Vocabulary. inflation rate – темп инфляции

inflation rate – темп инфляции

stable – стабильный

stagflation – стагфляция

to devalue – девальвировать

demand-pull inflation – инфляция, вызванная избыточным спросом на товары и услуги

cost-push inflation – инфляция, вызванная ростом издержек производства

anticipated inflation – ожидаемая инфляция

to negotiate contracts – заключать контракты

wage hikes – увеличение зарплаты

purchasing power – покупательная способность

to reprice – пересматривать цены

5. Give Russian equivalents:


to affect to absorb updated retiree decline interest-free

6. Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps, then use them to make sentences:

wage, purchasing, stable, economic, monetary

1. output

2. hikes

3. deflation

4. prices

5. power

7. Correct the statements:

1. Deflation is less problematic than inflation.

2. When the money supply decreases too rapidly, inflation is created.

3. The demand-pull inflation happens in slow growing economies.

4. Inflation does not affect pensioners.

8. Answer the questions:

1. What does inflation mean?

2. What is more problematic: inflation or deflation?

3. What are the kinds of inflation?

4. What is the demand-pull inflation?

5. What does the cost-push inflation mean?

6. What problems arise in the case of unanticipated inflation?

9. Use words/phrases from the list to help you retell the text: general level of prices, to increase the money supply, to devalue the currency, general price inflation, the demand-pull inflation, the cost- push inflation, anticipated inflation, interest rates, to negotiate contracts, unanticipated inflation.

Unit 5

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