IV. Сложносочиненные предложения

Сложносочиненным предложением называется сложное предложение, состоящее из двух или более предложений, соединенных посредством сочинительных союзов. Наиболее употребительным соединительным союзом является and, а противительным — but.

The performance was very good and Спектакль был очень хороший, и
we all liked it very much. нам всем он очень понравился.

The air was frosty, but it was not very Воздух был морозный, но было не
cold. очень холодно.


It was Sunday yesterday. It was our day off. We got up at half past eight but it was still dark. In winter it gets light very late. At 10 o'clock we had breakfast. We had some coffee, ham, cheese and eggs for breakfast.

Then we went for a walk. It was so wonderful outside. There was a lot of snow in the streets. The air was frosty but it was not very cold. We had a good walk that morning.

On our way back my wife went to buy some bread and sugar. I went to the theatre box-office and bought two tickets for "The Three Sisters". It was on at the Art Theatre that night.

We came back just in time for dinner2. After dinner my wife and children watched T.V. and I went through some magazines and newspapers.

At half past five my wife and I went to the theatre. The performance was wonderful and we liked it very much. It was over at a quarter past ten. We took ataxi, and in half an hour we were at home. It was already late. We had supper, listened to the news on the radio and went to bed.

Unit 5

I. Придаточные предложения времени

Придаточные предложения времени отвечают на вопрос когда! и вводятся союзами when "когда", while "в то время как".

I was 5 years old when my sister Мне было 5 лет, когда родилась
was born. моя сестра.

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