Проверка знания правил образования и употребления Present Perfect

Практическая работа № 11

Тема: «Поход по магазинам. The Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense».

Цель: Проверить умение применять грамматический и лексический материал по темам.

Время выполнения: 90 минут.


1. Ответьте на теоретические вопросы по правилам образования и употребления Present Continuous.

1. Напишите формулу (конструкцию) образования Present Continuous Tense.

2. Напишите не менее 3 глаголов, которые не употребляются во времени Present Continuous.

3. Какие обстоятельства времени обычно указывают на то, что глагол в предложении должен быть во времени Present Continuous?


2. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму Present Continuous.

1. Please be quite. I (try) to concentrate.

2. Look! It (snow).

3. Why (you/wear) this coat today? It’s very warm.

4. Excuse me. I (look) for a phone box. Is there one near here?

5. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They (shout) at each other again.


3. Соедините части предложения:

1. The population of the world a. to the theatre tonight.
2. Don’t make a noise, b. a newspaper in the library.
3. We are going c. is rising very fast.
4. He is reading d. getting better?
5. Is your little sister e. he is working.


4. Решите тест (возможен только один верный ответ).

1) – What … she … now?

- I don’t know.

a) does/ do; b) do/do; c) is/doing; d) is/do.


2) - … are we …?

- To the candy store. I want some chocolate.

a) When/ going; b) Where/ go; c) When/ go; d) Where/ going.


3) – Oh, no! It …. We can’t go out.

- It always … here in March.

a) is snowing/ snows; b) snows/ ‘s snowing; c) ‘s snow/ snows; d) snows/ snows.


4) I …. Because it’s my happiest day today.

a) jumping; b) jump; c) ‘m jumping; d) jumped.


5) Is my English … better?

a) gets; b) get; c) getting; d) to get.



5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1) They (to want) to leave this party now?

2) Now I (to hate) him more than ever.

3) I (to call) my son in Cedar Falls now. I (to want) to talk to him every month but it (to be) very expensive.

4) She (to hear) us now?

5) Don’t shout! Your little brother (to sleep).


6. Поставьте С (correct) или W (wrong) напротив каждого вопроса.

1. Where you are stay now?

2. Why are they looking at us?

3. He is waiting for you now?

4. Is it rain?

5. What are we doing here?


7. Соотнесите магазины с товарами, которые они продают:

1. butcher’s a) beet, potatoes, mangoes, peaches
2. confectionary b) beer, wine, tequila, rum 
3. fishmonger’s c) a loaf of bread, rolls, long loaf
4. greengrocer’s d) newspapers, magazines, town maps, greeting card
5. jewelry shop e) cod, herring, perch
6. grocery store f) cream, kefir, cottage cheese, milk
7. dairy products g) lamb chops, ham, sausages
8. bakery h) buckwheat, oatmeal, flour, sugar
9. newsagent's i) pralines, chocolate, cake
10. liquor store j) golden necklace, diamond ring, earrings

Практическая работа № 12

Тема: «Времена группы Continuous: Present, Past, Future».

Цель: проверить усвоение грамматического материала.

Время выполнения: 90 минут.

1. Поставьте правильную форму глагола to be в Present, Past, Future Continuous:

1. Sue... writing another book this year.

2. John and Mary... talking on the phone.

3. I need an umbrella because it... raining.

4. We... walking down the street when it began to rain.

5. It was beautiful yesterday evening when we went out for a walk, it... not raining, the sun... shining.


2. Put the verbs into the correct form (present progressive):


1. Mr Jones (not to clean) his yard now.

2. Timothy (to feed) his dog at the moment.

3. Our neighbours (to wash) their car?

4. I (to wash) my hair.

5. The children (not to brush) their boots now.

6. What he (to do) at the moment? – He (to fix) his bicycle.

7. John and his friend (to work) in the library.

8. The dog (to lie) on the rug near the door?

9. What they (to talk) about?


Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive).

1) When I phoned my friends, they (to play) monopoly.

2) Yesterday at six I (to prepare) dinner.

3) The kids (to play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.

4) I (to practice) the guitar when he came home.

5) We (not/to cycle) all day.

6) While Aaron (to work) in his room, his friends (to swim) in the pool.

7) I tried to tell them the truth but they (not/to listen).

8) What (you /to do) yesterday?

9) Most of the time we (to sit) in the park.


Put the verbs into the correct form (future progressive).

1. At midnight we (to sleep).

2. This time next week we (to sit) at the beach.

3. They (to dance) all night.

4. He (not/to play) all afternoon.

5. I (not/to work) all day.

6.  (to drive /she) to London tomorrow morning?

7. (cook / they) that delicious meal again?


Практическая работа № 13

Тема: «Достопримечательности России. The Present Perfect Tense».

Цель: проверить усвоение знаний по теме.

Время выполнения: 90 минут.


Make up sentences in Present Perfect.


1. We just … (meet) an American actor.

2. Your husband … (sell) the house?

3. I … (not start) my new job yet.

4. You … (be) to New York before?

5. Ann … (not choose) the dessert yet.

6. They … (do) the shopping today.

7. Tom … ever (visit) Disneyland?

8. I just … (see) a horror film.

9. She … (not find) her coat.

10. The cat already … (eat up) the fish.


Change the sentences into Present Perfect.


1. Are you putting the dishes on the table?

2. She is taking the dirty plates from the table.

3. Are the pupils writing a dicta­tion?

4. She is telling them an interesting story.

5. Kate is not sweep­ing the floor.


Make up sentences. Translate sentences into Russian.


1. have – Britain – several – I – to – times – been

2. Spain – since – she – lived – in – 1994 – has

3. five – married – have – they – years – been – for

4. I – coffee – made – already – for – have – you

5. never – Bob – a bike – has – had


Complete the sentences. Use for or since.


1. I've lived in Washington _____ 1997.

2. Ben has studied English _____ three years.

3. They haven't visited their grandparents _____ months.

4. Julie's ill. She's been in bed _____ Tuesday.

5. My dad has had his car_____ sixteen years old.


Open the brackets using the verb in Present Perfect or Past Simple.


1. I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

2. He just (to come) home.

3. Nick (to play) football yesterday.

4. You ever (to be) to New York?

5. He (not yet to eat) today.


Практическая работа №14


Тема: Национальные праздники моей страны. The Present Perfect Tense.

Цель: проверить усвоение грамматического материала по теме Present Perfect.

Время выполнения: 90 минут.

Проверка знания правил образования и употребления Present Perfect.

1. Назовите вспомогательные глаголы, которые используются в Present Perfect.

2. Какое окончание прибавляется к правильным глаголам во времени Present Perfect?

3. Каким временем переводятся на русский язык предложения во времени Present Perfect (прошедшим, настоящим или будущим)?

4. Напишите не менее трех обстоятельств времени, которые обычно употребляются в предложениях во времени Present Perfect.

5. Какая колонка таблицы неправильных глаголов соответствует Participle II?

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