Прочитайте диалоги 1 и разыграйте их в парах

- Hello Irene. Why, are you a student at the Academy?

- Well, because the problems of biology are very important now, and I like biology. And what about you?

- You see, my mother is a agronomist and my father is a forester. We live on a farm. When I was a child they often took me to the fields and to the forest. I’d like to work on a farm too.

- What was your mother’s Institute?

- Ours.

- When was it?

- Twenty years ago.

- Does she like her work?

- Certainly. She is a good agronomist.

- And what about your father?

- Oh, his work is interesting too. In our forests there are many tree species, many animal species, and he knows all of them very well.

- Is your daughter a student?

- Not yet.

- Does she know what she wants to major in?

- She hasn’t made her mind yet, But I believe she’ll be a student of economics.

- Economics is very broad concept.

- She’s keen on marketing.

- Oh, that’s a good career. Can the students go to the university free of charge?

- No, everyone must pay a tuition fee.

- Is high education is expensive in USA?

- Rather expensive. The tuition fee ranges from $ 3,000 to 22,000 a year.

- Is it the same for all students?

- No, it isn’t. Out-of-state student pay about twice more than the local one.

- Why, Paul! What a pleasant surprise!

- Hello, Mike. This is a small world! Now I am a first – year student of

- Let me guess. Are you a student of the faculty of engineering?

- No, I’m not.

- Technological faculty?

- You’re mistaken again.

- Oh, yes. You study at the faculty of economics.

- Right you are.

- My best congratulations!


- How many lessons do you have a day?

- Let me see … On Monday and Friday we have three lessons, on Wednesday – five, the rest of the week – four ones.

- Do you study on Saturday?

- No.

- Hi, Nick! I haven’t seen you at the University for a while. What’s the matter?

- You see, Mike, now I am an extramural student (студент – заочник).

- Really?

- I work and study. I’ve got married.

- Glad to hear it. Is your wife a student?

- Yes, she is.

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· Что такое плагиат?

· Как преподаватели могут распознать плагиат в работах своих учеников?

· В связи с чем автор статьи упоминает своего сына?

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