Nouns in set expressions used without an article

1. out of doors — на дворе, на улице, вне дома The children spent most of the time out of doors.
2. to take to heart — принимать близко к сердцу Don’t take things too much to heart.
3. to take offence — обижаться If he had heard your remark, he would have taken offence.
4. to give (to get, to ask) permission — дать (получить, просить) разрешение I asked permission to keep the book a little longer.
5. to lose heart — терять мужество, приходить в уныние He found the subject very difficult at first, but he did not lose heart. He went on working hard and finally mastered it.
6. at present — в настоящее время You may go home, we don’t want you at present.
7. from morning till night — с утра до вечера He worked in his little garden from morning till night.
8. from head to foot — с головы до ног She was dressed in furs from head to foot.
9. from beginning to end — с начала до конца The whole story is a lie from beginning to end.
10. at first sight — с первого взгляда He fell in love with her at first sight.
11. by chance — случайно They met quite by chance.
12. by mistake — по ошибке I have brought the wrong book by mistake.
13. for hours — часами He could read for hours.
14. for ages — целую вечность I have not seen you for ages.
15. by land, by air, by sea — сушей, по воздуху, морем I like travelling by sea.
16. to go to sea — стать моряком My sister wants to be a doctor, and my brother wants to go to sea.
17. on deck — на палубе We spent hours on deck.
18. to keep house — вести хозяйство Her sister keeps house for her.
19. at sunrise — на рассвете We left the town at sunrise.
20. at sunset — на закате We arrived at the village at sunset.
21. at work — за работой Whenever I come, he is always at work.
22. at peace — в мире We want to be at peace with all countries.
23. by name — по имени His cat, Snowball by name, was playing on the carpet.
24. in debt — в долгу Mr. Micawber was always in debt.


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