At a Chemist’s

When you become ill, you go to the doctor who examines you and writes out a prescription. It is in the chemist’s where you can buy all sorts of medicines.

There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s. At the chemist’s department one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs one can order at the prescription department.

At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle, a tube or a box of medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs used for injections. The dose to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. Indication of the dose and the name of any medicine is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing (to confuse – путать) different remedies, some of which are poisonous.

At a chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, for oral administration and for external use.

Before using the medicine the patient must know well that he is taking the proper drug and in the necessary dosage.

Find the English equivalents of the given words

  1. заболеть
  2. осматривать пациента
  3. выписывать рецепт
  4. отдел ручной продажи
  5. рецептурный отдел
  6. иметь этикетку
  7. указывать дозу и название лекарства
  8. лекарства для внутреннего применения
  9. лекарства для наружного применения
  10. внутримышечные инъекции
  11. внутривенные инъекции

Answer the questions

1. Where can you buy all sorts of medicines?

2. What departments are there in the chemist’s? What can one buy there?

3. What does every medicine have?

4. What do the labels indicate?

5. What kinds of drugs can you buy at the chemist’s?

6. What must you know well before taking the medicine?

Speak English

  1. Когда вы болеете, вы идёте к врачу.
  2. Врач осматривает вас и выписывает рецепт.
  3. В аптеке вы можем купить различные лекарства.
  4. В аптеке существуют два отдела: отдел ручной продажи и рецептурный отдел.
  5. У каждого лекарства есть этикетка с названием лекарства и дозой на ней.
  6. В аптеке вы можете купить лекарства для внутривенных и внутримышечных инъекций, для внутреннего и наружного применения.

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