Итоги конкурса «Мульт-Горой»

По итогам конкурса победители награждаются дипломами и призами, лауреаты – грамотами. Оргкомитет и жюри имеют право учреждать специальные призы.

Организаторы высылают дипломы, грамоты и призы по почтовым адресам, указанным в заявке.

По итогам конкурса все работы, вошедшие в конкурсную программу, будут размещены в виде виртуального диска на сайте конкурса.



Адрес ТО «Твори-Гора»: 660049 г. Красноярск, пр. Мира 46а.

Тел./факс (319) 227-17-28,

Юлиана Позолотина, директор,  253-83-03

E-mail ТО: radiotehnik@mail.ru

Сайт ТО «Твори-Гора»: www.tvorigora.ru

E-mail конкурса: mult-goroi@mail.ru

Сайт конкурса «Мульт-Горой»: www.mult.tvorigora.ru

Кураторы фестиваля:

Координатор конкурса «Мульт-Горой»:

Ольга Захарова, 8-923-272-91-28

Ответственный за сбор конкурсных работ:

Ольга Бедерева, 8-923-303-44-94



Уважаемые друзья! Просим вас рассказать или переслать положение о конкурсе тем детям, организациям и семьям, которые разделяют наш подход к занятиям по мультипликации и которые с удовольствием приняли бы участие в конкурсе.


Open contest of children’s subject animation “Mult-Goroy”

Terms of contest:

The founders and organizers: Creative organization “Tvori-Gora” provides overall direction, coordination, organization and preparation of the festival.

Supported by: Krasnoyarsk Regional Children's and youth public organization "Association of amateur video".


Nowadays animation, as well as other TV and video production, is an integral part of child’s upbringing that determinates basic directions of his social and cultural development. Currently teaching animation is mainly seen as educational, training and diagnosing element: it provides the development of fantasy, artistic taste, fine motor skills, upbringing of industry, and so on. However the potential of these studies is much more. As it’s noted by Anatoly Petrov, animator and director of studio "The Happy Merry-Go-Round", the animation is a reflection of reality in documentary as well as in hyperbolic form. In other words cartoon is a reflection of the inner world, a dialogue with himself, with others and the world in general for a kid.

Thus cartoon characters created by children, allow them to move their experiences, hopes and dreams into the space of animations. On the one hand, it helps the audience (parents, teachers) to see that the child is not ready to tell verbally sometimes. On the other hand it helps him to visualize the inner world through the finished animated film. Thus, it’s possible speak on the formation of the author's position in relation to the created their animated film, as well as to himself and to the world. So animation is a tool of child’s personal development and not an end in itself. Animation classes can be viewed as an opportunity for development imagination, creativity, creativity in children, and most important it gives opportunities to understand others and be understood.

The role of the adult (teacher or parent) is an assistant in the process of creating an animated film. It does not dominate the role of a child-creator and it’s lost with the increase of children's skills.

Personal child’s animated film is the first steps to mastery and communication with the world; this is the way of self-expression and finding himself through the art!

Creative organization "Tvori-Gora" announces contest of children's subject animation "Mult-Goroy", which take place from 13 March to 6 May 2013 in absentia.


Purpose: to create a community of young animators, and educators considering the animation as a pedagogical tool of children’s development.


- to organize an Internet space to enable young animators in children’s animation community, showing various trends and technologies of cartoon art;

- to promote creativity, and the author's position of participants (children and teachers).

Form of participation: part-time (online placement of animated films).


Participants of the contest "Mult - Goroy":

- young animators created their own animated movie (the application of an author-child - an individual application);

- group of authors, children and creative groups of children, created animated film in a studio (applications of studio);

- Children Family Studio (application of family).


Animated films can be presented in one of the age groups:

- to 6 inclusive;

- from 7 to 10 years inclusive;

- from 11 to 13 years inclusive.

If the children of the authors group have different ages, age group of contest is determined by the head of the studio. The organizing committee reserves the right to change the age group of contest.


Stages of the competition (animated films and pedagogical findings):

1. Registration (completing the application and placement of competitive materials) - from March 12 to April 22, 2013 (inclusive).

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