Answer the questions. 1. When did you graduate from the school?

1. When did you graduate from the school?

2. Did you like your school? Why? Why not?

3. What subjects did you like? Why?

4. Do you know when your school was founded?

5. Do you know anything about the Academy? What do you know about it?

3. Look at the Vocabulary:

to turn out – выпускать

a science – наука

a Reader – доцент

a Higher Educational Institution - ВУЗ

Soviet of People’s Commissars – Совет народных комиссаров

at present – в настоящее время

a contingent – численность

a graduate – выпускник

to transfer – переводить

an economic dislocation – экономический кризис

means – средства

to reorganize – реорганизовывать

the Committee on Higher School – Комитет Высших Школ

the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization – факультет механизации

Ecological and Land-Improvement faculty – Эколого – мелиоративный факультет

the faculty of Technology of Production and Processing Agricultural Products –факультет технологии производства с\х продукции

full-time student – студент очного отделения

correspondence- course student – студент заочного отделения

specialized secondary educational institution – средне-специальное учебное заведение

to train – обучаться

an education - methodological centre – учебно – методический центр

an accelerated training program – ускоренная программа обучения

to carry out – обеспечивать

a department – кафедра

deserved – заслуженный

a post-graduate – аспирант

a competitor – соискатель

a post graduate course – аспирантура

a hostel – общежитие

a residential house – жилой дом

a canteen – столовая

a fleet of motor vehicles – автопарк

a center of amateur art activities – центр художественной самодеятельности

a centre of pedagogical skills – центр педагогического мастерства

a printing-work – типография

people’s economy – народное хозяйство

a capability – возможность, способность

mental outlooks – умственные способности

to expand – расширять

Fill in the missing words:

Conditions, deserved, hostel, Higher Educational Institutions, science, Readers, accelerated training program, postgraduate courses.

a. There are a lot of Professors, Candidates and Doctors of … and ….

b. They are trained according to the ….

c. Many postgraduates are studying at the ….

d. He is a … worker.

e. I live in a students’ ….

f. There are a lot of … in Volgograd.

g. They live in very good ….

4. Read the text: “My Academy” and put the sentences in the correct order to make the plan of the text:

1. The faculties at the Academy.

2. The traditions of the Academy.

3. The opening of the Academy.

4. The Pedagogical Staff.

5. The students at the Academy.

6. The History of the Academy.

7. VSAA nowadays.

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