Word combinations. Think sth over обдумывать что-н

think sth over обдумывать что-н

look over sth оглядеть (осмотреть) что-н

at least по крайней мере

stand on one's rights настаивать на своих правах

at last наконец

talk sth over обговорить что-н

Look here! Послушай!

that is why поэтому

as it is как есть



Ex 1 Answer the following questions.

1. Where did the incident happen? 2. How often did the two young men get the mail? 3. Which of them used to get a lot of letters by every mail? 4. Why was Brown so eager to get a letter? 5. What idea did Brown have one day when they were expecting the mail? 6. How did Adams like Brown's idea? 7. What agreement did they come to? 8. Why was Adams rather surprised when Brown refused to tell him a single word about the letter that he had bought? 9. Why did the refusal upset Adams? 10. How long did it take Adams to make up his mind that he needed the letter more than the money? 11. Why did Brown refuse to return the letter to Adams? 12. What did Maugham mean when he said that he was not a story writer of the modern school? 13. Why was Maugham unable to write a story on the incident?

Ex 2 Look through the text once again, and:

1. See if you can tell in what part of the world the incident took place. 2. Say how old were Adams and Brown, and what sort of work they did. 3. Explain why Maugham did not give the real names of the two men. 4. Say what conclusions can be made about (a) Adams's character, (b) Brown's character. 5. See if you can explain why Adams used to get a lot of letters, while Brown never got one. 6. Say which episode, in your opinion, may serve as an illustration to the proverb "Actions speak louder than words". 7. Say what, in Maugham's opinion, is the most essential characteristic of a story.

Ex 3 Find in the text the English for the following phrases, and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

двое молодых парней; работать на чайной плантации; в горах; привозить почту издалека; получать почту; через довольно длительные промежутки времени; получать много писем с каждой почтой; с завистью наблюдать; перебрать письма и выбрать одно из них; расстроиться; это мое дело; немного поспорить; не отступать от своих прав; рассердиться; приложить все усилия; еще раз поговорить по этому вопросу; намереваться оставить письмо у себя; противоречить принципам.

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