Workbook pages 44-47 (in written form)


Страница 44:


a) family b) mother in law c) grandfather d) mother


1. A)4 b)1 c)5 d)3 e)1 f)2 g)4

2. a) She said that It was too late to cancel the wedding

b) She said that Carmen was still going out with John

c) She told her mum that there was something she should know

d) She said that the speech had gone really badly

e) She said that they had been holding hands

f) She said that they had a terrible day

g) She said that she will never speak to him again

h) She told him that she had got a problem that she wanted to discuss

3. Asked, told, asked, admitted, said, thought, explained, asked, insisted, asked, was wondering, suggested, pointed out.

Страница 45

4. a) Daniel asked her if something happened

b) Katy explained that she had just realised that she didn’t love him

c) Daniel suggested that she might change her mind again

d) Katy insisted that it was over for ever

e) Daniel asked her what Johns reaction had been

f) Katy admitted that she hadn’t told him yet and said that she was going to tell him later

g) Daniel pointed out that she couldn’t really say that it was over if she hadn’t told him

5. a) Rose said that there was something going on between Charlie and Clare

b) Ella pointed out that Clare was married to Dave

c) Rose said that lots of married people have affairs

d) Ella asked her how she knew

e) She replied that she had heard them talking on the phone

f) Charlie asked Clare if he could come and see her

g) Rose said that she had got an idea

h) Ella asked her what it was

6. a) Will have found b) will be living c) will have d) will have discovered e) wont have f) will be living g) will have h) will not be eating

7. a) I'll probably stay at home before the end of this week

b) This time next week, I'll doing a homework.

c) By the end of next year, I'll have an exams.

d) In ten years time, I hope I'll doing a job.

e) In the year 2035, I'll have an own family.

Страница 46

Listening and reading

1. a) F

b) F

c) F

d) t

e) F

f) T

g) F

h) T

i) T

2. a) It was only later that I got to be a walk- on actor.

b) They tend to cast me as a businessman.

c) If only! I am a party guest in the new James Bond film.

d) It all depends. It starts at about £ 80 a day, but you can make three or four times more if you get through a difficult casting.

e) you can make three or four times more if you get through a difficult casting.

f) I must admit I've never watched it myself, but I suspect it’s a load of rubbish!

g) I've had enough of sitting around all day waiting to be called for my walk-on.

h) Its not the most exciting work in the world.

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1. a) told

b) tell

c) say

d) said

e) told

f) say

g) say

h) tell

i) tell, told

2. a) To run into b) to call off c) to run into out of d) to make up e) to be kicked out of f) to count on g) to go to with

3. 1 niece

2 single

3 cosmetics

4 twins

5 widow

6 predict

7 son-in-law

8 cousin

9 retire

4. a) run b) negotiate c) signed d) go e) suffering f) affect g) have h) take i) leave j) mind.



5. Please find 10 quotations from today’s news. Your task is to write down a quotation in direct and indirect speech. For example, 1. Direct: The Central Bank of Russian Federation “We have decided to keep the key rate at 6.00% per annum”. Indirect: The Central Bank of Russian Federation said, that it had decided to keep the key rate at 6.00% per annum.

1)"Do you think it will be possible to reduce the number of days when many enterprises in the country do not work," Putin said.

Putin asked whether it is possible to reduce the number of days when many businesses in the country do not work.

2) Roshal explained: "Russia may not be afraid of the coronavirus."

 Roshal said that Russia might to be afraid of the coronavirus.

3) Italian president was considered a useless that Russian assistance to fight COVID-19 is useless.

President: Russian help to fight COVID -19 is useless.

4) "Next month, the price of food will double," the Prime Minister said.

 The Prime Minister said that the price of food will double next month.

5) "The series Premiere of "zulaikha open eyes", will be held on April 13," the writer said Guzel Yakhina.

  Writer Guzel Yakhina said that the premiere of the series "Zuleikha opens eyes"   will be held on April 13.

6) "In the near future, there may be a mass extinction on Earth " scientists said.

Scientists said that in the near future on Earth may occur a massive.

7) "Fedor Smolova shouldn't have to go back to Russia," said Dmitry Selyuk.

 Dmitry Selyuk said that Fedor Smolov should not have returned to Russia.

8) "I have not found a coronavirus" said Nadezhda Babkina.

 Nadezhda Babkina said that she does not have coronovirus.

9) "We can't say whether it is possible to reduce non-working days in Russia", said virologist Vladimir Kutyrev.

Virologist Vladimir Kutyrev said that doctors can not say whether it is possible to reduce non-working days in Russia.

10)  "I'm cured of the coronavirus " said Tom Hanks.

Tom Hanks declared that he was cured of the coronavirus.

Симпатичный 51-летний актер Уилл Смит считается, лучшим актером негроидной расы. У него чёрные волосы и глаза, тёмная жа. С первой женой Уиллард Кэррол Смит прожил три года. У них родился общий ребенок Уиллард Кристофер Смит третий (родители называли его Трей). Через два года после развода, он женился на Джаде Пинкетт, от которой у него родились дети: сын – Джейден (1998) и дочь Уиллоу (2000). Его дети неоднократно снимались в фильмах вместе со своим отцом.

Дети актера, его сын и дочь, уже сами считаются звездами и уже имеют значительный список фильмов, в который они снимались либо с отцом, либо сами. Старший сын, Трей, поддерживает хорошие отношения с семьей своего отца и часто снимается на фото вместе с ними.

Фото детей со своими звездными родителями можно видеть в большом количестве а Интернете. Актёр с детьми с удовольствием позируют на камеру и помещают свои снимки в Инстаграмм, где имеют большое количество подписчиков.

Среднему ребенку 21-летнему, Джейдену, повезло сняться в фильмах со знаменитыми актерами Джеки Чан и Киану Ривз. Джейден – просто копия отца и так же талантлив. Он – актер, танцор, рэпер. У него чёрные волосы и глаза, тёмная кожа.

19-летняя дочь актера, самая младшая из его детей, также снималась в кино. У неё чёрные глаза и волосы, тёмная кожа. В семь лет она снялась со своим знаменитым отцом в фильме «Я легенда». Начинающая актриса получила премию как «лучший молодой актер» в 2008 году.

Когда дочка вышла на эстраду, то ее песни сразу же стали популярны. Юная Уиллоу также получила признание, как дизайнер. Прически, одежда девушки становятся новым трендом в моде.

Жена актёра, 48-летняя Джада – талантливая актриса, которая известна еще и как певица, режиссер, продюсер и музыкант. Кроме всего прочего, она еще и писательница и предприниматель, мать двоих детей актера. Креольская, индейская, португальская и еврейская кровь создали женщину необычайной красоты и одаренную яркими талантами.

Джада проходила пробу на участие в фильме «Принц из Беверли-Хиллз», где она должна была сниматься вместе с мужем. Ее маленький рост (151 см) не позволил девушке пройти кастинг, но изящная девушка произвела впечатление на актера своей самобытностью.

Актёр и его жена, после уходз дома детей, почувствовали, что устали друг от друга и решили немного пожить отдельно. Кажется, такое положение вещей им нравится обоим. До развода не доходит, супруги поддерживают отношения и друг с другом и со своими взрослыми детьми.


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