Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations

charged with ensuring ['ʧɑːʤd][wɪð] [ɪn'ʃuərɪŋ] ответственный за обеспечение
side-effects of medications [saɪd] [ɪ'fekts] [əv] [ֽmedɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] побочные эффекты лекарственных препаратов
compositions of drugs [ֽkɔmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n] [əv] [drʌgz] состав лекарств
properties ['prɔpətɪz] свойства
new drugs launch [nju:] [drʌgz] [lɔːnʧ] выпуск новых лекарств
drug delivery form [drʌg] [dɪ'lɪv(ə)rɪ] [fɔːm] форма доставки лекарственного вещества
pharmacy technicians ['fɑːməsɪ] [tek'nɪʃ(ə)nz] сотрудник аптеки
accurate fulfillment of every prescription ['ækjərət] [ful'fɪlmənt] [əv] ['evrɪ] [prɪs'krɪpʃ(ə)n] точное исполнение рецепта
to be involved in research [bi:] [ɪn'vɔlvd] [ɪn] [rɪ'sɜːʧ] быть вовлеченным в научные исследования
health insurance companies [helθ] [ɪn'ʃuər(ə)n(t)s] ['kʌmpənɪz] медицинские страховые компании
nursing homes ['nɜːsɪŋ] [həum] дома престарелых
compatibility of the ingredients [kəmֽpætə'bɪlətɪ] [əv] [ɪn'gri:dɪənts] сочетаемость компонентов
sprains and bruises [spreɪnz] [ænd] [bru:zəz] растяжения и синяки
over-the-counter medications [ֽəuvəðə'kauntə] [ֽmedɪ'keɪʃ(ə)nz] лекарства, которые продаются без рецепта

Task 2.Find the following words and words combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

1. the safe use of medication,

2. compounded and dispensed medications

3. clinical effects

4. providing expertise

5. dangerous pharmaceutical products

6. to monitor drug therapy

7. a dispensing chemist

8. professional code

9. the best way of treating

10. another medicine you are taking

Task 3.Answer the questions.

1. What is the origin of the word “pharmacy”?

2. What are the main duties of a pharmacist?

3. What information has a pharmacist to provide customers and health practitioners with?

4. What specific characteristics of every drug must pharmacists know?

5. What does the notion “compounding” mean?

6. Where can pharmacists work besides the pharmacy?

7. What conditions do pharmacists have to work in?

8. What specialists does the personnel of an average pharmacy consist of?

9. Must any information the customer share remain confidential?

10. Can pharmacists advise the buyers about the best way of treating any minor problems?

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