Living in a Big City

1.1. Прочитайте и изучите слова и словосочетания.

accommodation (n) [əkכmə´deı∫n] – помещение, жилье, квартира
advantage (n) [əd´va:ntıd3 ] – преимущество
advantage of (over) – преимущество над …
air (n) [εə] – воздух
fresh air – свежий воздух
be able to do smth – уметь, мочь, быть в состоянии делать что-либо
cheap (adj) [t∫ı:p] – дешевый
choice (n) [t∫כıs] – выбор
wide choice – широкий выбор
city (n) [´sıtı] – большой город
city centre [sıtı ´sentə] – центр города
city-dweller (n) [sıtı ´dwelə] – горожанин, обитатель
country (n) [´kLntrı] – страна, деревня
countryside (n) [´kLntrısaıd] – сельская местность
in the countryin the countryside } – за городом, в сельской местности, в деревне
crowd (n) [kraud] – толпа
be crowded – быть переполненным
expensive (adj) [ık´spensıv] – дорогой, дорогостоящий
feed (v) (fed, fed) [fı:d] – кормить
feel (v) (felt, felt) [fı:l] – чувствовать
feel bored [´fı:l ´bכ:d] – наскучить
feel lonely [´fı:l ´lounlı] – чувствовать себя одиноким
find (v) (found, found) [faınd] – находить
find accommodation – найти жилье
job (n) [d3כb] – работа
have a job – иметь работу
well-paid job – хорошо оплачиваемая работа
look for (v) [´luk ´fכ] – искать
noise (n) [nכız] – шум
noisy (adj) [´nכızı] – шумный
particularly (adv) [pə´tıkju:ləlı] – особенно, в особенности
pollute (v) [pə´lu:t] – загрязнять
polluted (p.II) [pə´lu:tıd] – загрязненный
pollution (n) [pə´lu:∫n] – загрязнение
prefer (v) [prə´fə:] – предпочитать
prefer peace – предпочитать спокойствие
relax (v) [rı´læks] – расслабляться
rush hour [´rL∫ auə] – час пик
space (n) [speıs] – пространство
open space – свободное пространство
town (n) [taun] – небольшой город
home town – родной город

1.2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Do you live in a city, town or in the country?

2. Do you like your home city (town)? Why and why not?

3. Now you study and live in Novosibirsk. Is it a town or a city? Why do you think so?

4. What city (town) do you like better? Why?

1.3. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на форму прилагательных.

a) Novosibirsk is big.

Moscow is bigger.

Mexico is the biggest of the three cities.

b) The life in Novosibirsk is expensive.

The life in St. Petersburg is more expensive than in Novosibirsk.

The life is Moscow is the most expensive.

c) The accommodation in cities is expensive.

The accommodation in towns is less expensive.

The accommodation in the countryside is the least expensive. It is cheap.

1.4. Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных.

a) Is Moscow bigger than Novosibirsk?

Which city is the biggest? (Novosibirsk, Moscow, Mexico)

Is your home city (or town) bigger or smaller than Novosibirsk?

b) Is the life in St. Petersburg more expensive than in Novosibirsk?

Which is the most expensive city of the three? (Novosibirsk,

St. Petersburg, Moscow)

Is the life in your city (town) more expensive or cheaper than in


1.5. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особые случаи образования степеней сравнения.

a) There are a lot of good places to relax in Novosibirsk.

Countryside is a better place to relax when it is hot.

I think the Black Sea coast is the best place to spend holiday on.

b) The weather is bad today.

Yesterday it was worse.

Last week it was the worst.

c) Novosibirsk is far from Moscow.

Krasnoyarsk is farther from Moscow than Novosibirsk.

Khabarovsk is the farthest of the three cities.

1.6. Прочитайте предложения, обращая внимание на использование сравнительных конструкций:

as…as, not so…as, not as… as.

a) The life in Novosibirsk is noisy.

The life in Ekaterinburg is as noisy as in Novosibirsk.

The life in Berdsk is not so noisy as in Novosibirsk.

b) The air in some cities is polluted.

The air in some industrial towns is as polluted as in some cities.

The air in the countryside is not as polluted as in cities.

1.7. Прочитайте прилагательные. Устно образуйте степени сравнения. Сгруппируйте их в три колонки в соответствии со способом образования степеней сравнения.


-er more особые

-est the most случаи

easy, good, many, expensive, difficult, cheap, dirty, young, old, little, bad, far

1.8. Прочитайте слова, относящиеся к интернациональной лексике, обращая внимание на ударения. Догадайтесь о значении этих слов.

public [´pLblık], transport [´trænspכ:t], restaurant [´rest(ə)rכnt], theatre [´θıətə], concert [´kכnsət], museum [mju:´zıəm], park [pα:k], plus [plLs], minus [´maınəs]

1.9. Прочитайте следующие пары предложений. Выберите то, которое вы считаете правильным. Приведите свои доводы, используя вводные фразы:

I think   – я думаю
as I know as far as I know } – насколько мне известно
in my opinion   – по моему мнению

1. a) It is easier to find a well-paid job in a city than in a town.

b) It’s easier to find a well-paid job in the country than in a town.

2. a) There are few interesting things to do and places to see in a city.

b) It is particularly difficult to find good cheap accommodation in a city.

3. a) You can enjoy fresh air of the countryside.

b) If you want to relax it’s difficult to find a park in a city.

4. a) Public transport is never crowded in a city.

b) In the rush hour public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty.

1.10. Прочитайте вводные слова и фразы в колонке А и догадайтесь об их значении по синонимам в колонке В.


on the plus side – on the positive side

for example – something used as a model

what is more – also, besides

for one thing – on the one hand

last of all – at last

in conclusion – in the end

all in all – on the whole

1.11. Прочитайте текст, выберите подходящее заглавие для каждого абзаца (один заголовок лишний).

1) Disadvantages of living in the city

2) Young people prefer to live in cities

3) Advantages of living in the city

4) Advantages of getting higher education

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