Exercise 10. Disagree with the following statements and give the correct information according to the model

Model: The skin creates vitamin D when it is exposed to atmospheric oxygen. – The skin doesn’t create vitamin D when exposed to atmospheric oxygen. It creates vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight

1. Zinc is responsible for building bones and teeth.

2. Vitamin suplements work best when ingested separately from anything.

3. The body absorbs iron through the help of vitamin E.

4. Natural vitamins are vitamins produced in laboratories.

5. Vitamin K is produced by pancreas.

6. Vitamin D helps the body absorb carbon dioxide.

7. Potassium is needed by enzymes for metabolizing.

8. We have to take antibiotics and barbiturates for optimal health.

Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Vitamin supplements are available as isolated vitamins or in combination with other nutrients.

2. The skin creates vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.

3. Vitamin K is produced by intestinal bacteria.

4. Along with vitamins human body needs a certain amount of minerals.

5. Iodine assists the thyroid gland in working properly.

6. The body absorbs iron through the help of vitamin C.

7. Calcium and phosphorus build bones and teeth.

8. The body absorbs iron through the help of vitamin C.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Vitamins (to contribute) to good health by regulating the metabolism and assisting the bio­chemical processes of the body.

2. Water-soluble vitamins (to excrete) out of the body within one day.

3. Vitamin D (to help) the body absorb calcium.

4. Vitamin E (to know) as tocopherol.

5. Scientific research (to prove) that excesses of isolated vitamins or minerals can produce vitamin poisoniong.

6. Vitamin supplements (to divide) into two groups: synthetic and natural.

7. The term “vitamin” (to derive) from “vitamine” by Casimir Funk.

8. In 1812 Casimir Funk (to isolate) a complex of micronutrients and named them “vitamines”.

Exercise 13. Change the sentences as in the model (using Passive instead of Active Voice):

Model: Enzymes need copper for metabolizing. – Copper is needed by enzymes for metabolizing.

1. Iron delivers oxygen to the body’s cells.

2. Vitamins and minerals strengthen each other.

3. The skin creates vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.

4. The body absorbs iron through the help of vitamin C.

5. Polish scientist Casimir Funk made up a combination word "vitamine" from vital and amine.

6. Medical men used lipid from fish oil to cure rickets during the late 18th and early 19th.

7. In 1881, Russian surgeon Nikolai Lunin studied the effects of scurvy.

8. Japanese scientist Umetaro Suzuki isolated the first vitamin complex in 1910.

Exercise 14. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Шкіра сама виробляє вітамін D д впливом сонця.

2. Вітамін К виробляєтся кишковими бактеріями.

3. Кальцій та фосфор будують кістки та зуби.

4. Наша дієта не завжди містить усі необхідні вітаміни та мінерали.

5. Йод допомогає щитоподібній залозі працювати належним чином.

6. Калій допомогає підтримувати баланс рідини у клітинах.

7. Жиророзчинні вітаміни слід приймати перед їжею.

8. Харчові добавки не слід вживати як заміну здорової їжі.


Exercise 15. Put the sentences into the correct order to explain the term “mineral”:

__For example, the body absorbs iron through the help of vitamin C and vitamin D helps the body absorb phosphorus and calcium.

__Minerals are essential for the nutrition of humans, animals, and plants.

__A mineral is an inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc.

__Vitamins and minerals not only help the body function, but work to strengthen each other.

__There are 20 minerals, which play significant roles in the body.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: зовнішні джерела приймати після їжі бути заміною здорової дієти допомагати скороченню м’язів у формі порошку якщо не вказано інакше вживати синтетичні вітаміни вироблятися кишковими бактеріями ізольовані вітаміни харчові добавки   II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: Which minerals play a significant role in human beings? What is zinc responsible for? What does iron do in the body? What is the ideal source of vitamins and minerals? In which case do nutritional supplements work best?   III. Розкрийте поняття: мінерал



The World Health Organization (WHO)

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