Конспект урока. Формы: работа в парах, индивидуальная работа, фронтальная работа с классом, беседа

Урок обучение чтению с полным пониманием содержания прочитанного текста. Изучающее чтение. Учебник Starlight 6 (для учащихся с углубленным изучением английского языка)

Урок закрепления знаний по модулю 3.

Тема урока: Great people and legends of the world/Великие люди и легенды мира

Цель: - совершенствование навыков чтения

- расширение лексического запаса по теме

- отработка Present and Past Tenses (Simple, Continuous)

- развитие навыков монологической речи

Задачи: - расширение кругозора, социокультурной компетенции

- научить учащихся извлекать информацию из текста

- проконтролировать знания лексики, грамматики, письма, устной речи, умения читать.

Формы: работа в парах, индивидуальная работа, фронтальная работа с классом, беседа

Методы: наглядные, демонстрация, упражнения, поисковые, чтение про себя и вслух.

Оборудование:- индивидуальный раздаточный материал (текст про известных научных и творческих деятелей мира, карточки с заданиями и вопросами)

- фотографии ученых, список их разработок и достижений.

- словари


Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, my dear pupils!

I am glad to see you.

How is it going?

Today we are going to read and speak about famous artists and scientists.

2. Речевая разминка.

But first answer some questions, please.

Ребята просматривают фотографий выдающихся людей и определяют темы урока и цели.


Whom can you see in the picture?

Which of these people impresses you the most?

Who painted Mona Lisa?

Who dreamed of becoming a doctor and became an artist?

Who is a German-born physician?

Who made four voyages to «the New World» and believed he was in India?

Which of Russian navigators created maps and sketched drawings?

Who was expelled from the same art school twice and became an artist?

Who discovered two radioactive elements?

Who was well-known as «The Lady with the Lamp»?

Which of the American presidents created the Secret Service hours before his assassination?

Who wrote «The Mystery of Edwin Drood»?

Who performed his first song at the young age of five?

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, дополняют друг друга)

3. Предтекстовый этап.

Can you guess about what persons we are going to talk and read?

(scientists, architectors, artists, navigators)

Look at these pictures. / показываю фото известных личностей/ Do you know them?

(yes/no/Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Frida Kahlo, Christopher Columbus, Yuri Lisyanski, Ivan Kruzenshtern, Nikolai Rezanov, Salvador Dali, Marie Curie, Florence Nightingale, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Dickens, Michael Jackson)

Развитие навыков чтения и догадки.

So, we are going to read short articles about many different and do exercises related to them.

Look at the pictures again. What do they tell you about these persons?

(Appearance/Their Life/Inventions)

Read the titles, please. “Is this the most talented person, Frida, Columbus, Great Navigators” What do you expect to find out from the texts?

Before reading the text, look at the blackboard. Here are some words that help you to understand the articles:

- ahead of their time

- committed the crime

- served a sentence

- trade route

- explore

- sailor

- Imperial Navy

- report

- discard

- guard on duty

- precious artwork

- carried it off

- whole range

(читаем слова, переводим, записываем на доске перевод)

4. Текстовый этап.

(first reading)

Your task will be to read these texts and try to do some interesting tasks. First of all, here are summaries of the five paragraphs of the article.

a) ___ Who painted Mona Lisa? Why is the Mona Lisa so famous?

b) ___ Who discovered two radioactive elements?

c) ___ Who was well-known as «The Lady with the Lamp»?

d) ___ Who dreamed of becoming a doctor and became an artist?

e) ___ Who made four voyages to «the New World» and believed he was in India?

f_____Which of Russian navigators created maps and sketched drawings?

The aim- to match them to the correct paragraph.

(Учащиеся читают первый раз про себя, соединяют: a)3 b)4 c)2 d)1 e)5 f)6

OK. Let us check your answers.

What interested you most about these people?

Now look through the text again and try to do this task. (второе прочтение) Here are some answers to some questions from paragraphs. What are the questions?

1) Who painted Mona Lisa? Why is the Mona Lisa so famous? Leonardo da Vinci wrote it. The Mona Lisa's fame is the result of many chance circumstances combined with the painting's inherent appeal. There is no doubt that the Mona Lisa is a very good painting. It was highly regarded even as Leonardo worked on it, and his contemporaries copied the then novel three-quarter pose.

2) Who discovered two radioactive elements? Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist who became the first woman to win a Nobel prize. Along with her husband Pierre, she discovered two elements: polonium and radium.

3) Who was well-known as «The Lady with the Lamp»? Florence Nightingale. She was a legend in her own lifetime and one of the most famous women in British history. Her work in the Crimea set the standards for modern nursing.

4) Who dreamed of becoming a doctor and became an artist? Frida Kahlo. She was considered one of Mexico's greatest artists. She dreamed to become a doctor but after she was severely injured in a bus accident she began painting mostly self-portraits.

5) Which of Russian navigators created maps and sketched drawings? Yuri Lisyanski, Ivan Kruzenshtern, Nikolai Rezanov. They were famous imperial navigators. Their reports were very essential and were translated into several languages.

6) Who made four voyages to «the New World» and believed he was in India?Christopher Columbus. The explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he stumbled upon the Americas.

Find the sentences in which you can see this information. Read it and translate.

(разбираем каждый ответ, дети находят предложение, читают вслух и переводят. Затем составляем вопросы, предварительно определив грамматическое время).

Получившиеся вопросы:

1) When they were born and when did they die?

2) What is their significance in the history?

3) What did they invent?

4) Who was born in the Republic of Genoa?

4) Who was considered as an Italian genius?

5) Could you name some scientists from the texts?

Well done!

5.Послетекстовый этап.

What can you say about these famous people?

Do you want to learn more?

What did you learn that you did not know before?

Let’s summaries the information about these outstanding persons. Sentence by sentence.

(учащиеся по цепочке говорят предложения с опорой на текст)

Can you offer the plan that helps to speak or write about famous person and his art?

Possible answers: (1. Personal information: name, date and place of birth, appearance 2. Personal achievements)

6. Итог. Домашнее задание.

So, today we knew a lot about famous persons. But there are a lot of wonderful inventors and scientists, politicians and artists all over the world. And it would be very interesting for all of us if you write about these persons. Write about his or her background, success, and why you like him or her. Use your notes and plan. Find a photo if you want.

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye. See you next week.

Описание работ для учащихся по теме урока.

1. Ответы на вопросы:

Who painted Mona Lisa?

Who dreamed of becoming a doctor and became an artist?

Who made four voyages to «the New World» and believed he was in India?

Which of Russian navigators created maps and sketched drawings?

Who was expelled from the same art school twice and became an artist?

Who discovered two radioactive elements?

Who was well-known as «The Lady with the Lamp»?

2. Проверка понимания текста после первого прочтения - сопоставление параграфов с названием.

a) ___ Who painted Mona Lisa? Why is the Mona Lisa so famous?

b) ___ Who discovered two radioactive elements?

c) ___ Who was well-known as «The Lady with the Lamp»?

d) ___ Who dreamed of becoming a doctor and became an artist?

e) ___ Who made four voyages to «the New World» and believed he was in India?

f)_____Which of Russian navigators created maps and sketched drawings?

3. Составление вопросов к имеющимся ответам.

4. Составление опорного плана для домашнего сочинения.

1. Personal information: name, date and place of birth and death, appearance.

2. Personal achievements.

“Your reaction to the text”. Демонстрируются карточки на доске/экране. Ученики дополняют следующие незаконченные предложения:

What I found most interesting about this text was…..
What I found most boring about this text was…..
What I found most shocking about this text was…..
What I found most amusing about this text was…..
What I found most irritating about this text was…..
What I found most incredible about this text was…..
What I found most distressing about this text was…..



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