At the department stores









Учебно-практическое пособие

по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык (английский)

для специальности38.02.05 Товароведение и экспертиза качества потребительских товаров


Горловка, 2020

English for experts on merchandise. Учебно-практическое пособие «Английский для товароведов».– Горловка: ГПОУ «ГТПТТ», 2018. – 60с.

Составитель: Сердюченко В.С.– преподаватель английского языка ГПОУ «Горловский ТТС», специалист высшей категории.




1. Чуб Валерия Ильинична, заведующая отделением № 1 ГПОУ «Горловский ТТС», специалист высшей квалификационной категории, преподаватель-методист

2. Руденко Алена Юрьевна, методист ГПОУ «Горловский колледж городского хозяйства», преподаватель иностранных языков, специалист высшей квалификационной категории


Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании методической комиссии общеобразовательных дисциплин

Протокол № ___от ________20___ г.

Председатель методической комиссии   Л.М. Полякова

Учебно-практическое пособие является частью учебно-методического комплекса по дисциплине по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык (английский) для специальности 38.02.05 Товароведение и экспертиза качества потребительских товаров.

Пособие состоит из 2 разделов, включающих в себя глоссарий профессиональных терминов, тексты, иллюстрирующие употребление лексики, тренировочные и контрольные упражнения, направленные на достижение автоматизации речевых навыков; универсальные стандартные фразы, диалоги, используемые в сферах профессиональной коммуникации; тематических тестов; дополнительных текстов для чтения.



Введение                                                                                       4

Раздел 1. Магазины и покупки. Права потребителей.                              5

Раздел 2. Деньги экономические отношения.                                   24

Тематические тесты.                                                                       37

Дополнительные тексты для чтения.                                                47

Заключение.                                                                                       59

Перечень учебных изданий, дополнительной литературы,                     60



Современная концепция языкового образования в образовательных учреждениях СПО нацелена на профессионально-ориентированное обучение иностранного языка. Конкурентоспособность современного специалиста определяется не только его высокой квалификацией в профессиональной сфере, но и готовностью решать профессиональные задачи в условиях иноязычной коммуникации. В связи с этим Государственный образовательный стандарт СПО требует учета профессиональной специфики при изучении иностранного языка, его нацеленности на реализацию задач будущей профессиональной деятельности выпускников.

Целью данного учебно-практического пособия является формирование коммуникативных умений студентов в таких видах речевой профессиональной деятельности как говорение, чтение, письмо в ситуациях профессионального общения, первичных переводческих умений; развитие познавательной активности и самостоятельности студентов, готовности к взаимодействию; а также памяти, логического мышления, компенсаторных языковых навыков.

Пособие состоит из 2 разделов: Магазины и покупки. Права потребителей,     Деньги экономические отношения.

Каждый раздел содержит глоссарий профессиональных терминов, тексты, иллюстрирующие употребление лексики; тренировочные и контрольные упражнения, направленные на достижение автоматизации речевых навыков; универсальные стандартные фразы, диалоги, используемыев сферах профессиональной коммуникации.

Тематические тесты позволяют студентам самостоятельно проконтролировать уровень усвоения учебного материала.

Дополнительные тексты для чтения помогут расширить профессиональный лексический запас студентов по изучаемым темам.

Контекст учебных материалов соответствует контексту специальности, что способствует повышению мотивации к изучению профессионального иностранного языка.

Данное учебно-практическое пособие будет способствоватьреализации поставленных задач и формированию общих и общеучебных компетенций. Пособие может быть использовано преподавателями и студентами как для работы в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной работы.






1. Match the names of goods with the places where they can be bought

Part 1

1. a prescribed medicine               a) the stationery

2. a book                                       b) the millinery

3. bread and cakes                       c) the newsagent's

4. fish                                           d) the florist's

5. flowers                                     e) the chemist's

6. writing paper, pens and files             f) the butcher's

7. a woman's hat                          g) the fishmonger's

8. newspapers and magazines      h) the bookshop / bookstore

9. fresh meat                                          i) the baker's

Part 2

10.cigarettes and matches           j) the off-license

11.very old furniture                   k) the boutique

12. stamps                                   m) the pet shop

13. tools                                      n) the antique shop

14. vegetables and fruit               o) the tobacconist's and other alcohol drinks p) the green-grocer’s

16. tea, biscuits, butter                q) the post office

17. a dog or a cat                         r) the ironmonger's

18. fashionable clothes                s) the grocer's

2. Match the following phrases of quantity with the nouns they go with. Bear in mind that some phrases of quantity can go with different products.

Part 1

1. a jar of      a) yoghurt

2. a kilo of     b) milk

3. a bottle of  c) cheese

4. a packet of d) tuna

5. a carton of e) jam/honey

6. a loaf of     f) bread

7. a piece of g) ketchup/sunflower oil

8. a bar of h) butter/rice/spaghetti

9. a tin of      i) juice

10. a pot of     j) meat/fish

11. a can of     k) chocolate/soap

Part 2

12. a tube of         l) bananas/grapes

13. a roll of           m) flour

14. a bunch of n) margarine

15. a packet of o) potatoes

16. a bag of           p) toilet paper

17. a box of          q) cookies/ biscuits

18. a pack of r) film

19. a roll of           s) matches

20. a packet of t) cornflakes

21. a bag of           u) cigarettes

22. a tub of     v) toothpaste



3. Read and memorize the following words:

cannot do without    немогутбез

to buy [bai]     покупать

various ['væriəs] разнообразный

goods                  товар

the grocer's         бакалея

the baker's     булочная

the butcher's       мясной магазин

the greengrocer's овощной магазин

the confectioner's кондитерская

foot wear shop обувной магазин

the jeweler's     ювелирный магазин

cashier [кæ'∫іə] кассир

bookseller's книжный магазин

salesgirl['seilzgə:l]        продавщица

salesman ['seilzmæn]– shop assistant 

to weigh [wei]     взвешивать

scales [skeilz]      весы

self-service [,self'sə:vis] самообслуживание

household goods товары для дома

mall               торговый центр

canned       консервированный

supermarket       супермаркет

4. Read and retell the text:

Shops and shopping

Shops play an important role in our life. People cannot do without them. When people want to buy something, they go to shops where various goods are sold. Through the shop-window we can see what is sold in this or that shop.

At the grocer's you can buy sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, sausages, frankfurters and so on. Bread is sold at the baker's, meat at the butcher's. We go to the greengrocer's for vegetables and fruit. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner's. When we want to buy clothes we go to men's and ladies clothes shop. We buy boots and shoes at the footwear shop. We buy jewelry at the jeweler's. We buy books at the bookseller's.

A salesman, salesgirl or saleswoman usually stands behind the counter. The cashier sits at the cash desk. The salesman or salesgirl weighs the goods, which are not packed on the scales, and tells the price. People who often come to buy different things in the shop are called customers.

Some shops may have many departments. These shops are called department stores or supermarkets. Supermarkets are self-service stores with departments for different food products. Supermarkets sell thousands of food products: meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, canned groceries, bakery items, delicatessen items, and frozen food. Some supermarkets also have seafood and alcohol. In some supermarkets you can also buy household goods. The supermarkets are located in shopping centers or malls and along main roads. Supermarkets are popular because they save time, have low prices and variety of products in one place. There you can buy almost everything you need.


5. Answer the questions:

1. Do shops play an important role in our life?

2. Where do people go when they want to buy something?

3. What can we see through the shop-window?

4. What can we buy at the grocer's?

5. What can we buy at the baker's?

6. What can we buy at the greengrocer's?

7. What can we buy at the butcher's?

8. What can we buy at the confectioner's?

9. What can we buy at the footwear shop?

10. What can we buy at the bookseller's?

11. Where do the customers pay for the goods at the self-service shops?

12. What is a supermarket?



1. Read and memorize the following words:

go shopping    делать покупки

wide choice [`waid` ʧois] широкий выбор

necessary [`nesisәri] необходим

foodstuffs [`fu:dstʌfs] продукты

sales staff               продавцы

polite [pә`lait]     вежливый

counter  [`kauntә]              прилавок

attractive [ә`træktiv] привлекательный

food basket продуктовая корзина

choose  [ʧu: z] выбирать

laser scanner [`leizә`skænә] лазерный сканер

to sum up суммировать

cashier's desk [`keʃ iәz desk] касса

aisle [ail] ряд прилавков

all year round весь год

offer [`ofә] предлагать

microwave oven [`maikrәweiv` ʌvn] микроволновая печь

tasty      вкусный

on sale   в продаже

We can buy at the grocer’s:

grosery [`grouseri]   бакалея

cereals [`siәriәlz] крупы

oatmeal [`outmi:l]    овсянка

millet [`milit]   пшено

rice[`rais] рис

buckwheat [`bʌkwi:t] гречневая крупа

pearl barley [`pә:l`ba:li] перловая крупа

macaroni [,mækә`rouni]    макароны

vermicelli [,vә:mi`seli] вермешель

noodles  лапша

flour [flauә]    мука

potato flour крахмал

peas[pi:z] горох

We can buy at the greengrocer’s:

greengrocer’s [`gri:n`grousez] овощной магазин

greengrocery[`gri:n`groseri] овощной магазин

vegetables [`veʤitәblz] овощи

spring onions [`ʌnjәnz] зеленый лук

brown onions свекла

cabbage [`kæbiʤ] капуста

red-cabbage    краснаякапуста

Brussels sprout [`brʌslz`spraut] брюссельская капуста

sauerkraut [`sauәkraut] квашеная капуста

cucumber [`kju:kәmbә] огурец

tomatoes [tә`ma:touz] томаты

turnip    [`tә:nip] репа

potatoes [pә`teitәz]  картофель

carrots[`kærәts] морковь

beets[bi:ts] репа

swede [swi:d]  брюква

pumpkin [`pʌmpkin] тыква

lettuce [`letis]  салат

radish [`rædiʃ] редис

horse-radish хрен

cauliflower [`koliflauә] цветная капуста

egg-plant [`ægpla:nt] баклажан

green peas зеленый горошек

Greens   Зелень

dill укроп

dills маринованные огурцы

parsley[`pa:sli] петрушка

celery [`selәri]  сельдерей

Spices[`spaisiz] Специи

рepper [`pepә] перец

ground pepper перецмолотый

allspice[`o:lspais] перец душистый

cayenne [kei`en] перец красный

vinegar[`vinigә] уксус

cinnamon[`sinәmәn] кориця

clove [klouv]   гвоздика

basil [`bæzl] базилик

caraway [`kærәwei]тмин

bay leaf [`bei`li:f] лавровый лист

We can buy at the fruit shop:

fruit(s) [fru:t]  фрукты

pomegranate [`pomgrænit] гранат

banana [bә`na:nә] банан

grapes[greips] виноград

lemon    [`lemәn] лимон

orange [`orenʤ] апельсин

grape-fruit грейпфрут

kiwi киви

tangerine [`tænʤә`ri:n] мандарин

pineapple [`pain,æpl] ананас

avocado [ævou`ka:dou] авокадо

mango [`mængou]    манго

papaya [pa`paia] папайя

parsimmon [pә:`simәn] хурма

fig инжир

apricot [`eiprikot]    абрикос

peach [pi:t∫]    персик

pear [p εә] груша

apple [æpl] яблоко

plum [plʌm]             слива

berry [`beri]    ягода

strawberries    [`stro:beriz] клубника

raspberries [`ra:zberiz] малина

gooseberries    [`guzberiz] крыжовник

cranberries [`krænberiz]    клюква

blueberries [`blu:beriz] черника

red bilberries   брусника

cherry [`ʧeri]   вишни

sweet cherries черешни

black currants чёрная смородина

red currants красная смородина

water melon [`wotә,melәn] арбуз

melons [`melәn] дыня

juice[ʤu:s] сок

We can buy at the fish shop (fishmonger’s):

fishmonger's [`fiʃmangәz] рыбный отдел

carp [ka: p]     карп

pike [paik] щука

bream [bri: m] лещ

sheat-fish[`ʃi: tfiʃ]     сом

frozen [frouzn] замороженный

perch [pә:ʧ] окунь

cod [kod] треска

plaice [pleis]   камбала

pike-perch судак

sturgeon [`stә; ʤәn] осетр

lobsters[`lobstә] омар

shrimps [ʃrimp] креветка

scallops [`skolәp]     морской гребешок

fillet [`filit] филе

sword-fish [`so: dfiʃ] рыба-меч

tuna [`tu: nә] тунец

craw-fish [`kro: fiʃ]   рак

herring [`heriŋ] сельдь

kipper[`kipә] копченая сельдь

canned fish консервированная рыба

We can buy at the baker’s:

baker's [`beikәz] булочная

bread [bred] хлеб

white bread белый хлеб

brown bread черный хлеб

rye bread ржанойхлеб

baked items [`aitәmz] выпечка

rolls [roulz]     рогалик

buns [bʌnz]     булочка

muffins [`mʌfinz]     сдобная булочка

croissants [krui`sa: nz] круассан

crackers [`krækez]    крекер

loaf [louf] буханка

We can buy at the dairy shop:

Dairy [dεәri] молочный магазин

milk молоко

butter    [`bʌtә]   масло

cream    [kri:m]   сливки

yogurt[`jogәt]  йогурт

kefir [`kefә]    кефир

sour cream [`sauә`kri:m] сметана

cheese    [ʧi:z] сыр

curd[kә:d]       творог

cottage cheese [`kotiʤʧ i:z] сыр молочный

pot cheese брынза

cream cheese сливочный сыр

eggs яйца

mayonnaise[`mejәneiz] майонез

margarine[,ma:ʤә`ri:n] маргарин

We can buy at the butcher’s:

butcher's [`buʧәz]     мясной отдел

meat [mi: t]       мясо

beef [bi: f] говядина

pork [po: k]    свинина

mutton [ `mʌtn] баранина

lamb [læm] молодаябаранина

veal [vi: l] телятина

poultry [`poultry]    птица

game [geim]    дичь

delicatessen [,delikә`tesn] мясная кулинария

sausage [`sosiʤ] колбаса

smoked sausages копченая колбаса

boiled sausages вареная колбаса

half-smoked sausages полукопченая колбаса

frankfurter [`fræŋkfәtә] сосиски

liver pâté [`livәpæ`tei] печеночный паштет

ham [hæm]  ветчина

can консервы

lean meat постное мясо

fat meat жирное мясо

steak [steik]    вырезка

cuts [kʌts] куски (мяса)

beef sirloin [ `sә: loin] говядина филе

blade [bleid]    лопаточная часть

brisket [`briskit] грудная часть

pork ribloin    [`rib`loin] свиная грудинка

ready-made готовый

beef mince [mins] фарш из говядины

beef fillet [ `filit] филейная часть

rump[rʌmp]    огузок, крестец

chuck[ʧʌk]      шейная часть

beef forequarters [ `fo: kwotәz] спинно-лопаточная часть

We can buy at the confectioner’s(sweet-shop):

confectioner’s [kәn`fekʃənәz] кондитерская

confectionery  кондитерская

sugar [`ʃugә]    сахар

granulated sugar сахар-песок

biscuits[`biskits] сухое печенье

pastry    [`peistri] сдобное печенье

jam[ʤæm] джем

puff [pʌf] слойка

fancy-cakes[`fænsikeik] пироженые

wafers[`weifәz] вафли

marmalade[`ma:mәleid] мармелад

tea[ti:]    чай

coffee [`kofi]    кофе

cocoa [`koukou] какао

sweets   сладости

2. Read and translate the text:

At the Food shop

People go shopping almost every day. There are big supermarkets almost in every town. They are self-service shops. Why do people like shopping in supermarkets? There are three main reasons for this: it doesn’t takes them much time, there is a wide choice of all possible products in this shop and the prices are not very high. Customers can buy all the necessary foodstuffs there: bread, milk, fish, grocery, sausages, sweets, vegetables and fruit. Everything on the counters looks very attractive and the sales staff is very polite.

When customers come into the shop, they take a food basket and choose the products they want to buy. When they put everything they want into the basket they come up to the cashier’s desk. There is a computer with a laser scanner that reads and sums up the prices on packed goods at the cashier’s desk. The cashier tells how much to pay. The customers pay the money and leave the shop.

There are several aisles in the shop: fruit and vegetables, meat and fish counters and others.

The green grocery and fruit aisles offer a great variety of fresh and canned vegetables and fruit. There you can buy spring onions, brown onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbages and lettuce. There are also radishes, cauliflowers and green peas on the counters. The customers can put the vegetables into plastic bags.

The fruit are always very fresh. You can buy bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, tangerines and pineapples, pomegranates and pears, apples and plums. In season the shop has a great variety of berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries and cranberries. In summer they sell water melons and melons. Fruit and berry jams are sold all year round. There is always a wide choice of fruit and vegetable juices to any taste. You can buy bottles and packs of juice of any size.

In the grocery aisle there are all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, macaroni, vermicelli and noodles. You can also buy vegetable oil, spices, flour, potato flour, peas and some other products there.

At the meat counter the customers can buy pork, beef, mutton, veal and poultry. The meat products are ready packed and some of them can be cooked in microwave oven. There are also delicatessen and smoked meats and sausages here. They offer you all kinds of sausages: boiled sausages, half-smoked sausages and smoked sausages, frankfurters, liver pâté, ham, canned beef and pork.

The shop has a wide choice of fish. You can buy live carp, pike, bream and sheat-fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some other. You can buy pike-perch and sturgeon, lobsters, shrimps, scallops, fillet of sword-fish, tuna-fish, live craw-fish, herring and kipper here. There is also much canned fish.

There is a wide choice of milk products in the dairy department. You can buy milk, butter, cream, yogurts, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, pot cheese and cream cheese. At this department you can also buy eggs, mayonnaise and margarine.

You go for white and brown bread to the bread section. There are a lot of baked items in this section. You can also buy rolls, buns, muffins, and croissants there.

There is a rich choice of items in the confectionery: sugar, granulated sugar, caramel, rich sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolates, biscuits. A lot of other tasty things are on sale here: pastry, jam-puffs, fancy-cakes, wafers, marmalade and also tea, coffee and cocoa.


3. Translate into English:

делать покупки, широкий выбор, необходимый, продукты, продавцы, прилавок, продуктовая корзина, выбирать, лазерный сканер, суммировать, касса, ряд прилавков, в продаже, бакалея, крупы, овсянка, пшено, рис, гречневая крупа, перловая крупа, макароны, вермишель, лапша, мука, крахмал, горох, овощной магазин, овощи, лук, картофель, морковь, свекла, капуста, квашеная капуста, огурец, томаты, тыква, салат, редис, хрен, цветная капуста, баклажан, зеленый горошек, укроп, петрушка, перец, уксус, лавровыйлист, фрукты, гранат, банан, виноград, лимон, апельсин, грейпфрут, киви, мандарин, хурма, абрикос, персик, груша, яблоко, слива, ягода, земляника, малина, вишни, черная смородина, арбуз, дыня, сок, рыбный отдел, креветка, филе, тунец, рак, сельдь, копченая сельдь, булочная, хлеб, рогалик, булочка, сдобная булочка, крекер, буханка.

В этом торговом центре есть новый супермаркет.

В этом супермаркете можно приобрести все, что вам необходимо.

Мы всегда делаем покупки в этом супермаркете.

Мария работает в этом супермаркете? - Да, она работает там продавцом.

4. Translate into Russian:

dairy, milk, butter  , cream, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, eggs, mayonnaise, margarine, items, confectionery, sugar, granulated sugar, caramel, rich sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolates, biscuits, tasty, pastry, jam-puffs, fancy-cakes, wafers, marmalade, tea, coffee, cocoa.

5. Answer the following questions:

1. How often do you go shopping?

2. Why do people like shopping in the supermarket?

3. What can we buy at the supermarket?

4. What aisles are there at the supermarket?

5. What does the greengrocery offer to the customers?

6. What fruit can we buy at the fruit aisle?

7. What can the customers buy at the meat counter?

8. What fish does the shop offer?

9. What milk products are on sale?

10. What is sold at the bakers and at the confectionary?


6. Read the dialogs in pairs and make your own ones:

At the baker’s

- What would you like?

- A loaf of white bread, two loaves of brown bread and two buns.

- Anything else?

- Let me think. Oh, yes! I forgot about muffins and croissants for breakfast and biscuits for tea.

- All right! How many of them do you want?

- Two muffins, three croissants and two packs of biscuits, please!

- Here you are! Don’t forget the change!


At the greengrocer’s

- We haven’t got any fruit and vegetables at home. Let’s go to the greengrocer’s.

- All right! Let’s go. What do you need?

- I need potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, brown onions and lettuce.

- Will you buy fresh tomatoes and cucumbers for salad?

- Yes, of course. And you can go now to the fruit department and buy some apples, apricots and plums.

- Do they sell water-melons now?

- Yes, they do. I saw them in the shop window yesterday.

At the supermarket

- Will you go shopping with me?

- I don’t mind. Where shall we go?

- Let’s go to the supermarket. It’s a big and nice shop. There is a wide choice of items there.

- What shall we buy?

- First, we’ll go to the meat counter to buy a cut of beef fillet and a chicken. You know, I cannot do without meat. Then we’ll go to the grocer’s department and buy flour and macaroni.

- We haven’t got any sugar. It’s off. And don’t forget about fish.

- We’ll buy carp or pike-perch and some cold or hot smoked salmon.

- What else do we need?

- A dozen of eggs, thick sour cream, butter, margarine and cheese.

- What fruit shall we buy?

- They have nice tangerines, oranges and lemons today. But I’d better buy apples and grapes.

- Our basket is almost full. Let’s go to the cashier’s desk and pay for everything we bought.

At the butcher’s counter

- What would you like? We’ve got a lot of meat cuts today: beef sirloin, blade and rump for steaks, brisket for soups.

- What cuts would you suggest for chops?

- For chops and cutlets we usually sell lamb neck, pork rib loin or beef topside. We also have ready-made beef mince. How much do you want?

- I’ll take one kilo of beef mince for cutlets, a large cut of leant beef for steaks and a cut of fat beef brisket for soup.



1. Read and memorize the following words:

Ready-Made Clothes Готовая одежда

coat [kout] пальто e.g. Bobby is putting on his coat.

raincoat ['reinkout] плащ e.g. Mary is wearing a raincoat. It will keep her dry.

suit [sju:t] костюм e.g. Father has on a dark suit.

trousers (U. K.)/pants (U. S.) брюки e.g. This is a pair of boy's pants.

wind-breaker ['wind.breikə] спортивная куртка

dress [dres] платье

shirt[∫ə:t] рубашка

e.g. Men wear shirts.

blouse [blauz] блуза

cardigan ['ka:digən] шерстяной джемпер

Foot-Wear Обувь

shoes [∫u:z] туфли

e.g. Most shoes are made of leather.

boots [bu:ts] ботинки e.g. Boots are made of leather, too.

heel [hi:l] каблук e.g. I don't want high heels, I want low heels.

sandals ['sændəlz] босоножки

e.g. Here is a very nice pair of sandals.

Hosiery  Трикотаж

socks [soks] носки

stockings ['stokiŋz] чулки

e.g. Socks are short. Stockings are long. Socks and stockings keep our feet warm.

knitted [ni:tid] вязаный

panty-house ['penti'houz] колготки

Haberdashery Галантерея

handkerchief ['hænkat∫if] носовой платок

neckerchief ['nekət∫if] косынка

tie [tai] галстук

e.g. I'd like to buy that tie.

umbrella [ʌm`brelə] зонт e.g. Mary's umbrella keeps the rain off Mary.

Leather Goods Изделия из кожи

handbag ['hæn(d)bæg] женская сумка

wallet ['wolit] кошелек

e.g. I've lost my wallet.

gloves [glʌvz] перчатки

e.g. My gloves are made of leather.

suit-case ['sju:tkeis] чемодан

e.g. I need a suit-case.

Perfumery Парфюмерия

powder ['paudə] пудра e.g. Mother is putting powder on her face.

lipstick ['lipstik] губная помада

e.g. Pink lipstick seems very popular this year.

soap [soup] мыло e.g. Tom washed his hands with soap and water.

perfume ['pæfjum] духи

e.g. I've got a bottle of perfume.

brush [brʌ∫] щетка e.g. There are many kinds of brushes: tooth-brushes, scrubbing-brushes, paint-brushes.

razor ['reizə] бритва

blade [bleid] лезвие

e.g. Give me a package of blades.

cream [kri:m] крем

e.g. I need a tube of shaving cream.

Textiles  Ткани

wooll [wu:l] шерсть e.g. Sheep's wool is made into yarn and cloth.

silk [silk] шелк e.g. Mother's dress is made of silk cloth.

cotton ['kotən] хлопок e.g. Some clothes are made of cotton.

Stationery Канцелярские товары

portfolio [po:t'fouljou] портфель

memo-pad/writing pad блокнот

pen ручка e.g. This is a pen to write with.

Jewelry  Ювелирные изделия

bracelet ['breislit] браслет

pearl [рз:1] жемчуг

ring [riŋ] кольцо e.g. Jane's ring is made of gold.

ear-rings ['iariŋz] сережки e.g. These ear-rings are made of silver.

chain [t∫ein] цепочка

Tobacconist's  Табачные изделия

match [mæt∫] спички e.g. We use matches to start a fire.

cigarette [,siga'ret] сигаретыe.g. Many people are smoking cigarettes.


2. Remember the following phrases:

What can I do for you?                        Чем я могу быть полезен?

May I be of assistance?               Вам помочь?

Are you being served?                Вас обслуживают?

What size do you take in shoes            Какого размера туфли/

/a suit?                                        костюм Вы носите?

It's in fashion.                             Это модно.

It's out of fashion.                                Это немодно.

It's the latest fashion (style).       Это последняя мода.

It's out of season.                                 Это не по сезону.

Itsuitsyouperfectly.                     Это Вам очень идет.

It's cheap.                                   Это дешево.

It's too dear (expensive).                      Это слишком дорого.

It's a bargain.                              Это выгодная покупка

3. Give it a name:

1. We wear it if it is cold. 2. We take it if it rains. 3. We put them on our hands. 4. We put it on our heads. 5. We put them on our feet. 6. Women put them on their legs.

4. Fill in the blanks:

1. Please... another dress. This one is too big for you. 2. The farmers sell fruit and vegetables at the....3. The … will give you the hat you have bought. 4. How muchdoes this ice-cream...? 5. The... of these sweets is three dollars a kilogram.

5. Answer the following questions:

1. When do you usually go shopping? 2. Where do you go shopping? 3. What have you bought today in the way of food? 4. What have you bought in the way of manufactured goods? 5. What do you buy at a grocer's shop (baker's, butcher's shop, fishmonger, flower-shop)? 6. What things are sold at a haberdashery (jeweler’s, bookseller's)? 7. What presents did you receive for birthday? 8. Which is the best shop in your city (town)? 9. What can you buy at a market? 10. What things do you wear in winter (in summer)?


6. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

 Salesclerk: May I help you?

Woman: Yes. How much are these socks, please?

Salesclerk: Six dollars.

Woman: Oh, that's too expensive. How much are the cotton ones?

Salesclerk: They are 2 dollars.

Woman: О. K. I'll take those.


A: What can I do for you?

B: I'd like some shoes.

A: What size, please?

B: Five, please.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.


A: What can I do for you?

B: I want to buy a coat.

A: What colour would you like?

B: I'd prefer a plum coloured coat.

A: Try this one.

B: I can't say that I like it. It's much too shorter.

A: Try this grey one.

B: It isn't quite what I want. I'd like something of a better quality.

A: What do you think of this model?

B: This one fits very well. How much does it cost?

A: 70 dollars.

B: Well, I'll take this one.      

A: Shall I wrap up the coat? 

B: No, thank you, you needn't. I'll put it on.


7. Ask questions on the following text:

Today the women are going to Oxford Street to shop. Both of the girls and my wife are going. They don't want Simon and me with them. Thank goodness!

Women are terrible shoppers. They spend a lot of time and buy a few things. I only spend a little time and I buy a lot of things. Sometimes my wife does shopping all day and she doesn't buy anything. She tries on clothes all day and then doesn't bring anything home.

This seems mad! She's too fussy. She likes only a few colours. She likes only blue, green and yellow. Her favourite colour is either blue or green. I don't know which one. She doesn't like red and pink. They are too bright. They don't suit her. And brown and grey aren't bright enough. Oh, she's fussy.

8. a) Fill in the gaps with one suitable word and read the text.

    My friend loves window-shopping. She loves_____(1) up and down in front of shop windows, looking at the range of_____ (2) on display, especially in the new shopping_____(3), where there are a lot of boutiques selling their own designs. I _____(4) big department stores because all the best-known products are on ______(5), and usually in stock. If they are out of stock, the shop_____(6) can order them for you. Most of the chain stores have (7) in our shopping centre. My friend only enjoys going there when they have the sales every year and she thinks she can find____(8).

b) Answer the questions.

1. Do you like window-shopping? Why? Why not?

2. Do you prefer department stores or corner shops (local shops) where the shopkeeper knows you and can better advise you what to buy?

3. Where would you buy a smart suit or dress: in a boutique or a department store?

4. Do department stores and boutiques in the place you live have sales? How often?

5. How often are you lucky enough to get a bargain on a sale?

9. Fill in the gaps with one word from the box below and read an encyclopedia article about department stores and their history.

Department Stores

Retailing, merchandise, store, merchant, articles, early, variety, downtown, self-service, those, storeys, majority, customers, management, upper, level, goods.

Department store is a large store that sells many kinds of goods in separate departments under one ____(1). It also provides a variety of services. In a typical department store, perfumes, jewellery, and similar ______(2) are located on the first floor, and clothing, furniture and appliances are on the _____(3) floors. Some department stores also sell bargain____(4) in the basement.

Many historians believe that Aristide Boucicaut, a French, established the first department store. He managed a _____(6) in Paris called "Bon Marche" (French for "a good bargain"). Originally, it sold only fabrics, but in the 1850's, it began to sell a large______(7) of goods, arranged by department.

Boucicaut's (8) practices were quickly copied by several American businessmen and by the early 1900's, department stores had spread throughout the United States.

Early department stores differed from_____(9) of today in a number of ways. For example, the first department stores were established in_____(10) areas, but many are now located in suburbs. The (11) department stores were one-store operations. Today, the_____(12) of department store organizations have several stores (chains) within a metropolitan area - or even in different cities. Originally, department stores provided a high_____(13) of personal service to their______ (14) in all departments. Many modern stores, however, have some departments that are largely____(15). The first department stores occupied several______(16) and offered a great variety of merchandise. Today's newer department stores occupy only a few floors and sell a smaller variety of____(17). In addition, many department stores now sell merchandise through direct-mail activities and other methods.


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