Summary of questionnaire findings

                                                     (%)  Very often often sometimes never
1 Are you involved in decision-making         41      12     31       16
2 Does your manager gives you clear goals   8       10     70       12
3 Does your manager give clear instructions 11     14     56       19
4 Are you allowed to use your initiative        18      35    15           32
5 Is your manager accessible                          28     11     54       7
6 Does your manager offer support and listen to your problems                            28     11    26        35
7 Does your manager praise your work when appropriate                                            12     10    31       47
8 Are you offered constructive feedback         22     18    47       13
9 Does your manager accept that you will sometimes make mistakes               23     15   41        21
10 Are you given career advice and training      3       7     11        79
11 Does your manager present himself / herself as a positive role model    35    21     13        31

Team work

Study the checklist below and evaluate your performance as a team


-Delegation       Do we provide enough decision-making opportunities

                          to our staff

- Feedback        Do we devote enough time to providing it

- Briefing          Do we make company objectives clear and often enough

- Troubleshooting Do we help solve problems effectively

- Teambuilding Do we do enough to create team spirit

- Coaching        Do we show a caring attitude and help to employees

                          to realize their career aspirations

- Motivation      Do we help employees to achieve a sense of fulfillment

                         Do we make them feel that their contribution is valued

                          by the company 


PROGRESS TEST 9 (part 1)

Review the communication strategy of Expressing С ompassion. Respond to the following remarks

- My car was stolen yesterday

- I didn’t get the scholarship / fellowship

- When I got to the airport the flight had been cancelled because of a strike

- I was reprimanded, but it wasn’t fair – it was not my fault

- He had an accident and was badly injured

- I’ve worked for the company for three months but they haven’t paid

PROGRESS TEST 9 (part 2)


Topic 10. Expressing Slight Annoyance and Mild Reproach

I. General

Practicum 10.1

Study the communication strategy of Expressing Slight Annoyance / Mild Reproach

Step1 Express your annoyance / mild reproach (Don’t engage in ad hominem accusations!)
Step 2 Offer your reasons
Step 3 Suggest another approach to the problem / task OR Encourage feedback from your opponent

Tips to keep in mind:

1. Of course, there are all sorts of very strong words in English used to show annoyance, but we’ll be focusing on those expressions which aren’t quite so offensive, so you don’t find yourself upsetting people.

2. Avoid open and offensive critical remarks. Any criticism can be laid down in a polite way.

3. Rely on strong evidence to support your criticism to sound convincing and get your message across.

Practicum 10.2

Relate the above tips to your cultural practices

Practicum 10.3

When practicing Expressing Slight Annoyance / Mild Reproach you may need the word combinations to follow

to annoy greatly / much; to be annoyed at / with smb; to be annoyed to do smth (инфинитив посл. действия); it annoyed hell out of him; much to my annoyance; to express / show annoyance; to feel annoyance; how annoying!; highly annoying; it is annoying to…; annoyingly; annoyware; to heap reproaches on smb; beyond reproach; in a reproachful voice; reproachfully

Practicum 10.4

Translate from Russian into English

1. Меня ужасно раздражает привычка мужа сидеть на диване и смотреть телевизор.

2. Когда мой коллега узнал, что его заслугу присвоил себе его начальник (to steal credit), он был сильно раздражен.

3. Как же мне это надоело! Почему мне всегда приходится решать чужие проблемы?!

4. Вы выполнили свои служебные обязанности безукоризненно.

5. К моей большой досаде, мы не справились с заданием вовремя.

6. Терпеть не могу, когда эта программа начинает напоминать мне, что у меня нет лицензионного ключа – окно-напоминание всплывает поверх моих рабочих окон и не дает мне работать.

7. Его засыпали упреками из-за того, что проект не был принят. Но он-то не виноват!

8. Всех раздражает твое неумение самостоятельно принимать решения.

9. Она сказала ему с укоризной, что ему не стоило вступать в конфронтацию.

10. Ее раздражала необходимость работать с ним в одной команде. Она знала наверняка, что они не поладят.

Practicum 10.5

Explain the difference between

annoyance / irritation / offense / intimidation / humiliation

to annoy / to bother / to disturb / to distract / to get on one’s nerves

to intimidate / to humiliate / to abuse / to offend

to be annoyed / to be irritated / to take offense / to feel humiliated

to reproach / to criticize / to tell off / to reprimand / to slash against

Practicum 10.6

Translate from Russian into English

демонстрировать раздражение; оскорбить коллегу; раздражительно, вспыльчиво; отчитать за мелкое воровство; отчитать за невыполнение отчета; раздражать; раскритиковать мнение; открытое запугивание; отвлечь от дел; надоедать, мешать; жестокое обращение с детьми; превышать властные полномочия; чувствовать досаду; обижаться на кого-либо; терпеть унижение; запугивание свидетеля; унижать; отвлекать внимание; смотреть с упреком

Practicum 10.7

Classify the vocabulary relating to Expressing Slight Annoyance / Mild Reproach strategy into 3 groups relating to 3 steps of the communication strategy (some stock phrases can refer to more than one step), e.g.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Oh dear! He missed his plane!

Oh no! I don’t believe I’ve just done that!

Oh, I can’t believe it!

I’ve lost my keys. Why does this always happen to me!

I mean, for goodness sake, he’d said he’d do it and now he hasn’t done it, so… that’s just typical!

Oh! For heaven’s sake! Why is she so unreliable?

I should've known better with smb like you.

You might have told me you weren't coming.

Visitors ought to have booked their tickets in advance.

He could really have helped you!

You can be really annoying, you know!

You shouldn't be sitting here just doing nothing!

You might be more polite!

George could really help you!

She is always getting on my nerves!

II. Expressing Slight Annoyance / Mild Reproach Practice

Practicum 10.8

Decide what can trigger annoyance in the situations to follow

- shopping for trendy clothes;

- paying your utility bill;

- applying to a bank for a loan;

- having a regular yearly checkup at a local medical centre through your insurance;

- going through the Customs when traveling abroad;

- planning your family budget;

- reporting to your superior about a recent drop in share price;

- working full-time.

Practicum 10.9

Rely on Expressing Annoyance / Mild Reproach strategy in the situations to follow

- your superior passed the blame to you when he failed to deal with some urgent matters promptly and his negligence cost the company a loss of reputation;

- your subordinate is regularly late to work and you feel that it is beginning to tell on the office morale;

- your real estate agent keeps taking you to see houses on sale that are nowhere near your expectations. Still you need to find excuses to take time off work every time you have a meeting with him.

Text 10a

The text to follow deals in talking politics. Study the text and use it as a starting point for communication in semi-formal setting

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