Writing a reflection on the professional text

Take into account the following questions:

1. Make an introduction to the text.

2. Reflect on information which has made you become interested in the text?

3. Do you find this information valuable for you? Can it broaden your professional outlook? Ground your thoughts.

4. Would you like to get any additional information concerning this text?

5. Express your opinion about the text from the professional point of view?

4.3. Reflection on the partner’s professional speech

Reflect on the partner’s professional speech answering the following questions:

1. Accuracy of speech (точность и правильность речи)

Has the speaker made any pronunciation and grammar mistakes?

2. Word fluency (беглость речи)

Did he/she speak fluently? (говорить свободно)

Was the speech easy to understand?

Did the speaker manage to be laconic?

Did he/she make a lot of pauses in the course of speech?

3. Discourse Management ( взаимодействие – способность вести беседу)

Was the speaker able to answer and ask questions and respond to simple utterances (реагировать на простые высказывания) after speech?

Was it easy for the speaker to understand the interlocutors (собеседник)? Was he able to keep up a conversation (поддерживать разговор)?

4. Range of speech: the active use of a range of grammatical forms and

vocabulary. (диапазон грамматических форм и языковых средств)

Did the speaker demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical forms usage?

5. Coherence and justification of the utterance (логическая стройность и обоснованность высказывания)

Was the speaker’s utterance (высказывание) logical and reasonable (обоснованный)?

Did the speaker arrange the utterance in a logical way? (строить высказывание логично) and develop arguments (излагать аргументы)

6. The clarity of presentation (ясность изложения)

Was the speaker’s utterance precise (ясный) and understandable?

7. Has the information interested you? Explain the reason.

8. The speech expressiveness (выразительность речи)

Was the speaker’s speech emotional? Did the way of presentation (способ изложения) get you interested and keep up your interest and attention? (поддерживать интерес и внимание)

9. Did the speaker have an eye contact with the audience? (аудитория)

10. What impression did the speech make on you?

4.4. Reflection on your own professional speech

Reflect on your own professional speech answering the following questions:

1. Have you achieved your aim?

2. Word fluency (беглость речи)

Did you speak fluently? (говорить свободно)

Was your speech easy to understand?

Did you manage to be laconic?

Did you make a lot of pauses in the course of speech?

3. Discourse Management (взаимодействие – способность вести беседу)

Were you able to answer and ask questions and respond to simple utterances (реагировать на простые высказывания) after speech?

Was it easy for you to understand the interlocutors (собеседник)? Were you able to keep up a conversation (поддерживать разговор)?

4. Was your speech understandable for the audience? Did it kindle the listeners’ interest?

5. Was your speech expressive from the intelligential (информационный) and emotional point of view?

6. Did you have an eye contact with the audience?

7. What difficulties arose in the course of speech? How could you avoid them?


Appendix 5

Students’ quotes about landscape architecture

1. “Landscape architecture is a feeling when you think that you can change the world and you do it”. Yana Komyak, group L10.


2. “Landscape architecture is not only science, but an art which makes the environment favourable.” Lillya Sadretdinova, group L11.


3. “Landscape architecture is an ability to express your own emotions through nature.” Julia Tarazanova Julia, group L11.


4. “Landscape architecture is an art which combines an architectural space and nature.” Ann Turuntjeva, group L11.


5. “Only landscape architecture can masterfully animate and arrange the environment which is managed by a landscape architect with his/her thoughts, ideas and skills.” Ann Turuntjeva, group L11.


6. “Landscape architecture is an art of creating harmony between man and nature.” Ksenija Nazarova, group L11.


7. “Landscape architecture is a creation of natural beauty and harmony in natural environment.” Svetlana Kudryashova, group L11.



Preparing presentations

I. Introducing yourself

1. Good morning everyone. On behalf of ourselves and “Green treasure”, we’d like to welcome you. Our names are Laura Larsen and … We are professionals in the sphere of landscape architecture.

II. Introducing the topic

Today we are going to tell you about.... (Сегодня мы собираемся рассказать вам…)

We’d like to outline (обрисовать в общих чертах) our company concept we’ve developed (разработали) for you.

We are going to give you an idea of … (дать некоторое представление о)

The subject of the presentation is the future garden design.

III. Giving background information (сведения общего характера)

 We have divided (разделил) our presentation into 4 parts: introduction, the garden style, the garden location, the stock of plants, small architectural forms and conclusion.  

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