Exercises. the library, reading-rooms, the ground floor, timetable, so exciting, the first thing I did, in the list of students

1. Read and translate:

the library, reading-rooms, the ground floor, timetable, so exciting, the first thing I did, in the list of students, the Assembly Hall, Doctor of Mathematics, the academic year, a representative, Economics Department (Faculty), in my first year, took written and oral examinations, passed them, was admitted to the University, those applicants, fail the examinations, the extra-mural department, gave a speech, congratulated us on the beginning, wished us success, the dean of the Economics Department, a lecturer in, the curriculum and the subjects, practical work, classes in different subjects, the monitors of the groups, check the attendance at the lectures, to have a look at, the well-equipped laboratories, seminars will be conducted, enjoy studying, student halls, the greater part, is devoted to, oral speech, a lot of questions, our fellow students, it seems to some of our students, more difficult than to answer one, especially for those, work hard at the language, to speak professional English, it takes me, to read scientific articles.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What year are you in? 2. What Department are you in? 3. When did you take your examinations? 4. How many examinations did you take? 5. How did you pass your exams? 6. Who was not admitted to the University? 7. When did you finish school? 8. What mark did you get for English at school? 9. What did the University look like on the first of September? 10. Who gave a speech? 11. What did the dean of the Economics Department speak about? 12. Who will check the attendance at your lec­tures? 13. How long does it take you to get to the University? 14. Do you live in student halls? 15. Do you find English difficult? 16. Does it seem to you that to ask a question in English is more difficult than to answer it?

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Его друзья учатся на втором курсе экономического факуль­тета. 2. Два мальчика из нашей школы поступили в Иркутский государственный университет. 3. Она не сдала экзамена по математике. 4. Декан нашего фа­культета поздравил нас с началом учебного года и пожелал нам успехов.

4. Мake the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. I am a student of the University of Railways. 2. Two months ago he took his examinations. 3. His friend entered the Technical University. 6. He is always late. 4. She passed all her exams. 4. They were admitted to the University. 5. There are some interesting facts in this article. 6. There are some unknown words in this text. 7. There is a new student in our group.

5. Fill in prepositions wherever necessary:

1. Do you enjoy... answering your fellow students' ques­tions? 2. What kind of work is the greater part of your English les­sons devoted...? 3. He failed... mathematics and did not get... the University. 4. Do you ever learn anything... heart? 5. Before I went … the Assembly Hall I had gone downstairs to have a look … the timetable. 6. Where does one usually look... unknown words? 7. Why were you absent... the lecture yesterday?

6. Write the following sentences in the Present and Future Simple Tense (Add verbal modifiers of time: every year, every day, usually, generally, as arule, in future, next year and make all the necessary changes):

1. In summer a lot of school leavers apply to the University. 2. Not every applicant passed the interview. 3. The Rector of the University congratulated the stu­dents on the beginning of the academic year and wished them suc­cess. 4. Last year he didn't miss a single English lesson. 5. It took me twenty minutes to get to the University yesterday. 6. Our graduates can not only read and translate scientific articles, but also speak professional English. 7. At their first lesson the students were given a special list of books to borrow from the library.

7. Add the auxiliary verb do (does, did) wherever necessary:

1. How... he do in the examinations? 2. When... the academic year begin? 3.... you going to join the students' club? 4. How many appli­cants... try to enter to the University every year? 5. How many exams... they take? 6. What... the Rector say in his speech? 7. What students... failed the examinations? 8. How long... it take you to get to the University? 9. Where … you study English? 10. Why... it seem to some students that to ask a question is more difficult than to answer one? II. Who... the Rec­tor wish success?

8. Ask questions for the following answers:

1. Yes, he did (He passed his exam). 2. No, he can't (He can't speak French). 3. Yes, it does (It takes me half an hour to get home). 4. Yes, I am (I am in my first year). 5. No, he didn't (He got into the University). 6. Yes, she does (She lives in student halls). 7. No, he didn’t (He translated the text).

9. Put questions to the following sentences:

1. On September I the Rector of the University congratulated the students on the beginning of the academic year. (Five ques­tions). 2. He is in the Electro-Mechanical Department in his second year. (Three questions.) 3. They can read and translate scienti­fic articles. (Three questions).

10. Complete the following alternative questions:

1. Did the Rector or … give a speech in the Assembly Hall of the University on September 1? 2. Does it take you twenty or … minutes to get to the University? 3. Is it difficult or … to ask a question in English? 4. Did he fail his exam or …? 5. Are you in the Railway Operation Department or …?

11. Put disjunctive questions to the following statements:

1. We shall be given a special list of books to borrow from the library. 2. Extra reading is very effective. 3. I got into the University. 4. Everybody is present today. 5. He passed all his exams. 6. She isn’t going to enter the University.

12. Change the predicates of the sentences from Active into Passive:

1. The teacher corrected the student’s mistake. 2. The teachers give the students a special list of books to borrow from the library. 3. The students will read and trans­late many articles. 4. The University admitted many applicants.

13. Open the brackets:

1. Last year many applicants (to get into) our Univer­sity. 2. Two months ago I (to pass) my exams and now I (to be) a student. 3. It usually (not to take) me long to get to the University. 4. When I (to graduate) from the University I hope I (to be able) not only (to read and translate) scientific articles, but also (to speak) professional English. 5. In five years I (to be) an economist. 6. It (to be) very difficult to catch up with the group, if you (miss) some lessons. 7. We (have) compulsory and optional cour­ses.

14. Translate the following sentences:

a) from English into Russian:

1. One should keep one's promises. 2. One always works successfully in a good team. 3. These students work harder than those ones. 4. One must always keep in mind the proverb: Actions speak louder than words. 5. One thing is clear to everybody: one must study hard if one wants to pass one’s exams. 6. It is very useful for one who studies a foreign language to try to speak it as often as possible. 7. One never knows what may happen. 8. He asked me for a newspaper, but I said I hadn't got one. 9. Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world. 10. This apparatus is more powerful than the one installed in our laboratory.

b) from Russian into English using ‘one’:

1. Надо стараться (try) быть всегда вежливым (polite). 2. По-английски легче ответить на вопрос, чем задать вопрос. 3. Часто думают, что изучать иностранный язык очень трудно. Это не совсем (quite) так (so). 4. Я купил новый словарь, потому что потерял свой старый. 5. Этот студент говорит по-английски более бегло, чем тот. 6. Чем больше (the more) учишься, тем больше знаешь. 7. Эта статья более трудная, чем та, которую мы переводили вчера. 8. Какие ещё (What other) методы они будут использовать? Тот, что они используют сейчас, не очень эффективный.

Unit 2

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