Madonna Wedding Pictures

On October 19, 2008, we published photographs of Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s wedding in December 2000.

The photographs were published on the front pare and in a double-page spread with the words “World exclusive: never seen before pictures of Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s wedding”.

The pictures had been copied from a wedding album in Madonna’s home without her permission. We therefore had no right to publish them.

We regret having published these pictures and apologize to Madonna and her family for the distress caused by this breach of her privacy and copyright. We have agreed to pay substantial damages and Madonna’s legal costs. We have also destroyed all copied of the wedding photographs in our possession.

Madonna will be donating the damages to her Raising Malawi charity.

The Mail on Sunday, 2009

Practicum 8.5

Practice Voicing Regrets & Disappointments strategyin the following situations (to be done in writing)

-an Italian student in his /her E-mail to his family is voicing bitter disappointment that when s/he starts talking to the English on a train, they seem to treat him as drunk, drugged or deranged

-an elderly English lady in a letter to the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper is voicing disappointment at the modern trend to talk loudly on the mobile-phone in public

Text 8a

The text to follow deals in talking law. Study the text and use it as a starting point for communication in semi-formal setting

Правила дорожного движения

1. Участники дорожного движения обязаны знать и соблюдать Правилa дорожного движения, сигналы светофоров, знаки и разметку.

2. Водитель обязан иметь при себе водительское удостоверение на право управления транспортным средством соответствующей категории; при движении на транспортном средстве, оборудованном ремнем безопасности, быть пристегнутым и не перевозить пассажиров, не пристегнутых ремнями.

3. Запрещается движение при неисправности тормозной системы, рулевого управления, передних фар, указателей поворота и задних фар в темное время суток, недействующем стеклоочистителе во время дождя или снегопада.

4. Водитель транспортного средства, движущегося по второстепенной дороге, должен уступить дорогу транспорту, приближающемуся по главной.

5. Перед перестроением водитель обязан подавать сигналы световыми указателями поворота соответствующего направления.

6. Водитель должен соблюдать дистанцию c движущимся впереди транспортным средством, чтобы избежать столкновения.

7. На дорогах с двусторонним движением, имеющих три полосы, обозначенные разметкой, разрешается выезжать на среднюю полосу только для обгона, объезда, поворота налево и разворота.

8. Запрещается превышать скорость, указанную на знаке «Ограничение скорости», резко тормозить, если это не требуется для предотвращения ДТП.

9. При желтом мигающем сигнале, неработающих светофорах или отсутствии регулировщика перекресток считается нерегулируемым.

10. Дальний свет должен быть переключен на ближний в населенных пунктах, если дорога освещена.

11.При ДТП водитель, причастный к нему, обязан немедленно остановить транспортное средство, включить аварийную световую сигнализацию и выставить знак аварийной остановки.

12. Остановка и стоянка транспортных средств разрешаются на правой стороне дороги на обочине. На левой стороне – на дорогах с односторонним движением.

13. На автомагистралях запрещается: движение пешеходов, велосипедов; разворот и движение задним ходом; переход осуществляется строго по пешеходному переходу.

14. Дорожные знаки и дорожная разметка: двойная сплошная линия, прерывистая линия, предупреждающие знаки, предписывающие знаки.

Practicum 8.6

Match the italicized words from the text with the English words from the list to follow

driver’s / driving license; U-turn; keep a safe distance; changing traffic lanes; give way to smb; dual carriageway; road marking; front / rear lamps; overtake; motorists; traffic lights; compulsory speed sign; uncontrolled intersection; dipped / beam headlights; warning traffic signs; regulatory traffic signs; built-up areas; hazard lights; windscreen wiper; breakdown triangle; major / minor road; flashing amber signal; one-way street; the edge of the road; motorways; pedestrian crossing; reversing; road code; safety belts; brakes; steering; double solid lines; broken line; direction indicator lights; rear lights (tail lights); headlights.

Practicum 8.7

Render Text 8 a in English

Practicum 8.8

Share your own driving experience of being involved in a road accident and voice disappointment at reckless drivers. Make aroad accident report to the police in writing

The vocabulary to follow might come in handy

to press the clutch; to insert the (ignition) key; to start the engine (the engine won’t start); to belt up; to change gear; to switch to 1st  gear; to indicate; the accident scene; to produce a valid insurance certificate or give insurance details; to record other driver’s details; to wear seat belts; to use child restraints; impaired / DUI / DWI driving; BAC (blood alcohol concentration)

Practicum 8.9

Practice Voicing Regrets & Disappointments strategy in the following situations

-an American is planning a trip to the UK and is voicing regret at the looming prospect of left-side driving

-a mother of a young driver is voicing disappointment at her son being detected by a traffic enforcement camera while exceeding the speed limit

Practicum 8.10

Practice Voicing Regrets & Disappointments strategy and write 200-250 wordsessay on poor driving practices in developing countries

III. Communication Practice

Role play

The Mayor is shocked to learn about traffic injury and mortality rates in the city. He is voicing regret and disappointment with poor traffic safety standards and is calling for action.

 A City Council team is tasked to work out a package of moves aimed at enhancing road safety

Text 8b

The texts to follow deal in talking law .Study the texts and use them as a starting point for communication in formal setting

Florida College expects students to abide by high standards of moral, personal, and social behavior. The following regulations are supposed to contribute to a wholesome atmosphere on campus and to the individual student's cultural and social maturity. Policies and regulations may be amended from time to time by action of the responsible bodies.

Students found guilty of lying or falsifying official documents will be liable to suspension. Cheating or plagiarism is not acceptable. This includes cheating on a test and copying another student's paper or other authors' works without identifying the sources. Cell phones and cameras must not be turned on during a test.

Florida College is a drug- and alcohol-free work and educational environment. The possession or use of intoxicating beverages is strictly prohibited. Violation of these restrictionswillresult in automatic suspension from the College. Florida College complies with federal, state, and local laws regulating drugs and alcohol. Students involved in illegal activities must be reported to the law enforcement agencies. Resident students may not possess or use tobacco products either on campus or off campus while enrolled in the College.Non-resident students may not possess or use tobacco products while on campus. Any use or possession of tobacco will result in an appointment with the Dean.

Students are to be in their residence halls by the beginning of curfew at 11:00 pm on Sunday through Thursday and by 12:00 am on Friday and Saturday until 6:00 am.

Hazing violations resulting in personal injury or damage to college property will be considered as major offenses and punished appropriately. Threatening or abusive behavior will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, racial, religious or sexual harassment, intimidation, pranks, invasion of privacy.

Penalties: a) Documented verbal warning from the instructor or another person in authority; b) Exclusion or removal from a class, examination room, etc.; c) A letter of reprimand sent to the student by registered mail or by personal delivery; d) Fines may range from $50 to $300. Fines must be paid according to the deadline indicated in the written notification of disciplinary action (normally 10 business days); e) Replacement oflost or damagedproperty, or payment of an amount equal to monetary value of the property.; http ://

Practicum 8.11

Translate the italicized parts of Text 8b from English into Russian

Practicum 8.12

Practicum 8.13

Practicum 8.14

Study the Florida College Code, identify priorities and relate them to the penalties stipulated. Compare with your cultural practices

Practicum 8.15

Practice Voicing Regrets & Disappointments strategyin the following situation (to be done in writing)

a parent in a letter to the Dean is voicingregret and disappointment over his / her son’s cheating at the exam, asking for an opportunity to reinstate him

III. Communication Practice

Role play

-Two colleagues having got stuck in a traffic jam are voicing their disappointment at the decreasing driving culture in the UK when seeing a group of jaywalkers and an unscrupulous driver ‘cheating’ by zipping down the outside, faster-moving lane and then trying to edge back at a later point.

-Head of the traffic police is giving an interview to a local TV channel, where he claims the English to be most fair and courteous drivers, still he voices regret and disappointment at the increasing road-rage incidents in the UK (provoked by tailgating, headlight flashing, obscene gestures, obstruction and verbal abuse).


The faculty members are expressing disappointment with the students’ performance at the end-of-the term exams, high truancy rate and basically poor studying habits. At first the students are on the defensive to be finally made into voicing regrets



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