Exercises. Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary

Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary.

1. Heinrich Pestalozzi was born... Zurich and educated... the University... Zurich.

2. He was influenced... the works... Rousseau.

3. Rousseau laid emphasis... the role... the tutor.

4. He established a school... orphans.

5. He expressed his theory... social reform... education.

6. Learning was based... immediate observation... children.

7. Instead... dealing... words children should learn... activity.

8. The methods were based... research.

9. His principle was... the known... the unknown,... the simple... the complex,... the concrete... the abstract.

Read the sentences translating the words in brackets into English.

1. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was brought up by his mother (поскольку его

отец умер, когда мальчику было только пять лет).

2. At his farm near Zurich (он организовал школу для бедных детей).

3. He considered school (центральной обучающей силой).

4. The school was to be a production unit, (чтобы дети могли финансировать свое обучение).

5. (По Песталоцци) сhildren should learn (через деятельность).

6. He wanted to establish (психологический метод обучения).

7. (Основная цель образования – обучать ребенка как единое целое), intellectual education is only a part of a wider plan.

8. Teachers are to be taught (как развивать индивидуальные способности ребенка).

9. The teacher should (создавать благоприятные условия для получения знаний).

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