В сфере некоммерческой деятельности. 1 „Services Grow While the Quality Shrinks”

1 „Services Grow While the Quality Shrinks”. — Business Week, October 15, 1971, p. 50.

2 Хороший подробный рассказ о системе контроля качества, практикуемой сетью отелей «Мариотт», содержится в статье: G. M. Hostage. „Quality Control in a Service Business”. — Harvard Business Review, July-August 1975, p. 98—106.

3 См.: W. Earl Sasser „Match Supply and Demand in Service Industries”. — Harvard Business Review, November-December 1976, p. 133—140.

4 См.: Dan R. E. Thomas. „Strategy is Different in Service Businesses”. — Harvard Business Review, July-August 1978, p. 161.

5 См.: Daniel T. Carroll. „Ten Commandments for Bank Marketing”. — Bankers Magazine, Autumn 1970, p. 74—80; а также G. Lynn Shostack. „Banks Sell Services — Not Things”. — Bankers Magazine, Winter 1977, p. 40—45.

6 Public Relations News, October 27, 1947.

7 Обоснование этого довода см. в статье: Philip Kotler and William Mindak. „Marketing and Public Relations”. — Journal of Marketing, October 1978, p. 13—20.

8 О других способах маркетинга услуг специализированной организации обслу­живания см.: Philip Kotler and Richard A. Connor, Jr. „Marketing Professional Services”. — Journal of Marketing, January 1977, p. 71—76.

9 Carol Oppenheim. „Bucky Dent: the Selling of a Sudden Superstar”. — Chicago Tribune, December 16, 1978, sec. 2, p. 1.

10 „In the Groove at Mercury Records”. — Chicago Daily News, October 16, 1976.

11 John E. Cooney. „Eddie Fisher Discovers That Regaining Fame Is a Daunting Goal?” — Wall Street Journal, February 20, 1978, p. 1.

12 Theodore White. „The Making of the President 1960”, N.Y., „Atheneum”, 1961, а также Joe McGinness. „The Selling of the President 1968”. N.Y., „Trident Press”, 1969.

13 См.: E. Glick. „The New Methodology”. Washington D.C., American Institute for Political Communication, 1967, p. 1; Philip Kotler and Neil Коtler. „Business Marketing for Political Candidates”. — Campaigns and Elections, Summer 1981, p. 24—33.

14 Рассказ о маркетинге «города-новостройки» Вудлендса в штате Техас приво­дится в работе: Betsy D. Gelb and Ben M. Enis. „Marketing a City of the Future”. — „Marketing is Everybody's Business”. Santa Monica Calif., „Goodyear”, 1977.

15 См.: Scott Cutlip and Allen H. Center. „Effective Public Relations”. 3d ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., „Prentice-Hall”, 1964, p. 10.

16 См.: Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman. „Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change”. — Journal of Marketing, July 1971, p. 3—12.

17 См.: Eduardo Roberto. „Strategic Decision — Marking in a Social Program: The Case of Family — Planning Diffusion”. Lexington, Mass., „Lexington Books”, 1975.

18 См.: Karl E. Henion II. „Ecological Marketing”. Columbus, Ohio, „Grid”, 1976.

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