Reflection (Рефлексия)

Writing & Speaking

15. Individual work. Create a quote about constructed garden elements, reflect on it, interpret and ground it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions. (See appendix 5.)

16. Write a reflection on the text “Constructed garden elements”. (See appendix 4.)


Grammar Focus

Participle I, II

17. Read the following sentences paying attention to Participle I, II in the function of attribute (определение). Translate the sentences:

1. Constructed garden elements are also called artificial elements.

2. These are the ornamental or decorative garden elements built in the garden.

3. Garden Buildings are the structures constructed in your garden or in your front yard.

4. The Gazebo’s sides are open providing shelter, shade, rest and act as an ornamental element in a landscape gardening.

5. Gazebos are sometimes attached to the walls or generally free standing with a roof. 

6. Gazebos can be built in the tent style supported by poles which are covered with tensioned fabric.

7. A garden office is a small building standing alone which is used by the professional workers of the garden as an office.

8. The cabana is mostly built near any water bodies and in tropical climatic conditions.

9. River rocks are also used around the ponds and swimming pools retaining the natural view of stream in a fountain.


18. Pair work. Discuss the following statements with your partner. Express your own opinion:

1. Landscape architects change the world doing their professional activity.

2. Prettifying the places they create favorable conditions for people’s rest.

3. Analysing the nature around the site landscape architects prepare it for landscaping.

4. Creating a garden a practitioner considers various factors.

5. Creating a garden path it is necessary to consider the garden design.

6. A landscape architect involved in the planning and design of different sites plays a creative role in the society.

7. Places created for people by landscape architects adorn the outworld.

8. Regenerated towns and cities revive people’s feelings across the world.

9. The structures constructed in the garden perform a decorative function.

10. Used in different ways boulders help give attraction to the garden.


Module 3


Unit 6


I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

 1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about the flowers, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

“All the wars of the world, all the Caesars, have not the staying power of a lily in a cottage garden.” Flower quote by Reginald Farrer.

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the terms and phrases and mind their pronunciation:

conifers хвойные
ferns папоротникообразные
mosses мхи
green algae зелёные водоросли
seaweed морская водоросль
kelp бурая водоросль
fungus (fungi) гриб
to nurse plants ухаживать за растениями
annual однолетнее растение
to grow through seeds выращивать из семян
garden layout планировка сада
border and hedge бордюрное растение и живая изгородь
genus (genera) вид
perennial многолетнее растение
leafy stem облиственный cтебель
biennial двухлетнее растение
herbaceous perennial травянистое (злаковидное) многолетнее растение
rooting укоренение
tubular flower трубчатый цветок
humus гумус, перегной
established plant     акклиматизировавшееся растение
to reseed oneself размножаться самосевом

Vocabulary Focus

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


flowering plant гриб
conifers получать энергию
ferns способствовать глубокому укоренению
mosses бурая водоросль
green algae цветущее растение
seaweed хвойные
kelp мхи
fungus (fungi) сократить заболевания листьев
to obtain energy зелёные водоросли
to promote deep rooting морская водоросль
to reduce leaf diseases папоротникообразные


via photosynthesis при благоприятных условиях
to enhance the aesthetic beauty многочисленные виды растений
to contribute to the environment ухаживать за различными растениями
to produce normal amounts of chlorophyll посредством фотосинтеза
innumerable species of plants пышно расти, расцветать
to nurse different plants усиливать эстетическую красоту
under favorable conditions однолетние растения
to flourish благоприятствовать окружающей среде
annuals вырабатывать нормальное количество хлорофилла


short-lived варьироваться от 6 дюймов до 3 футов
to grow through seeds многолетнее растение
to make seeds двухлетнее растение
garden layout множество разновидностей
border and hedge облиственный cтебель
biennial выращивать из семян
a wide array of varieties живущий недолго
to range from 6 inches to 3 feet  давать семена
perennial бордюрное растение и живая изгородь
leafy stem планировка сада


growing conditions    пересаживать
herbaceous perennial продолжать цвести
tubular flower укоренение
rich in humus                 травянистое (злаковидное) многолетнее растение
established plant   многолетнее растение
to tolerate условия произрастания
perennial трубчатый цветок
to keep on flowering с высоким содержанием гумуса
to replant акклиматизировавшееся растение
rooting терпеть, выносить


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Speaking & Writing                                 

4. Group work. Read the questions and write down individually everything you know   about plants. Then, discuss ideas with your group.

1. What types of plants do you know?

2. How do they get their green color?

3. Can you classify types of garden plants?

4. What are their characteristic features?


5. Groupwork. Report your ideas to the class

6. Fill in the first column of the “logbook”:


  I know about garden plants  I have learnt about garden plants


III. Realization (Осмысление)


7. Read the terms and phrases and mind their pronunciation:

greenery растительность, зелень
growth habit форма роста, характер роста
soil and nutrient requirements потребности в почве и питательных веществах
characteristic shape and size характерная форма и размер
aster астра
bachelor button василёк
balsam бальзамин, недотрога
basil базилик
cosmos космея, космос
petunia петуния
marigold бархатцы, календула, ноготки
salvia шалфей
Asteraceae  астровые
china Aster астра садовая, китайская астра
daisy маргаритка
flower head цветочная головка, соцветие
longevity долговечность
foxglove наперстянка, бигнония укореняющаяся
rosette розетка
succeeded by a spike с последующим колосом
to seed идти в семена
bleeding Heart дицентра великолепная
water Lily кувшинка, белокрыльник болотный
geranium герань, пеларгония
acidic soils кислая почва
Compositae сложноцветные
African daisy гербера Джемсона
vibrant colour яркий цвет
to spread out развернуться, расширяться
in a circle по кругу
greenhouse теплица
abundance of flowers изобилие цветов


  Speaking & Listening

8. Pair work. Find answers to the following questions:

· What green plants can you name?

· How do they obtain energy?

· In what way does greenery affect the place?

· What types are garden plants classified into?


Plants are living organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae. Plants include such organisms as flowering plants, conifers, ferns, mosses, and green algae, but do not include seaweeds like kelp, nor fungi and bacteria. The group is also called green plants or Viridiplantae in Latin. They obtain most of their energy from sunlight via photosynthesis using chlorophyll contained in chloroplast, which gives them their green color. Some plants are parasitic and may not produce normal amounts of chlorophyll or photosynthesize.

At least one of every eight plant species in the world is under threat of extinction, according to the first comprehensive worldwide assessment of plant endangerment.

Apart from the much needed afforestation, there is an imperative need for growing as many plants as possible, in home gardens, in parks and other public gardens in waste lands, river banks and any other places.

A home or a neighborhood with well planned greenery not only enhances the aesthetic beauty of the place but also contributes to the environment. There are innumerable species of plants available for both home gardening and outdoor garden and each one’s requirement is different from others. So, to grow and nurse different plants in your garden, you must have some understanding of the nature and the characteristics of the plants, their growth habit and environment, soil & nutrient requirements. It is often observed that under favorable conditions, plants flourish into their characteristic shapes and sizes.

All the knowledge and experience are important as well as essential for growing plants either indoors or outdoors. It is also a fascinating study and a pleasant experience. Therefore, we tried to provide some information about different plants.

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