The Skeleton

  1. bony framework – костная основа
  2. spine – позвоночник
  3. thorax – грудная клетка
  4. joints – суставы
  5. ligaments – связки
  6. cartilages – хрящи
  7. sacral vertebrae – крестцовый позвонок
  8. coccyx – копчик

The skeleton is the bony framework of the body. It consists of 208 bones of various size and shapes. The skeleton gives support to soft tissues. It protects delicate structures such as the brain, the heart and the lungs. The joints, cartilages and ligaments between the bones determine the degree and the quality of the motion. The bones forming the skeleton are divided into the bones of the head, the bones of the trunk, and the bones of the upper and lower extremities.

26 bones of the head form the skull which protects the brain. The bones of the trunk are the spinal column (spine) and the thorax. The thorax includes 12 pairs of ribs and the breastbone. In the spine there are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumber, 5 sacral vertebrae and the coccyx.

The arms join the body at the shoulder. The shoulder is formed of two bones – the collar-bone (clavicle) in front and the shoulder-blade (scapula) behind. The bones of the upper extremity are humerus, ulna and radius. The bones of the lower extremity are femur, tibia and fibula.

The skeleton gives the upright strength to the body. The bones serve as a storehouse for calcium and phosphorus.

Match the bones of the skeleton and its functions

1.skull 2.bones 3.skeleton 4.thorax 5.joints, ligaments, cartilages gives support to soft tissues. protects the brain. protects the heart and lungs. serve as a storehouse for calcium and phosphorus. determine the degree and the quality of the motion. gives upright strength to the body.

Fill in the gaps using the text

1. The skeleton is ….

2. The skeleton protects …

3. 26 bones of the head …

4. The bones of the trunk are …

5. The thorax includes …

6. In the spine there are …

7. The shoulder is formed …

8. The bones of the upper extremity are …

9. The bones of the lower extremity are …

Answer the questions

1.What do the joints, cartilages and ligaments determine?

2.What groups of the bones form the human skeleton?

3.What do the bones serve as?

Make up the sentences

  1. is, the skeleton, framework, bony, the.
  2. consists of, 223, the skeleton, bones.
  3. the skull, the bones of, form, the head.
  4. the thorax, the bones of, the spinal column, the trunk, are.
  5. includes, the breastbone, the thorax, and, the ribs.
  6. the shoulder, are, the bones of, and, the clavicle, the scapula.

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