industry (agriculture) – быть занятым в промышленности (с/х)

19. unemployment [΄٨nim΄ploimənt] – безработица

20. mining [΄mainiŋ] – добывающая промышленность

21. article [΄a:tikl] – 1) статья, 2) зд. изделие, товар

22. to expand [iks΄pænd] trade in … – расширять торговлю

23. to bring (brought) about smth. – приводить к чему-либо

24. to reach [ri: t∫] – достигать

25. industrial [in΄d٨striəl] output [΄autput] – промышленный выпуск

26. skilled [skild] labour [΄leibə] – квалифицированная рабочая сила (труд)

27. consumer [kən΄sju:mə] goods [gudz] – потребительские товары

28. to process smth. [΄prəusəs] – перерабатывать

29. labour productivity [‚prod٨k΄tiviti] – производительность труда

30. heavy [΄hevi] (light [ lait ]) industry – тяжёлая (лёгкая) промышленность

31. to do away with smth. – покончить с …

32. manufactured [‚mænju΄fæk t∫əd] goods – промышленные товары

33. per head of population – на душу населения

34. demand [di΄ma:nd] for – спрос на …

35. supply [sə΄plai] – предложение

36. worth [wə: θ ] (doing smth.) – стоить чего-либо

37. self-sufficient [΄selfsə΄fi∫ənt] – независимый в экономическом отношении

38. tough [t٨f] competition [‚kompi΄ti∫ən] – жесткая конкуренция

39. large-scale production – крупномасштабное производство

40. Gross National product (GNP) – валовый внутренний продукт

41. distribution [‚distri΄bju: ∫ən] – распределение

Task 4. Read and translate early the dialogues.

a) – You travel a lot, don’t you?

– Oh, yes, I enjoy travelling and spend much of my time visiting different countries.

– And which was the last country you visited?

– I have just returned from Britain.

– Really? I’ve read a lot about it, but I have never been there.

– Britain is a very interesting country with a rich history.

– Did you see the Queen?

– No, I didn’t. But I saw the Whitehall.

– Do you mean the place where Horse Guide Parade is held?

– Yes. It is very exciting. It is worth seeing.

– I know, London is colorful. There are so many things to see and to do there. But what did you like best of all?

– It is difficult to say. Let me think. Maybe, Kew Gardens.

– There is no doubt about it. You’re fond of nature. Where is it?

– Near the Thames, in the south-west of London. It is a fantastic park. All year round you can see lots of flowers there because Kew gets its plants from almost all countries of the world.

– They say there are 100, 000 different plants there. Is it true?

– Of course, it is.

– Are there many visitors in the park?

– If I am not mistaken, in fine weather about 20, 000 people come to visit Kew every day.

Text 1

Great Britain

Great Britain is an island lying off the north-western coastline of Europe. The English Channel separates it from the mainland in the south. The Strait of Dover, 18 miles wide, divides it from France. Great Britain is separated from Belgium and Holland by the North Sea and from Ireland by the Irish Sea.

The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its population is over 57 mln people. The capital of the country is London – one of the most ancient and beautiful cities in the world. The land area of the country is some 244 100 square km.

Geographically the country is subdivided into two main regions: Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. The highest mountain Ben Nevis is in Scotland. The greater part of the land is flat. There are plenty of short rivers in Great Britain, the Severn being the longest one. The deepest river is the Thames.

Britain has a mild climate. Due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current washing Britain’s western shores, the UK enjoys warmer winters and cooler summers than other countries of the same latitude. There is much rain and fog in Britain. October is usually the wettest month, July is the hottest and January is the coldest one. All over the world the country is notorious for its fogs.

The UK is not very rich in mineral resources. Over three quarters of Britain’s land is used for farming; farms produce nearly half of the food that Britain needs. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a highly developed industrial country, known as a producer and exporter of machinery, electronics, ships, aircraft and navigation equipment.

Each part of the country has its own capital: London is the capital of the UK and England; Cardiff – in Wales; Edinburgh – in Scotland; Belfast – in Northern Ireland.

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. But the powers of the Queen are limited by Parliament, which consists of two Chambers, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. British Parliament is the supreme legislative body in the country. Everything in the country is done in the name of the Queen, but in reality, the Prime Minister is responsible for the policy conducted by Parliament.

The Party which obtains the majority of seats in the House of Commons becomes the Government and the others – the Opposition. The Opposition can criticize the bills introduced by the Government.

The UK’s flag is Union Jack. It is red, white and blue, and made up of three crosses – the cross of St. George, the cross of St. Patrick, and the cross of St. Andrew.

Administratively Great Britain is divided into 72 counties.

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